Roles of TSC
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, was established by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 in Chapter 13 Part 3, article 237. The Commission manages teachers in all public primary and post primary learning institutions; both secondary and Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs).
The Commission performs a number of roles as outlined in the Constitution. These include:
- To register trained teachers,
- To recruit and employ registered teachers,
- To assign teachers employed by the Commission for service in any Public School or institution,
- To promote and transfer teachers,
- To exercise disciplinary control over teachers,
- To terminate the employment of teachers,
- Review the standards of education and training of persons entering the teaching service.
- Review the demand for and supply of teachers
- Advise the national government on matters relating to the teaching profession.
- The Teachers Service Commission also has a constitutional mandate to exercise disciplinary control over teachers pursuant to Article 237 (2)(e) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
Related news;
- How to log into the TSC portals and website online
- The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, portals and Services Online: A list and full guide to all TSC portals, website and services
- TSC: All forms for TSC leaves
In carrying out its mandate, TSC uses a number of legal documents as listed below:
- The Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012
- The Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers
- The Teachers Service Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Secretariat Staff
- The Public Officer Ethics Act of 2003
- The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act of 2003
- The Children’s Act of 2001
- The Kenya National Examinations Council Act 2013
- The Employment Act Cap 226 (Revised 2007)
- vi.The Sexual Offences Act 2006
Others are:
- Basic Education Act 2013
- Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015
- Persons with Disabilities Act 2015
- The letter from the Attorney General on |Lawful Confinement Reference No. CONF/LAD/100 dated 3rd March 1987
- The Ministry of Education Legal Notice No. 56/2001 banning corporal punishment in learning institutions
- TSC/Circular No.3/2010
- Circulars on fees guidelines/tuition/Safety and health….among others.
TSC is guided by a number of principles that are clearly spelled out.
To be a trans-formative teaching service for quality teaching
To professionalize the teaching service for quality education.
TSC Core Values
The Commission’s core values are:
- Professionalism,
- Customer Focus,
- Integrity,
- Innovativeness and
- Team Spirit
In the service charter the Commission has committed itself to provide quality service with courtesy, honesty, integrity and fairness within specific time frame.