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TPAD Calendar of Activities Free Form Download PDF

TPAD Calendar of Activities Free Form Download PDF

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TPAD Calendar of Activities at the Institutional Level
  TPAD Activity Action By Time frame
1. Planning meetings before school opening involving all staff to set school TPAD

Activity calendar

Heads of Institutions , Senior Management Team, Teachers, By the last week of the school holiday.
2. Submission of professional documents Heads of institution All Teachers By the end of the

first week of the term

3. Undertaking Lesson observations and identifying and documenting teacher’s

professional gaps

Appraisees and appraisers. Between 2nd week and 10th week of the term
4. Undertaking teacher professional development to address professional gaps. Appraisees, appraisers, institutional administrators. Throughout the term; from 1st

week to the last week of the term

5. Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the implementation of TPAD


Heads of institution, Deputy Head of Institution, Heads of Department Continuous throughout the term
6. Monitoring the implementation of TPAD process at county level; zonal, sub county &


Curriculum Support Officers, Sub County Directors and County Directors Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last

week of the term

7. TPAD rating meetings Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD) By the closing date of the term
8. Uploading of TPAD data and evidence. Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser

(HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)

Throughout the term


NB: The Revised TPAD Online System provide a module where all TPAD activities will be uploaded throughout the appraisal period by appraisee, appraiser and countersigning officer. Appraisal is now fully online.

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