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Social Studies Grade 6 CBC Free Schemes of Work



  GRADE 6 SOCIAL STUDIES       3 2022


Week Lesson Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Question(S) Learning


Assessment Methods Reflection
1 1 Political Systems and Governance


Traditional forms of Government among the Buganda and Nyamwezi By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the administrative units that make up the Buganda Kingdom.

b)      Explain the roles of Kabaka.

c)       Describe how the Buganda Kingdom was ruled in the past.

d)      Sing a song about the Buganda governance structure.

e)       Have fun and enjoy singing a song about the Buganda kingdom.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the administrative units that make up the Buganda Kingdom.


-Explain the roles of Kabaka.


-Describe how the Buganda Kingdom was ruled in the past.


-Sing a song about the Buganda governance structure

How was the community ruled in the past?


How was Buganda Kingdom ruled in the past?

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 139-141





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Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Comparison between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the similarities between the Buganda and Nyamwezi Kingdom.

b)      Identify the values of good governance among the Nyamwezi.

c)       Recite the poem on learner’s book.

d)      Enjoy reciting the poem.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the similarities between the Buganda and Nyamwezi Kingdom.


-Identify the values of good governance among the Nyamwezi.


-Recite the poem on learner’s book.



What are the similarities between the Buganda and Nyamwezi Kingdom? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 142-144





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Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Differences between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government. By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the differences between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government.

b)      Illustrate the governance structure among the Buganda and Nyamwezi on a chart.

c)       Display the chart at the Social Studies corner.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the differences between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government.


-Illustrate the governance structure among the Buganda and Nyamwezi on a chart.


What are the differences between the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 144-145





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Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


2 1 Political Systems and Governance


Aspects of good governance in traditional societies By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Discuss the aspects of good governance in traditional societies.

b)      Role ply the conversation on learner’s book.

c)       Have fun and enjoy role playing the conversation.

Learners are guided to:

-Discuss the aspects of good governance in traditional societies.


-Role ply the conversation on learner’s book.


What aspects of good governance have you learnt?


Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 145-147





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Regional Co-operations in Eastern Africa; Objectives of the East African Community. By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Read the newspaper article on learner’s book.

b)      List the objectives of the East African Community.

c)       Model member states of the Eastern African Community as shown on learner’s book.

d)      Have fun and enjoy modelling member states of the East African Community.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the newspaper article on learner’s book.

List the objectives of the East African Community.


-Model member states of the Eastern African Community as shown on learner’s book


What are the objectives of the East African Community? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 147-149





Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Benefits of the East African Community to Member States By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the benefits of the East African Community to Member States.

b)      Read the story on learner’s book and answer the questions that follow.

c)       Create a poster on benefits of the East African Community.

d)      Appreciate the benefits of the East African Community to Member States.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the benefits of the East African Community to Member States.


-Read the story on learner’s book and answer the questions that follow.


-Create a poster on benefits of the East African Community.



What are the benefits of the East African Community to Member States? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 150-151





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


3 1 Political Systems and Governance


Challenges facing East African Community By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Discuss the challenges facing East African Community.

b)      Find out from appropriate sources the challenges facing the East African Community.

c)       Sing a song about the challenges facing East African Community.

d)      Have fun and enjoy singing a song.


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss the challenges facing East African Community.


-Find out from appropriate sources the challenges facing the East African Community.


-Sing a song about the challenges facing East

What are the challenges facing East African Community? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 152-152





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Solutions to challenges facing the East African Community By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Discuss possible solutions to the challenges facing the East African Community.

b)      Complete the table on learner’s book by matching the solutions to the challenges.

c)       Sing the East African Anthem.

d)      Appreciate the solutions to challenges facing the East African Community


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss possible solutions to the challenges facing the East African Community.


-Complete the table on learner’s book by matching the solutions to the challenges.


-Sing the East African Anthem.



What are the solutions to challenges facing the East African Community? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 153-155





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Citizenship; Rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Study the pictures on learner’s book.

b)      Discuss the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan Citizen.

c)       Make flashcards about the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen.

d)      Appreciate the importance of the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen.


Learners are guided to:

-Study the pictures on learner’s book.


-Discuss the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan Citizen.


-Make flashcards about the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen.


What are the rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 155-157




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Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


4 1 Political Systems and Governance


Values of a good citizen By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the values of a good citizen.

b)      Explain how to promote values of a good citizen.

c)       Create posters about the values of a good citizen.

d)      Appreciate the values of a good citizen.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the values of a good citizen.


-Explain how to promote values of a good citizen.


-Create posters about the values of a good citizen

How can we demonstrate good citizenship? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 158-160





Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Human Rights; Classification of human rights By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Define human rights.

b)      Identify human rights enjoyed by the people.

c)       Classify the rights they have identified as social, economic or political rights.

d)      Have fun and enjoy making a human rights wheel


Learners are guided to:

-Define human rights.


-Identify human rights enjoyed by the people.


-Classify the rights they have identified as social, economic or political rights.



What is the meaning of human rights? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 161-163



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Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Ways in which human rights are violated in society. By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify ways in which human rights are violated in society.

b)      Make a chart on ways in which human rights are violated in the society.

c)       Have fun and enjoy making a chart.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify ways in which human rights are violated in society.


-Make a chart on ways in which human rights are violated in the society

How are human rights are violated in society? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 163-165


Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


5 1 Political Systems and Governance


Peace and Conflict Resolution; Causes of conflict in society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Define conflict.

b)      Identify the causes of conflicts in society.

c)       Read the following case study on learner’s book on causes of conflicts in society.

d)      Appreciate the importance of peace.


Learners are guided to:

-Define conflict.


-Identify the causes of conflicts in society.


-Read the following case study on learner’s book on causes of conflicts in society.


What are the causes of conflict in society? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 165-167





Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Peace and Conflict Resolution; Causes of conflict in society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Search the internet or any other appropriate sources for a story on a conflict that happened in the society.

b)      Match the causes of conflict in column A to its description in column B

c)       Appreciate the importance of maintaining peace in the society.


Learners are guided to:

-Search the internet or any other appropriate sources for a story on a conflict that happened in the society.


-Match the causes of conflict in column A to its description in column B


How do we resolve conflicts peacefully? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 167-168



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society.

b)      Role play how to resolve the situations.

c)       Have fun and enjoy role playing how to resolve different situations

Learners are guided to:

-Identify peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society


-In pairs, to discuss peaceful ways of resolving conflicts stated on the cards.


-Role play how to resolve the situations

How do we live peacefully with each other in school and society? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 168-170



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


6 1 Political Systems and Governance


Peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Discuss the causes of conflicts in the society.

b)      Match statements with their meaning on the peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society.

c)       Appreciate peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society.


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss the causes of conflicts in the society.


-Match statements with their meaning on the peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society.


What are the peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in society? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 170-171



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Benefits of resolving conflicts peacefully in society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Identify the benefits of resolving conflicts peacefully in society.

b)      Design posters on ways of promoting peace in Eastern Africa.

c)       Recite the poem on learner’s book.

d)      Appreciate the benefits of resolving conflicts peacefully in the society.


Learners are guided to:

-Identify the benefits of resolving conflicts peacefully in society.


-Design posters on ways of promoting peace in Eastern Africa.


-Recite the poem on learner’s book.


What are the benefits of resolving conflicts peacefully in society? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 172-174







Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Governance in Kenya; Sources of Government Revenue and Expenditure By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Explain the meaning of revenue.

b)      Give reasons why we should pay taxes to the government.

c)       Match the sources in column A with the examples in column B

d)      Appreciate the importance of paying revenue.


Learners are guided to:

-Explain the meaning of revenue.


-Give reasons why we should pay taxes to the government.


-Match the sources in column A with the examples in column B


What is the meaning of revenue?


Why should we pay taxes to the government?

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 174-175



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


7 1 Political Systems and Governance


Ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Study the pictures on learner’s book.

b)      Discuss ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue.

c)       Draw the pictures on learner’s book.

d)      Appreciate the ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue


Learners are guided to:

-Study the pictures on learner’s book.


-Discuss ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue.


-Draw the pictures on learner’s book.




What are the ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 176-177





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Find out from the internet, textbooks or any appropriate materials other ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue.

b)      Make a poster of paying taxes to the Government of Kenya.

c)       Appreciate the importance of paying taxes to the Government of Kenya


Learners are guided to:

-Find out from the internet, textbooks or any appropriate materials other ways in which the National and County Governments in Kenya spend their revenue.


-Make a poster of paying taxes to the Government of Kenya.



What is the importance of paying taxes to the Government of Kenya? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 177-179





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


The Preamble of the Constitution of Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Define constitution.

b)      Listen to an audio or watch a video played by the teacher.

c)       Identify key words in the preamble of the constitution of Keya in the audio or video.

d)      Appreciate the Constitution of Kenya.


Learners are guided to:

-Define constitution.


-Listen to an audio or watch a video played by the teacher.


-Identify key words in the preamble of the constitution of Keya in the audio or video.


What is the meaning of constitution? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 179



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


8 1 Political Systems and Governance


Interpretation of key words in the preamble of the constitution of Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Read the conversation on learner’s book.

b)      Write the key words in the Preamble of the Constitution from the conversation.

c)       Act out the conversation on learner’s book.

d)      Have fun and enjoy role playing the conversation.


Learners are guided to:

-Read the conversation on learner’s book.


-Write the key words in the Preamble of the Constitution from the conversation.


-Act out the conversation on learner’s book.



What have you learnt about the Constitution of Kenya? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 180-181



Video clips



Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Political Systems and Governance


Interpretation of key words in the preamble of the constitution of Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Pick a card with a key word in the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya.

b)      Circle the key words in the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya in the puzzle on learner’s book.

c)       Have fun and enjoy playing the puzzle.


Learners are guided to:

-Pick a card with a key word in the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya.


-Circle the key words in the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya in the puzzle on learner’s book.



What have you learnt about the Constitution of Kenya? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 182





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Political Systems and Governance


Interpretation of key words in the preamble of the constitution of Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

a)       Discuss the activities people engage in to appreciate the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya.

b)      Design a card on a manila paper with various declaration messages.

c)       Sing the song on learner’s book.

d)      Have fun and enjoy designing cards.


Learners are guided to:

-Discuss the activities people engage in to appreciate the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya.


-Design a card on a manila paper with various declaration messages.


-Sing the song on learner’s book



Which activities do people engage in to appreciate the preamble of the Constitution of Kenya? Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 183-184





Video clips




Computing devices


Oral questions Oral Report Observation





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