Teachers’ calendar watch 2021

Teachers are required to carry out a number of tasks throughout the term. To keep track of all the termly activities, it is important that you keep a good record of the activities. Some of the activities include: Uploading TPAD data, Filing KRA returns and updating TSC and Knec data.

Since teachers process large volumes of data, it is necessary that you have a checklist of the activities. One of the surest way of ensuring that you meet the strict deadlines is by having a calendar.

See also;




DEADLINE (Date format; Month/Day/Year)

1 2021 Universal Postal Corporation Union Letter Writing Competition. 10.01.2021
2 Teacher Training Colleges term dates (03.05.2021-06.08.2021) Educationnewshub.co.ke 08.06.2021
3 2020 Term 3 dates (10.05.2021-16.07.2021) 07.16.2021
4 Filing of 2020 KRA returns 06.30.2021
5 KCSE 2020 exam marking dates (19.04.2021-07.05.2021). Educationnewshub.co.ke 05.07.2021
6 TSC Email activation deadline 04.30.2021
7 KCSE 2020 exam dates (26.03.2021-21.04.2021) 04.21.2021
8 Kuccps 2021/2022 application for placement 03.31.2021
9 TPAD data uploading dates (11.01.2021-26.03.2021) Educationnewshub.co.ke 03.26.2021
10 2020 KCPE exam dates (22.03.2021-24.03.2021) 03.24.2021
11 Application for SNE diploma Course 03.23.2021
12 2020 Term 2 closing date 03.19.2021
13 Administration, marking and uploading 2020 grade 4 assessment scores (08.03.2021-19.03.2021) 03.19.2021
14 Submission of Literature texts for setbook consideration by KICD 03.18.2021
15 Application dates for DPTE course (23.02.2021-07.03.2021) 03.07.2021
16 Uploading of 2020 grade 4 assessment tools by Knec. Educationnewshub.co.ke 03.07.2021
17 Submission of data for teachers due for delocalization 03.04.2021
18 Revision of 2020 KCPE candidates’ school choices (15.02.2021-26.02.2021) 02.26.2021
19 Appointment of KCPE and KCSE Centre Managers, Invigilators and Supervisors 02.26.2021
20 KDF Recruitment (08.02.2021-19.02.2021) 02.19.2021
21 Registration of 2020 Grade 3 Leaners for assessment (04.01.2021-01.02.2021) 02.01.2021
22 Uploading scores for 2020 KCSE projects 01.31.2021
23 Administration of assessments for grades 1-3 and classes 5-7 (18.01.2021-22.01.2021) 01.22.2021
24 Deadline for submission of applications for advertised TSC vacancies. Educationnewshub.co.ke 01.13.2021

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