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Teachers to smile all the way to the bank as TSC confirms salary increments

Dr Nancy Macharia who is the TSC CEO. Will intern teachers be employed on permanent and pensionable terms, this year? That is is the big question in the minds of the teachers.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has reaffirmed that teachers will receive their final salary increments at the end of this month under the 2012017-2021 CBA. According to TSC the money has been budgeted for and will be paid in full; irrespective the current status caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The commission’s Head of Corporate Affairs Beatrice Wababu has underscored the key role performed by teachers.

“The fourth phase of CBA implementation comes (will be implemented) at the end of this month (July, 2020.” She confirms.

The current CBA that was signed in 2017 between TSC and teachers’ unions saw tutors receive salary increments that were spread for a period of four years. Teachers in lower cadres, though, received their pay in two phases.

There were fears that the government may consider suspending the salary increments since the economy is struggling as a result of the Covid-19 sutdown.

In the neighbouring Country, Uganda, the Covid-19 pandemic, floods and landslides have forced government to push the planned pay rise for civil servants to 2023.

“Government is ready to increase the pay for its servants but this will be in phased manner. It is going to release only Shs50b in the 2020/2021 Budget for pay rise and all this will go to staff in public universities. Other public servants will get theirs in 2022 and 2023, so they should be patient,” Ms Catherine Bitarakwate, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service, told local journalists last week.


Close to 100,000 primary school teachers will be be awarded a pay rise, effective July, 2020. The teachers, who are all in Grade B5, previously called P1, will automatically be upgraded to the higher Grade C1. But for one to qualify for the promotions, they must have been in the TSC payroll before July, 2017.

About 5,000 Diploma teachers in secondary schools in grade C1 (Formerly J) will also receive a pay hike.

Teachers in these lower grades received their pay hike in two phases.

The highest paid teachers are Chief principals at T-Scale 15 who will now earn between Sh131,380- Sh157,656 per month. Senior principals on their part are set to pocket between Sh118,242 and 121,890 after implementation of the salary reviews.

Click here to read full details on the new salary scales for teachers effective July 1, 2020.

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