KNEC News Portal
Students who sat for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) can now log into their Kuccps portals. This will enable them to apply for placement, change course choices, …
KNEC News Portal
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the lists of shortlisted candidates for the advertized 10,300 teacher internship posts for Primary and Secondary Schools. According to the Commission, the …
KUCCPS News Portal
The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Prof. George Magoha, on February 2, 2021 appointed Mrs. Agnes Mercy Wahome as the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central …
KUCCPS News Portal
KUCCPS INTER-INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFER APPLICATION The Kenya Universities and College Placement Service (KUCCPS), is tasked with placing KCSE candidates into courses of their choice. Those who miss their choices can …
KUCCPS News Portal
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service, KUCCPS, has released new cutoff points to be used in admitting KCSE students to universities and Colleges during the 2021/2022 selections …