TPAD 2 account login and dashboard
Once you log into your TSC TPAD 2 account, the first page is your dashboard. It is good for you to have adequate information on how to navigate through the system. Therefore, understanding the TSC TPAD 2 dashboard will enable you file your appraisals with a lot of ease.
The TPAD online system has different dashboard appearance for different users i.e. teachers, deputy heads of institutions, head of institutions, curriculum support officers, Sub County Directors and County Directors.
1. Teachers’ TPAD 2 Account Dashboard
The teacher’s dashboard shows the teacher’s name, TSC number, institution’s level and name, IPPD code of the school and designation of the teacher.
From the dashboard, the teacher can also see his/her Incomplete Appraisals, Complete Appraisals and Notifications. This is accessed by clicking on the respective tabs.
Progress Graphs
The dashboard also displays appraisal progress graphs both termly and annually.
This enables the teacher to monitor his/her termly and annual performance at a glance.
My Appraisals
At the bottom of all dashboards, a teacher is able to start self- assessment by clicking on the Start Appraisal tab.
All appraisals filled by all teachers regardless of designation are reflected at the bottom of the dashboard. It shows the year, term, status, completion level, marks earned and date created. It also allows the teacher to view the appraisal.
See also;
- TSC TPAD 2 portal; http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/
- How to Create a TPAD 2 Account and Log in to http://tpad2.tsc.go.ke https://educationnewshub.co.ke/how-to-create-a-tpad-2-account-and-log-in-to-http-tpad2-tsc-go-ke/
2. Deputy Head Of Institution TPAD 2 Account Dashboard
The Deputy Head of Institution, DHOI’s, dashboard shows the deputy’s TSC number and designation, Institution name, level and IPPD code.
The DHOI is able to see his/her Incomplete Appraisals, Complete Appraisals and Notifications on the dashboard.
The DHOI is also to see his/her termly and annual appraisal progress through a graphical
3. Head Of Institution Dashboard
The Head of Institution, HOI, dashboard reflects the HOI’s name, TSC number, designation, Institution’s name, level and IPPD code.
On the dashboard, HOI is able to see his/her Pending Appraisals, Completed Appraisals and Notifications by clicking on the respective tabs.
The HOI is able to view his/her appraisal progress on a termly and annual basis through graphical presentation on the dash board.