The Knec examiners portal https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal |
| Click here to download the User Manual. Login. Returning user? Please login below. Log in. reset password.
The Knec examiners portal (https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke) is used by examiners contracted by the Council to mark the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.
The following services are available at the Knec examiners portal;
S/N | Knec Examiners Portal Service | Access Link |
1 | Knec Examiners Portal Login | Click here to get service |
2 | Updating your Profile | Click here to get service |
3 | Applying for Knec Examiners Training | Click here to get service |
4 | Downloading your Knec marking invitation letter | Click here to get service |
5 | Downloading Knec Marking Instructions | Click here to get service |
Returning user? Please login below. Enter your User Name (Phone Number in the format 2547…) and your password. In case you have forgotten your password, click on ‘reset password’ to receive a new password.
How to Login and download your marking invitation letter
Have you trained as a Knec Examiner? Then, you should follow the following steps to download your marking invitation letter and instructions:
- First, Log onto the portal by clicking on this link; https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2f
- Then, enter your User Name and Password and click on ‘Login’. In case you have forgotten your password, click on ‘Rest Password’ and it will be sent via sms.
- Once logged in, Select either ‘Accept contract’ or ‘Reject’.
- If interested, click on ‘Accept Contract’ followed by ‘Download (Year i.e 2021) Marking Invitation Letter’.
- In case you wish to update your details, then select update profile and edit your data and finally click on Save.
- In the table below, click on ‘View’ to access your marking invitation letter.
YEAR EXAM PAPER CODE DESIGNATION ACTION i.e 2021 Kcse i.e 233/1 Examiner View
Alternative Way on How to download your Knec marking invitation letter
There is an alternative procedure for downloading your KNEC marking invitation letters. Just follow the prompts below:
- Go to your browser (Google, Chrome, Opera) and type in this address: https://cp.knec.ac.ke or just click on the link.
- In the new window, press on ‘CLICK HERE TO PROCEED.”
- Enter your User Name (ID NO.) and Pass Word (TSC NO.) and select, ‘Log in’.
- Once logged in, now select: ‘ACCEPT OFFER’. A prompt will be displayed on your screen/ window to show that the offer has bee recorded, thus: ‘Your offer acceptance has been saved’.
- To download your marking invitation letter, click on: ‘DOWNLOAD YOUR LETTER’.
- You can then print your letter or save it on your local device.