Starehe Girls’ Centre School; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Portal Login, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Photos and Admissions

Starehe Girls’ Centre School; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Portal Login, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Photos and Admissions

Starehe Girls’ Centre is a National Public Secondary School, located near Nairobi Town, Roysambu Constituency in Nairobi County. Starehe Girls Centre is a National boarding school that offers secondary education to financially disadvantaged girls from all Counties of Kenya. The school was founded in January 2005 as a charitable institution. It emulates the spirit of the much renowned Starehe Boys Centre. It caters for all the girls academic and social needs.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Brief History

Starehe Girls Centre stands originally belonged to Mr. Duncan Gray and Mrs. Jane Auld Gray. They sold the land to Limuru Girls Centre which was opened in May 1982 under the Trusteeship of Dr. M. P. Chandaria (Chairman), Mr. Eliud N. Njoroge, Mr. Jeffrey Robin Mein, Dr. Eddah Gachukia and Mrs. Lucy Gitonga. The Limuru Girls Centre closed in the year 2002, after 20 years of successful training of young women in agricultural extension services. After the Centre closure, Eddah Gachukia approached the chairman Dr. Manu Chandaria and the other Trustees, wondering if there was any possibility of using the assets of Limuru Girls Centre to create the Starehe Girls Centre. The Trustees warmly welcomed the idea. The Idea of a Starehe Girls Centre had been explored for a long time without success.

In the Year 2003 the Trustees of Limuru Girls Centre agreed to have the land leased to the Trustees of the then proposed Starehe Girls Centre at a peppercorn rent. This was a very generous gesture because the search for land on which to create the Starehe Girls Centre undertaken by Eddah Gachukia and Mrs. Eunice Mathu had reached a dead end. The Trustees founding the proposed Starehe Girls Centre included Dr. M. P. Chandaria (Chairman), Dr. Geoffrey Griffin (Director, Starehe Boys Centre), Dr. Eddah Gachukia, Mrs. Lucy Gitonga, Mrs. Eunice Mathu, Mrs. Margery Kabuya, Mrs. Honorine Kiplagat, Prof. Wanjiku Kabira and Mr. Eliud Njoroge. Mr. Julius Kipng’etich joined the Board when Prof. Kabira resigned.

Besides the 55 acres of land, the Starehe Girls Centre also inherited three small dormitories, four classrooms, a few staff houses and offices.

In January 2005, seventy two (72) bright but financially disadvantaged girls, from every county in Kenya, were admitted. The Centre was launched by the then First Lady, Her Excellency Mama Lucy Kibaki, on 12th February, 2005 at a function that witnessed donations in cash and kind. Dr. Griffin donated Kshs. 20 million that he had saved for the education of Starehe girls. Thereafter, many local and foreign friends and companies joined the Centre in the development of the infrastructure and the sponsorship of the girls. The stated aim was and still remains To provide high quality multi-disciplinary education of Kenyan girls from orphaned and destitute families; to enable such girls to develop life skills and provide the relevant support needed for them to achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Starehe Girls Centre was founded on the principles and ethos of the Starehe Boys Centre, collectively known as The Starehe Way. The School motto: Our Education, Our Strength (Elimu Yetu, Nguvu Yetu) reflects the spirit of academic excellence that permeates the culture of the Centre. The founders of Starehe Girls Centre set out, not merely to provide food, clothing and protection to girls in need, but to restore in them the self-confidence and self-respect so often injured by earlier misfortune in life and to provide them with a sound education to serve them well an increasingly competitive world.

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Starehe Girls’ Centre Contacts

To reach the school use any of the following channels:

  • Physical location: Off Kiambu Road, Bustani Estate, Njathaini
  • Postal Address: P.O BOX 6847 – 00200, NAIROBI- KENYA
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Landline: +254-020-2025500/2/3/
  • Phone: +254-707 900 852, +254-738 255 448
  • Website:
  • KNEC Code: 20400009


Starehe Girls’ Centre Admission Guidelines.

Starehe Girls’ Centre accepts 160 students per year of whom three quarters are sponsored students from disadvantaged background while a quarter are self sponsored students.

The criteria for admission to Form One are:

  • All candidates should be aged 15 and below and MUST choose Starehe Girls’ Centre as their first choice of National School option.
  • Each candidate MUST complete the official Form 1 Blue Application Form available at the school, and return to Starehe Girls’ Centre by 31ST JULY of the year they are sitting their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. The applicant should attain high marks in the KCPE Examinations to be considered for admission.
  • Forms MUST be signed by the candidate’s parent or guardian, her Head Master or Head Mistress, the Chief and a minister of religion such as a pastor, priest or Imam – all of whom must verify the girl’s social background.

Needs Assessment

Need is assessed on a scale of 1 to 10, with the least disadvantaged (those in categories 1 – 5) being discounted.

After grading, the shortlisted blue forms are grouped per Counties to make sure that each County is represented. A file is then opened for each County in advance of the KCPE results.

The selection process

After the KCPE marking in November/ December, individual Application Form are further considered by a select committee of 12 members. If  there are any areas of uncertainity relating to a girl’s background, an Officer from the Sponsorship Office may be released to make a home visit. The whole process takes a maximum of one week and involves much debate before final agreement is reached.

Admission Notification/Letter

All the qualified students will obtain an admission notification through the Ministry of Education website Form One Admission Letter. The letter bears instructions on how to collect their Form One Admission Letter. A list of qualified students is also posted at a notice board found at Starehe Girls Centre main gate for parents and guardians viewing.

Offering places

All selected girls are invited to report at a given date. Upon completion of the admission process and after authenticating that the right girl is the one who has reported a formal welcome is extended to the student and is handed over to a sister for proper induction in the unique culture and ethos of Starehe.

N/B: The Starehe Blue Form Application is not sold under any circumstances.

The application form can be downloaded from their portal.


Starehe Girls’ Centre Vision

To establish a national Centre of academic excellence for bright but disadvantaged girls incorporating high standards of discipline, responsibility, integrity and service.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Mission

To provide a homely, supportive environment within which girls from disadvantaged backgrounds can develop their full potential in academic and personal development. Also to redress the imbalance in access to quality education and leadership opportunities for disadvantaged adolescent girls.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Core Values and Guiding Principles

  • Discipline and hard work
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Volunteerism and giving back
  • Diversity
  • Leadership
  • Democracy
  • Patriotism and loyalty to the Starehe Way

Starehe Girls’ Centre KCSE Results Analysis

One of the academic giants and well performing schools in Kenya, Satrehe Girls’ Centre has maintained a run in good results over the years in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams. For instance, in 2018 the school had 76 candidates who managed a means score of B+ (plus); with a performance index of 73.418. In 2019 the prestigious school had a total candidature of 119 students.

Starehe Girls’ Centre Photo Gallery

Starehe Girls Centre: Students' :ife and Times

Starehe Girls Centre: Students’ :ife and Times

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