Roles and Responsibilities of the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards in MoE and TSC

Roles and Responsibilities of the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards in MoE and TSC

1.      Ensure Standards and Maintain Quality in Institutions of Basic Education and, to the following functions;

(a)        Establish, maintain and improve institution-based quality assurance;

(b)        Promote standardisation in basic education and training;

(c)        Ensure standards in the development of curriculum;

(d)        Carry out standards assessment

(e)        Initiate Audit of accounts

(f)          Carry out research

2.      Administer Policies and Guidelines set for Basic Education. In addition, the following are the accompanying functions:

(c)        Enforce guidelines, rules and regulations.

(d)        Recommend temporary suspension of operations of institutions

(e)        Certification of professional/academic documents.

(f)          Prescribe staffing norms (CBE)

(g)        Publishing an approved list of Institutions

(h)        Advising the Cabinet Secretary on quality

(i)          Make recommendations to the appropriate authorities

3.      Supervise and Oversee Curriculum Implementation and Delivery to the following functions:

(a)        Oversee the vetting of books and other curriculum support materials and maintain a list of approved instructional materials;

(b)        Vet expatriate and volunteer teachers, individuals, groups, and organisations wishing to visit and work with Basic Education and training institutions.

1.      Ensure compliance with professional and ethical standards among institution heads and all teachers in the teaching service;

2.      Ensure institution heads and teachers adhere to the values and principles of Public Service and promote the Teachers Service Commission’s image and core values;

3.      Maintain and enforce teacher registration in all educational institutions;

4.      Monitor the performance of heads of institutions and teachers and supervise teacher appraisal;

5.      Carry out routine, advisory, and investigative standards assessments about teacher performance and compile appropriate reports;

6.      Initiate, coordinate, and conduct capacity building courses for teachers for effective and quality teaching;

7.      Coordinate quality assurance programmes in the Counties;

8.      Continuously support teachers to comply with standards as specified in TSC Act, the Code of Regulations for Teachers, Basic Education Act, KICD Act, KNEC Act and any other relevant legislation;

9.      Ensure compliance with teaching standards by preparation and use of professional teaching resources;

10.   Analyse national examinations and continuous assessment results and propose appropriate interventions and supervise the implementation of recommendations from evaluation reports;

4.      Monitor the Conduct of Assessments and Examinations in Institutions of Basic Education for the following functions –

Ensure standards in curriculum evaluation;

Monitor the conduct of national examinations;

(a)        Externally assess teacher education final teaching practice

(b)        Monitor the application of standards in developing and administering continuous assessment tools for Basic Education and training.

5.      Monitor and evaluate the standards and quality in Basic Education to:

(a)        Continuous monitoring of all programmes;

(b)        Provide timely feedback for decision- making purposes;

(c)        Monitor, assess and review policies on standards

(d)        Collect, examine, and publish information related to Quality and Standards

(e)        Coordinate the management of the DQAS data and statistics;

11.     Liaise with the County Director of Education and other stakeholders on matters relating to the quality of education in the County;

12.     Perform any other duties assigned by the County Director.


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