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Teacher Training Colleges, TTCs, 2020/ 2021 applications and admissions

2020/2021 Diploma teachers' training colleges admissions.

2020/2021 Diploma teachers' training colleges admissions.

Diploma Teachers Training Colleges, TTCs, train professional teachers for secondary education. Their intakes occur yearly and placements of KCSE students is done by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS).

Not all students are, though, placed by KUCCPS. If you did not apply via KUCCPS, you should not be worried as there is a second chance.


If you were not placed by KUCCPS, you can still secure a chance at any of the TTCs. Just, scan and send your KCSE Results Slip or Certificate to the preferred TTC. Your results slip will be verified before you are instructed on how to get your admission letter. Applications for the September, 2020, intakes are ongoing.


This is the main procedure through which you can file your application.

  • Applications are made online at the Kenya Universities & Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS)’s website: – on specified dates when the site is announced open for applications. However, students who miss this dates may apply directly to the College.

  • Applicants who sat for KCSE in 2011 and previous years and have not benefitted from any Government Sponsorship are also eligible to apply.


TTCs offer training for both Science (Diploma in Education Science) and Arts (Diploma in Education Arts) teachers. The diploma course lasts for 3 academic years. It is a pre-requisite from the Ministry of Education that aspiring secondary school teachers should have the below minimum KCSE qualifications for entry into DTE (Diploma in Teacher Education) course. Here are the latest general minimum requirements for students seeking to pursue teaching:

  • Mean grade: C+ (plus)
  • English: C (plain)
  • Mathematics: D+ (plus) for those taking education arts and C (plain) for those hoping to undertake training in education science.
  • Two specialization subjects (subjects you intend to teach at high school): C+
Courses offered at Lugari Diploma Teachers' Training College. Apply now for the 2020/ 2021 intake.
Courses offered at Lugari Diploma Teachers’ Training College. Apply now for the 2020/ 2021 intake.

A number of subject combinations are available for prospective students to choose. You can take any two subjects that match your preferrence and qualifications. (Remember that you must have scored a minimum of a C+ in each of the 2 subjects at KCSE).

  1. Mathematics/Geography
  2. Mathematics/Business Studies
  3. Geography/Business Studies
  4. Geography/History
  5. Kiswahili/CRE
  6. Kiswahili/History
  7. Kiswahili/Geography
  8. English/CRE
  9. English/History
  10. English/Geography
  11. CRE/History
  12. CRE/Geography
  13. Biology/Agriculture
  14. Biology/Mathematics
  15. Computer Studies/Mathematics
  16. Home Science/English
  17. Home science/Geography

Fees at a TTC is manageable and keeps on decreasing from the first to the third and final years. You can also secure funding from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

Lugari TTC 2020/2021 fees for students.

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