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A _________is a place where a family lives (tree, home)
One or many _________will make a home (houses, people)
Our home and what is around us make up our _________ (compound, house)
Every home must have a ________ (car, house)
Our home is in ________ estate
Types of houses
A hut is a _________ house (traditional, modern)
A hut has ___________doors (one, two)
Many huts together make a ___________ (homestead)
A place where we store grains is called a __________ (granary, hut)
A__________ is house for the ____________ and ___________ (manyatta, bus, Luo, Maasai, Samburu)
A manyatta is a _______ house (traditional, bad)
__________are many houses in one tall building (flats, stairs)
Flats are mainly found in ________ (towns, villages)
A flat is a _______ house (traditional, modern)
A block of flats is also called_________ (apartment, semi – apartment)
This houses stay for a _________time (short, long)
A camp has many _______ together (tents, huts)
Semi-permanent houses include

 Makuti houses
 Mabati houses
 Timber houses
 Small huts
Permanent houses
This houses stay for a _________ time (long, short)
It is a _________house (modern, traditional)
Permanent house include
Storied houses
Materials used in building
The roof of a hut is made of ___________
The wall of a hut is made of ___________
The floor of s hut is made of ___________
A manyatta is made of ___________and ____________
_________ are used to make a granary
A mabati house is made of ___________
Another name for mabati is ___________
A timber house is made of __________
The roof of a permanent house is made of ___________
The walls of a permanent house is made of ___________
Parts of a house
A house has different parts called __________ (rooms, toilet)
Name the rooms found in your home
 Bedroom

 Kitchen
 Bedroom
 Bathroom
 Store
 Toilet
The sitting room is also called____________
The _______is also called the washing area
A kitchen is also called the _________area
The bedroom is also called the _______area
Uses of different parts of the house
We ____________and rest in the sitting room
When it is time to sleep we go to ___________ (bedroom, store)
When it is time to eat we go to __________ (dining, store)
Food is cooked in the _____ (kitchen, store)
Farm tools are kept in the __________ (toilet, stores)
Tissue paper is found in the ________ (toilet, store)
People sleep in the ________
We wash our bodies in the ________
Importance of houses
Houses protect us from hot sun, heavy clouds and strong winds
Our house keeps us safe from dangerous _________________ (people, trees)
__________are bad people who steal from our houses (thieves, teachers)
A _______person is a person I do not know (mother, stranger)
Birds stay in a _________ (nest, house)

A dog lives in a _________ (kennel, nest)


Things found in the home
Some things are found inside the house and others outside the house
Name of some things found in the house
 Lamp
 Broom
 Chair
 Jiko
 Basin
 Utensils
 Beds
 Cupboards
Some animals kept at home
 Dog
 Cat
 Chicken
 Pig
 Donkey
 Sheep
 Camel
Uses of things found in the home
A panga is used for ___________
We use a lamp to ____________ (light) up a house
A __________is used to collect rubbish in the compound (jembe, rake)
Peter wants to cut grass; he will use a ______________ (panga, slasher)
We use a ________ to sweep

We listen to news from the _________
People use _______________to split firewood
Uses of some animals found at home
Donkeys and camels help us to carry ____________ things (heavy bad)
Name 3 animals that give us milk
Sheep, rabbits and pigs give us___________ (meat, wool)
Match the animals and the meat
Cow mutton
Goat pork
Hen beef
Sheep goat meat
Pig chicken
A sheep give us_______and________
Dangerous objects at home
Some objects are dangerous they can ____________ us (hurt, love)
Do not play with ___________ (toys, fire)
Fire can ___________us or even our houses (burn, wash)
A hot jiko can __________us (burn,)
A dog can _________us and a cat can ___________us (scratch, bite)
Putting things like sticks into electrical sockets can cause_________ (shock, play)

Playing with matchsticks can cause __________ (fire, rain)
Medicine should be kept away from ___________ (children, teachers)
Broken bottles can __________us (hurt)
Name four sharp objects
Keeping our homes clean
We sweep the floor to remove __________ (dirt, soap)
We clean utensils to keep away_________and _____________ (rats, dogs, cockroaches)
We should cut long _________around our home (grass, tree)
_________and__________ are some animals that can hide in long grass
We remove cobwebs to keep away __________ (spiders, cows)
Tools are kept safely in the ___________ (kitchen, store)
We should sleep under the _________ (bed, mosquito net)
A fence keeps away_________ from entering the home (friends, strangers)
Dirty toilets have ________ (flies, flowers)
A _________takes care of our home at night (teacher, watchman)



A group of people who are related is called ____________ (group, family)
A family has __________and _________
Father and mother are my _______________ (parents, enemies)
Father is a __________parent (male, female)
A ________ is a female parent (mother, father)
A male child is a _______ and a female child is a _____________
In a family we ________one another (love, hate)
Types of families
Nuclear family
It is made up of father, mother and children
__________is the head of the family (father, mother)
A nuclear family has _________parents (one, two)
A single parent family
It has __________parents (one, two)
It is made up of ___________and _____________
Father and _______make up a single family
An extended family
______are members of an extended family

My grandparents call me __________ (grandchild, sister)
Uncle, aunts, cousins are my _________ (relatives, friends)
A boy will be called ___by his grandparents (granddaughter, grandson)
How family members are related
My parents calls me a ________ or a ________ (son, daughter)
My mother’s sister is my ____________
My father’s mother is my __________
My brothers and sisters child is my ____________
The child of my aunt is my_________________ (uncle, aunt)
My father’s brother is my _________ (uncle, aunt)
Work done by family members
___cooks for us at home (mother, aunt)
Our ________pay our school fees
Her work is to tell us stories, she is my _____________
Children should help their parents by
When work is shared it becomes _________________ (easier, good)
Sharing work makes us __________ (happy, sad)
Family celebrations
A celebration is a _________ (parade, ceremony)
Name three family celebrations

The day I was born is my _________
In a birthday party people are __________
We celebrate the birth of a child by giving___________ (gifts, stones)
When two people get __________there is a wedding ceremony (money, married)
Wedding celebrations are _________ ceremonies (sad, happy)
When someone dies we go for _________ (wedding, funeral)
A funeral is a ________ceremony (happy, sad)
Religious celebrations
Muslims worship in a ________
Hindus celebrate __________
Christians worship in a ___________
Iddul –fitr is celebrated by __________
Hindus worship in a _________
Christmas is celebrated by ___________
National celebrations
Match the celebrations
Celebration date
New year 1st may
Labour Day 20th October
Madaraka day 25th December
Jamhuri day 26th December

Mashujaa day 1st June
Christmas day 12th December
Boxing Day 1st January



Food gives us __________to work and play
We eat food in order to grow _________
Food makes us look __________
We get food from plants and _______________
After eating food we should drink ___________
Water is ___________
We cover our food to keep away ______________
Match the following
Hen pork
Pig fillet
Cow chicken
Fish mutton
Sheep beef
Draw and name three foods we eat

(Water, strong, animals, soil, energy, life, fat, healthy, water
We wear ___________ to cover our bodies
When it is cold we wear_________clothes
In __________places people wear light clothes
Clothes we wear at school are called ______
We use ___________ on a rainy day
Shoes make us look __________
On a muddy day we wear ______________
Draw clothes we wear
(Heavy, light, umbrella, gumboots, smart, warm, clothes, uniform)
People live in a _________
Another name for a house is _________
Houses protect us from _________-animals
Houses provide us with__________
We ___________i n houses at night
Every home must have a __________
Name three types of houses
(Wild, shelter, domestic, sleep, food, toilet, manyatta, stoned house, hut)

How to meet family needs
To meet family needs we need to ____________
Our parent’s _________to get money
My mother is a __________
A__________sells fish to get money
A__________grows food
A cow gives us _________and___________
A sheep gives us ________and __________
We buy food from the ___________
A cobbler repairs our ________
Revision: basic needs
Name three basic needs
Name three sources of water
Shelter protect us from
Name three types of food that we eat
Name three types of clothes we wear

A person who makes clothes is a ______________
A carpenter uses_________to make a house
Maintaining a happy family
Good behaviour in the family
Good behaviour means _________manners
We should ____________other people
We should not ___________our parents and friends
We say __________when we do something wrong
We say _________when we wake up in the morning
Children should ________their parents
We say ________when people do good things
We say ________- when asking for something
(Good, bad, abuse, respect, love, sorry, good morning, beat, obey, thank you, please
Child rights
A right is a ________ to do something
Children’s right makes them to be treated ___________
All children have a right to __________life
All children need food to __________
Children should go to school
Child _________is when children work for money

When sick children should be taken to __________
Parents should__________from bad people
(Freedom, well, badly, good, die, labour, hospitals, protect)
Name of our school
Our school is called __________
People ________in School
A school is a place where we learn to ____________and _____________
Our school is a ____________school
Boys wear __________-and__________ while girls wear____________and _____________ to school
The pupils in our school are ________
Our school was started by _________
(Learn, fight, read, and write, public, private, shirts, skirts, dresses, blouses, boys and girls, boys alone)
Symbols of the school and their importance
School logo
A _____is a symbol of the school
Our school motto is __________
Name two thing found in the logo of our school
Draw the school logo
Name two things that you can see on the school logo
(Logo, fearing God wisdom begins)

The flag
This is a __________
The flag of Kenya has ______colours
We stand at _________-while raising the flag
We rise the flag __________and _______________every week
Name the colours of our flag
Red on our flag shows ___________
Green on our flag means ___________
_____________raises the flag at our school
The Colour on top of the flag is ___________
Flag, 4, 10, attention, ease, Monday, Friday, black, white, red, green, blood, Colour, natural resources,
scouts, black)
National anthem
______anthem is sang when raising the flag
National anthem is a ____________-for our country
Name two languages that we use when we sing national anthem
There are __________verses in the national anthem
Complete the following sentence of the national anthem

“Oh God of all ___________”
(Church, National, Prayer, English, Kiswahili, 4, 3, Creation)
Children should _________their parents
Patents and friends should not be __________by children
Good behaviour means good ___________
We should wash our __________after visiting the toilet
Children should wear___________
Children should live in a _________
Children should go to __________to learn
Good children say_____-when they do something wrong (obey, abused, good, hands, sorry, legs,
clothes, school, house)
School compound
Our school compound has ____________and____________
We help ourselves in the _____________
In ___________–we are given story books to read
Our school has __________where we go to play at breaktime
We plant ________and__________in our Shamba
We should keep our school compound _________
Draw and name two things found in the school compound
(Classroom, kitchen, dormitory, stores, library, toilet, bush, playground, maize, potatoes, cabbages,
coffee, small, clean)
Our school routine

We go to school from ___________to ______________
I go to school for ___________days in a week
Assembly is also called________
We go for assembly at ____________o clock in the morning
When the bell rings we change the subject
We go for lunch at ____________
After learning we leave school in the _________
(Monday to Sunday, Monday to Friday, 7, 8, school, circle, parade, 5, 9, 10.00am 12.45pm, every
morning, every afternoon)
People in the school and their roles
Some people in the school community are ____________
We have __________teachers in our school
There are _________pupils in our school
My class teacher is called________
The secretary types___________and______________
The __________guards the school during day and night
A __________drives our school bus
Food is cooked from the ____________
(Teachers, cooks, drivers, gateman, secretary, 2, 10, 60, tests, books, exams, 100, 700, kitchen)
Our classroom
Am in class _____________
We learn in the _________room
Name some things found in your classroom
We sit on ________

In our classrooms desks are arranged into ____________rows
________sits behind in class
The ___________tells us what to do when the teacher is absent
We keep our books in _________after classes
We use _________to clean the blackboard
Name three things you do to keep the classroom clean


The special song for our school is called__________
Our school motto says________
Write three needs in your school
The school __________make we look different from other pupils
We should keep our school ____________
The colours of our school uniform are ________and ___________
The name of our head teacher is ___________
Class rules
__________guides us in class
Pupil’smust________the class rules
Name two rules in the class
We should _________our teachers

The __________help us keep order in the classroom
We clean our school by____________
We ___________our class everyday
We use __________-for sweeping
Name three things you do to keep your classroom clean
Taking care of things in our classroom/school
We write using _________in school
All children in school write on ____________
The teacher __________the cupboard so that the books cannot be stolen
Before going home we should ___________the windows
Our__________locks the classroom
Tearing books to make toys is ___________
It is bad to play with chairs and tables
A class timetable shows time and___________that we learn everyday
Safety on the way to and from school
Different ways of travelling to school
I go to school by _________
Kama lives far from school; he goes to school by __________
Some pupils ___________to school because they live near the school
Name three ways that we can use to go to school

Draw two means of travelling to school
How to use the road safely
Road safety means free from___________on the road
Road_________helps us use the road safely
We should __________road signs
We should walk on the _________side of the road
Before crossing the road, look ____________, look_________look____–again and cross if the road is
A__________is a person walking on foot
Another name for zebra crossing is ___________
The colours of a zebra crossing are __________-and _____________
Draw and Colour the road signs for
Bus stop
Dangers of talking and going with strangers
A ___________is a person I don’t know
We should not talk to _____________
Write two things that strangers might do to you
Write three things we should not accept from strangers

Strangers can__________to us
We should walk with the other ____________
Gifts from strangers can be __________
We should cross the road only when it is _________
It is wrong to __________near the road
People we do not know are ____________
We should not get out of a ______________vehicle
Name two ways of travelling to school
Important features on the way to school
Features seen along the way
We see many things on our way to ___________
Things that we see are called __________features
Name three physical features that you see on your way to school
Many trees growing together make a __________
Animals that live in the forest are called __________animals
Name some of the wild animals
A_________has a lot of water
We buy vegetables and fruits from__________

Draw some things you see when coming to school
Christians go to __________and Muslims pray in __________
Importance of the features to the people living near our school
We grow plants in a _________
Plants give us ____________
Wild animals are___________because they attract visitors
We get water and fish from a __________
Trees provide a ________for birds and monkeys
Tourists bring a lot of ___________when they visit us
We get ___________from trees in the forest
Visitors who come to see wild animals are called__________
We cross a river using a ____________

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