2021 KCPE Best Overall Candidate Magata Bruce Makenzi, Gilgil Hills Academy (428)

Top Schools in KCPE 2021

List of most improved schools in 2021 KCPE Results Per Region

Nairobi Region.

  1. Cheleta School garnered 263 up from 213 mean mark in 2020 KCPE Exams.

Coast region

  1. Kambi ya Waya Primary school was the most improved school with 266 marks means score, up from last year’s 203 marks.

Central region

  1. Jenga Karume Primary School with a 248 mean score up from 207 in the 2020 exam.

Nyanza region

  1. Nyangiti school emerged the most improved school with a mean score of 232 from 170 marks in 2020 exams.

Eastern region

  1. Ngukuini Primary school with a 250 mean score from 165 in 2020 Exams.

Western region

  1. Kewa DEB posted an improvement after scoring a mean grade of 284 from 216 marks in 2020.

Rift Valley region

  1. Lenkishon Primary School managed 272 marks from 198 marks in 2020 to emerge the most improved school in the Rift Valley Region.

North Eastern Region

  1. Mandera DEB managed a mean mark of 270 from 180 marks to become the most improved primary school in the North Eastern Region.

Get all the KCPE Results Analysis here; KNEC Results Analysis Portal.

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