Shortcut to faster TSC employment
Perhaps you have been tarmacking too long after graduating with your Diploma or Bachelors Degree in Education. Maybe your efforts to get employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, have been in vain after attempting several times. And you are at the blink of giving up on the teaching profession. You are not alone my dear friend. There are thousands of graduate teachers out there who find themselves in this precarious situation. I met this graduate teacher, sometimes back, who was so desperate for TSC employment. The teacher was willing to pay the price if only there could be assurance of clinching that elusive TSC job. After many years of attending interviews, in vain, the teacher was so disappointed that all this while there was no chance of getting into the TSC payroll.
Many desperate graduate teachers have fallen prey to conmen and women who promise to deliver TSC employment leeters. Truth be told these fraudsters have no connections at the Commission and hence end up piling more misery on the desperate job seekers. The process of recruiting teachers in Kenya is crystal clear and in fact it is done in a transparent manner. The process is flawless and one is allowed to launch a complaint to the Commission head office if she/ he is shortchanged during the recruitment process.
Here are links to the most important news portals:
- KUCCPS News Portal
- TSC News Portal
- Universities and Colleges News Portal
- Helb News Portal
- KNEC News Portal
- KSSSA News Portal
- Schools News Portal
- Free Teaching Resources and Revision Materials
But, did you know that you can enhance your chances of getting TSC employment ahead of your competitors? It is so easy. Consider the following and maximize your chances.
Before you dive into the teaching profession, ensure that you have read and understood the current minimum requirements for one to be certified by TSC. For example, if you are intending to pursue a Bachelors of Education Degree Programme you must have scored a minimum of a C+ in each of the two teaching subjects you wish to teach at high school. This requirement has locked out many graduates. For instance, if want to be a Maths/ Physics Teacher then you must have a minimum of a C+ in each of these two subjects. Again, it is prudent that you choose your teaching subjects carefully.
In short, select the two subjects where you have performed well. This is because in case of a tie during the TSC recruitment interviews, then the panelists will consider the performance of the tying applicants at KCSE. For complete information on all the current TSC registration and recruitment guidelines, click on this link; New: Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers.
The subjects you choose to study at the university or college play a significant role in terms of how fast you will be absorbed by TSC. I never to to say this but some subjects are more marketable than others. This is simply because some subjects are flooded with unemployed graduates. Some of the most marketable subjects, currently, can be found on this link; Most Marketable TSC Subjects, Best TSC Employment Subjects, TSC employment readily availabe.
Your KCSE mean grade sometimes come in handy during TSC recruitment sessions. In case two applicants tie, then the panelists will have a look at the candidate with stronger KCSE certificate. Strength of your diploma or degree certificate also plays a key role on the marks you garner, according to the latest TSC Recruitment guidelines and marking scheme.
Applicants who actively participate in Co-curricular activities have a upper hand in clinching TSC slots. Try to at least participate in one or two Co- curricular activities and ensure you are certified or given a recommendation letter to that effect.
The Commission has enlisted the services of teachers working on the internship programme. In the past, such teachers have had an added advantage over their colleagues since TSC produced marking schemes favouring the Intern teachers.
The first impression you create lasts longer. Be smart during interviews. Try to be eloquent. Above all be sincere.
Unfortunately, or fortunately I should say, the current TSC recruitment guidelines and marking scheme favours graduates who have stayed out longer. The longer you stay out the more marks you are awarded.
Finally, do not give up. Never pay fraudsters who give false employment promises.
Important links:
- All TSC services online portals and how to log in
- TSC TPAD data upload deadline
- Complete guide to the new cTSC TPAD portal
- TSC: Full details on the newly established grades for teachers
- TSC: Designation codes for all teacher job groups
- TSC Grades and qualifications/ requirements for various administrative positions in schools
- TSC: Details on the current all 36 Teacher job groups/ grades
- TSC: Requirements, appointment and responsibilities of Principals
- All what you need to know and carry to a TSC teacher recruitment interview
- TSC: Requirements, responsibilities and appointment of Deputy Principals
- TSC: Full payment rates for teachers, officials, attending CBC training
- New, latest TSC Teachers recruitment guidelines
- TSC: Wealth declaration guide for teachers, staff
- A TSC teacher’s payslip details and how to get yours online
- TSC posting, employment, letters for newly recruited teachers
- TSC adds another new teacher registration, employment requirement; read the details
- All TSC online services: the TSC website, online services and how to easily access them
- New list of TSC County Directors
- Updated TSC recruitment guidelines for teachers
- TSC: Process of handing-taking over by new school heads and other administrators
- New academic and professional requirements for registration of teachers
- How to check the status of TSC number application online
- Get the latest TSC news on these official Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram and online)
- How to apply online for the vacant administrative positions at the Teachers Service Commission-tsc
- TSC: Most marketable subject combinations
- TSC: Revised, new, service charter
- TSC: Download all the TSC forms, circulars, regulations and Memos here
- TSC: How to easily get the retirement, pension, benefits
- TSC: Full process of interdicting, disciplining and dismissing teachers
- New, updated, list of offences that can lead to a teacher’s removal from the TSC register
- TSC: All teachers’ leaves explained
- TSC: List of all allowances paid to teachers and to get them
- Latest Career Progression Guidelines, CPG, for teachers
- TSC: Answers to all the Frequently asked questions by teachers
- TSC: A list of all the TSC contacts
- TSC: How a teacher should claim the medical expenses costs from TSC
- TSC: How to best apply for a teacher transfer
- How to easily apply for a TSC number
- Applying for a TSC number? This is all you need to know.
- All what you are required to have in order to apply for a TSC number
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