Bridge International Academies. This is one of the privately owned schools in Kenya.

Teachers’ Latest News: Uncertainty as private schools’ teachers are sent on unpaid leave

The future is gloom for thousands of teachers working in private schools. This is after most of the private schools moved to terminate payments to these tutors siting challenges caused by the current Corona virus pandemic. With all learning institutions closed, owners of private schools say it has become impossible for them to continue paying the teachers.

Private schools depend on fees paid by parents to run. And since fees can not be collected during the current closure period, most of these schools have opted to send their teachers on unpaid leaves until the current turbulent times are over.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances caused by Covid-19 worldwide, the board of management of Carol Academy has decided to allow you to proceed on unpaid leave effective April 1, 2020 until further notice as directed by the national government,” reads a letter by Carol Academy dated March 31, 2020.

“We regret this action but have no alternative as the school is no longer operational. We pray and hope that the situation will improve in the coming days when we shall inform you to resume work,” the school’s board adds.

Uncertainty for teachers on BOM terms

This group of teachers will find it rough in coming days as family needs stare at them. And with most home owners refusing to offer rent free houses, for the time being, it is going to be very difficult for these crop of teachers.

Elsewhere, teachers employed by Boards of Management (BOMs) will be hoping that the school heads continue releasing their pay. Some school heads have started sending signs of hard times ahead with others advising the BOM teachers to spend whatever little they may be having cautiously. “The future is uncertain. Please spend your March pay prudently as we may face difficulties in months to come if the government does not release more fund,” advised one Principal.

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BOM teachers receive their pay from monies sent to schools by the Government through the Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) programme.

The first Covid19 case was reported in Kenya on March 13. This forced the President to order for closure of all learning institutions to curb further spread of the deadly virus.

The Ministry of Education has indicated that this year’s national examinations (KCSE and KCPE) will no be postponed saying they have back up options. Schools are currently on official holiday.


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