Tag: mathematics syllabus for secondary school
Teachers' Resources
Download the latest Syllabus for all secondary school subjects. The updated syllabuses are arranged per subject and are available at no cost. The syllabuses are both by KNEC and …
Teachers' Resources
121 Knec Mathematics Syllabus FORM 1 1. NATURAL NUMBERS 1. Place values of numbers 2. Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions 3. Odd …
Teachers' Resources
121 Knec Mathematics Syllabus FORM 1 NATURAL NUMBERS Place values of numbers 2. Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions 3. Odd numbers 4. …
Teachers' Resources
121 Knec Mathematics Syllabus FORM 1 NATURAL NUMBERS Place values of numbers 2. Round off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions 3. Odd numbers 4. …