Revised, New Salaries for all Public and Civil Servants 2023-2027

Revised, New Salaries for all Public and Civil Servants 2023-2027

1.   Preamble

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is established under Article 230(1) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, to set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State officers, and advise the national and county governments on the remuneration and benefits of all other public officers. In discharging its mandate, SRC is guided by principles set out in Article 230(5) of the constitution, and Section 12 of SRC Act, 2011.

  • The Constitutional principles are:
    • The need to ensure that the total public compensation bill is fiscally sustainable;
    • The need to ensure that the public services are able to attract and retain the skills required to execute their functions;
    • The need to recognize productivity and performance; and
    • Transparency and
  • Statutory requirement: Equal remuneration to persons for work of equal value as required by Section 12 of the SRC Act 2011.

Pursuant to Section 11(e) of SRC Act, the Commission set a four-year review cycle for remuneration and benefits in the public service. The first cycle covered the period 2013/2014 – 2016/2017, while the second covered 2017/2018 – 2020/2021. The third remuneration review cycle covers the financial years (FY) 2021/2022 – 2024/2025.

In exercise of its mandate as set out under Article 230(4)(a) of the Constitution, SRC reviewed and set the remuneration and benefits for State officers covering the FYs 2021/2022 –2022/2023 as published in gazette notices dated 27th July, 2022.

Further, SRC has reviewed the remuneration and benefits for State officers covering the FY 2023/2024 – 2024/2025 and is proposing the remuneration and benefits for implementation in two phases as follows:

2.   Remuneration for State Officers

Table 1: Remuneration for State Officers in National and County Governments


State Officer

Monthly Gross Remuneration Package (Ksh)


Proposed for Year 3 (FY 2023/2024) Proposed for Year 4 (FY 2024/2025)
Effective 1 July 2023 Effective 1 July 2024
The Executive of the National Government
President 1,443,750 1,546,875 1,650,000
Deputy President 1,227,188 1,367,438 1,402,500
Attorney-General 924,000 990,000 1,056,000
Head of Public Service 924,000 990,000 1,056,000
Cabinet Secretary 924,000 990,000 1,056,000
Secretary to the Cabinet 924,000 990,000 1,056,000



State Officer

Monthly Gross Remuneration Package (Ksh)


Proposed for Year 3 (FY 2023/2024) Proposed for Year 4 (FY 2024/2025)
Effective 1 July 2023 Effective 1 July 2024
Principal Secretary 765,188 819,844 874,500
Inspector-General, Police Service National 765,188 819,844 874,500
Director     General,                National Intelligence Service 765,188 819,844 874,500
Deputy     Inspector Kenya Police Service General, 621,250 684,233 747,216
Deputy     Inspector               General, Administration Police Service 621,250 684,233 747,216
Director                     of Investigations Criminal 621,250 684,233 747,216
The Senate and the National Assembly
Speaker     of Assembly   the National 1,160,000 1,210,653 1,256,723
Speaker of the Senate 1,160,000 1,210,653 1,256,723
Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly 928,000 968,522 1,005,379
Deputy Speaker of the Senate 928,000 968,522 1,005,379
Leader of Majority Party of the National Assembly 768,000 801,536 832,038
Leader of the Majority Party of the Senate 768,000 801,536 832,038
Leader of Minority Party of the National Assembly 768,000 801,536 832,038
Leader of the Minority Party of the Senate 768,000 801,536 832,038
Member     of                the Assembly/Senate National 710,000* 741,003* 769,201*
The Judiciary
  Min Max Min Max Min Max
Chief Justice 990,000 1,327,888 1,067,836 1,365,915 1,145,671 1,403,942
Deputy Chief Justice 821,333 1,233,535 910,834 1,268,860 1,000,334 1,304,185
Supreme Court Judge 792,000 1,218,535 897,156 1,253,430 1,002,311 1,288,326
Judge of Appeal Court 689,224 1,156,108 791,436 1,189,216 893,649 1,222,323
High Court Judge 657,426 1,000,974 736,444 1,027,826 811,461 1,054,677
Chief Magistrate/Kadhi 445,500 727,035 485,469** 735,251** 520,688** 768,716**
Senior Magistrate/Kadhi Principal 334,125 480,000 362,496 518,424 386,116 552,097
Principal Magistrate/Kadhi 225,000 360,000 253,370 402,087 277,989 440,423
Senior Magistrate/Kadhi Resident 180,000 324,000 197,244 350,775 210,238 373,299
Resident Magistrate/Kadhi 123,750 190,000 151,039 228,758 174,578 263,766
Executive of the County Governments
County Governor 924,000 990,000 1,056,000
Deputy County Governor 621,250 663,022 728,536
Member of the County Executive Committee 404,250 432,548 462,826
County Assemblies



State Officer

Monthly Gross Remuneration Package (Ksh)


Proposed for Year 3 (FY 2023/2024) Proposed for Year 4 (FY 2024/2025)
Effective 1 July 2023 Effective 1 July 2024
Speaker Assembly of the County 525,525 562,312 601,674
Deputy Speaker of the County Assembly 216,563 231,722 247,943
Leader of the Majority Party 144,375 191,324 204,717
Leader of the Minority Party 144,375 191,324 204,717
Member Assembly of the County 144,375 154,481 164,588
Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices
Auditor-General 924,000 990,000 1,056,000
Chairperson,                  Independent Electoral      and                     Boundaries

Commission (IEBC)







Controller of Budget 765,188 819,850 874,500
Director, Public Prosecution 765,188 819,850 874,500
Vice Chairperson, IEBC 765,188 819,850 874,500

(i)    Kenya                          National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR);

(ii)   National Land Commission (NLC);

(iii)  Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA);

(iv)  Public Service Commission (PSC);

(v)   Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC);

(vi)  Teachers                             Service Commission (TSC);

(vii) National    Police                Service Commission (NPSC)

(viii)       Commission             on

Administrative                             Justice (CAJ)

(ix)  National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC)































Member, IEBC 765,188 819,850 874,500
Registrar of Political Parties 650,000 698,000 747,200
Vice Chairperson: KNCHR NLC;








Member: KNCHR; NLC; CRA;








Commission Secretary/CEOs: Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), CRA;










State Officer

Monthly Gross Remuneration Package (Ksh)


Proposed for Year 3 (FY 2023/2024) Proposed for Year 4 (FY 2024/2025)
Effective 1 July 2023 Effective 1 July 2024
Commission Secretary/CEO: All other                         Commission Secretaries/CEOs designated

as State officers.







Data Protection Commissioner 621,250 663,000 728,550
Part Time Constitutional Commissions
Monthly                    Retainer Chairperson*** for 365,000 365,000 365,000
Monthly    Retainer               for Chairperson*** Vice 310,000 310,000 310,000
Monthly                    Retainer Member*** for 290,000 290,000 290,000

*Excludes Committee Sitting Allowance of Ksh 120,000 per month.

**Includes Commuter Allowance of Ksh 24,000 per month.

***Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Member who holds another substantive State office, and other public officers who represent either ministries, state departments or any other public body, as per enabling legislation, are not eligible to a monthly retainer.


  • The monthly gross remuneration package proposed herein will be implemented in two phases, and is fixed for the term of office of the State officer, unless reviewed and set by
  • For purposes of gratuity and pension, the pensionable emolument shall be based on the monthly basic salary set herein.
  • In compliance with the Judgment of the Court in Nairobi ELRC Petition 29 of 2019, the monthly gross remuneration is itemised into basic salary, house allowance, commuter allowance and salary market In addition, risk/security allowance for Magistrates and Kadhis.
  • The basic salary is 60 per cent of the gross









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
Official Transport The Presidency: Shall be provided an official transport in line with the prevailing government policy.



Other State officers: Shall be provided an official car of engine capacity not exceeding 3000cc.

(i)       Speakers of the National Assembly                       and Senate: Shall be provided with an official transport in line with prevailing government transport policy.

(ii)      Member            of Parliament:

a.    Motor      Vehicle Reimbursement

: Shall be provided with      a      Motor Vehicle Reimbursement of Ksh 7,550,000 for purchase of a car to          undertake official duties as a Member             of Parliament    (MP). The Motor Vehicle Reimbursement shall be payable to an MP once in a parliamentary term.

b.    Car Maintenance Allowance: Shall be paid to an MP at the rate of Ksh 356,525            per month.

(i)       Chief Justice: Shall be provided with an official transport in line with prevailing government transport policy.

(ii)      Deputy Chief Justice, Supreme Court Judges, Court of Appeal Judges, High Court and Courts of Equal Status Judges:

Shall be provided with an

The following State officers shall be provided with official cars of engine capacity as follows:

1.   Governor and Deputy Governor: 3000cc.

2.   Member of County Executive Committee: 2000cc

(i)    The Speaker of County Assembly: Shall be provided with an official car of engine capacity 2000cc.

(ii)   Deputy Speaker and Member of County Assembly:

a.    Motor                    Vehicle Reimbursement: Shall be provided a Motor                        Vehicle Reimbursement of Ksh 2,212,000 for the purchase of a car for official duties as a Member of County               Assembly. The Motor Vehicle Reimbursement shall be payable once in a county assembly term.

b.    Car Maintenance Allowance: Shall be paid to Deputy Speaker                        and Members of County Assembly at the rate of Ksh 30,167 per month.

c.    Mileage Claim: A Deputy Speaker and a Member of County Assembly shall be reimbursed                           a claimable mileage allowance   of   one

return journey per week                      from

Chairpersons and Members shall be provided           an official car of engine capacity

not exceeding 3000cc.

Chairperson s shall be provided with              an

official car of        engine capacity not exceeding 3000cc.

    official car of engine capacity      
    not exceeding 3000cc.      
    (iii) Chief Magistrates/Kadhi:      
    Shall be   provided   with      
    official        transport        not      
    exceeding 2000cc in lieu of      
    commuter allowance.      
    Note: Where an official transport      
    is not   provided,   the   Chief      
    Magistrates/Kadhi will be paid      
    Commuter Allowance   of   Ksh      
    24,000 per month.      


Allowances and Benefits for State Officers Table 2: Allowances and Benefits for State Officers









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
    c. Mileage Claim: An MP shall be reimbursed a claimable mileage of one return journey per a week from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to        his/her

constituency at the rate of Ksh 152.6

per kilometre.

    respective county assembly office to respective ward at the   rate   of   Ksh

77.35 per kilometre.

Purchase of car at the end of term State officers to be provided a car benefit as follows:

State officers to be provided with an official car as provided above, with an option to purchase the car at the end of term.



Car Benefit in lieu      of official transport In lieu of an official car, State officers who are eligible for an official transport to be provided with:

(i)       Car loan to purchase an official car at the prevailing rate of 3 per cent as set by SRC.

(ii)      Car Maintenance Allowance at the rate of between Ksh 250,000 and Ksh 356,525 per month, as will be reviewed and set by SRC.

(iii)     Mileage Claim for official use of the car outside 50-km radius at rates to be reviewed and set by SRC.

Commuter Not Applicable Not Applicable Other Magistrates and Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Shall be paid to Vice Chairperson s            and

Members at Ksh 30,000

per month.

Allowance     Kadhis: Shall be paid Commuter      
      Allowance as follows:      
          Effectiv Effectiv      
      State officer e 1 July


e 1 July


      Snr Principal          


20,250 20,438      
      Magistrate/Ka dhi 17,250 18,188      


14,750 15,313      


10,250 11,938      
Medical Benefit: for           self,

spouse and up to

Inpatient: Ksh 10 million Outpatient: Ksh 300,000

Maternity: Ksh 150,000

Inpatient: Ksh10 million Outpatient: Ksh 300,000 Maternity: Ksh150,000 Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice and Judges:

Inpatient: Ksh10 million


Inpatient: Ksh 10 million

Inpatient: KSh 3 million Outpatient: KSh 200,000

Maternity: Ksh 100,000

Inpatient: KSh10 million

Outpatient:                      Ksh 300,000

Inpatient: KSh10










Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
four children below the age         of twenty- five years fully dependent on         the State officer Dental: Ksh 75,000

Optical: Ksh 75,000

Dental: Ksh 100,000

Optical: Ksh 100,000

Outpatient: Ksh 300,000

Maternity: Ksh 150,000

Dental: Ksh 75,000

Optical: Ksh 75,000 Magistrates: Inpatient: Ksh 4 million

Outpatient: Ksh 250,000

Maternity: Ksh 150,000

Outpatient:                      Ksh 300,000

Maternity: Ksh 150,000

Dental: Ksh 75,000

Optical: Ksh 75,000

Deputy Governor:

Inpatient: Ksh 5 million

Outpatient:                      Ksh 300,000

Dental: Ksh 50,000

Optical: Ksh 50,000

Maternity:                      Ksh 150,000

Dental:                      Ksh 75,000

Optical:                      Ksh 75,000

Outpatient: Ksh 300,000

Maternity: Ksh 150,000

Dental: Ksh 75,000

Optical: Ksh 75,000

      Dental: Ksh 75,000 Maternity: Ksh 150,000      
      Optical: Ksh 75,000 Dental: Ksh 75,000      
        Optical: Ksh 75,000      
        Member of County Executive Committee:

Inpatient: Ksh 3 million

        Outpatient:                        Ksh      
        Maternity: Ksh 100,000      
        Dental: Ksh 50,000      
        Optical: Ksh 50,000      
Retiremen t Benefit 1.    President: Presidential Retirement                   Benefits Act, 2003

2.   Deputy President: Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) Act, 2015

3.   Other State Officers in the Executive of National Government: Shall be eligible                to                service gratuity at the rate of 31 per cent.

Eligible                to                pension benefit as set by SRC. A Judge, Magistrate or Kadhi serving or appointed on permanent and pensionable terms shall be eligible to a pension benefit in line with the existing laws. Shall be eligible to service gratuity at the rate of 31 per cent.


Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in line with the framework on pension benefits for State officers, as set by SRC from time to time.

Shall be eligible to service gratuity at the rate of 31 per cent.


Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in line with the framework on pension benefits for State officers, as set by SRC from time to time.

Shall be eligible to service gratuity at the rate of 31 per cent.


Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in line      with           the

framework on pension benefits for State officers, as set by SRC from time to time.

Shall        be

eligible               to service gratuity at the rate of 31 per cent.


Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in line with the framework on pension benefits for

State officers   as









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons

Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in line with the framework on pension benefits for State officers, as set by

SRC from time to time.

          set by SRC from time to time.
Group Life Shall     be     eligible            to Shall     be           eligible           to Shall be eligible to compensation Shall be   eligible   to Shall     be           eligible           to Shall be eligible to Shall        be
Insurance compensation                          that                         is compensation that   is that is equivalent to three times compensation that   is compensation that   is compensation that eligible     to
  equivalent to three times equivalent to three times annual pensionable emoluments. equivalent     to                    three equivalent to three times is equivalent   to compensati
  annual                     pensionable annual                   pensionable   times                          annual annual                   pensionable three times annual on that is
  emoluments. emoluments.   pensionable emoluments. pensionable equivalent
        emoluments.   emoluments. to        three
Group Shall     be     eligible            to Shall     be           eligible           to Shall be eligible to compensation Shall be   eligible   to Shall     be           eligible           to Shall be eligible to Shall        be
Personal compensation                          that                         is compensation that   is that is equivalent to three times compensation that   is compensation that   is compensation that eligible     to
Accident equivalent to three times equivalent to three times annual pensionable emoluments. equivalent     to                    three equivalent to three times is equivalent   to compensati
  annual                     pensionable annual                   pensionable   times                          annual annual                   pensionable three times annual on that is
  emoluments. emoluments.   pensionable emoluments. pensionable equivalent
        emoluments.   emoluments. to        three
Airtime Shall be eligible to airtime of Ksh 20,000 per month. 1.  Speaker of the Senate                  and National Assembly: Ksh 25,000 per month.

2.   Member                   of Parliament: Ksh 15,000 per month.

Shall be paid at the rate of up to Ksh 25,000 per month. 1.  Governor:                        Ksh 20,000 per month.

2.   Deputy Governor: Ksh 15,000 per month.

3.   Member of County Executive Committee:                       Ksh 10,000 per month.

1.   Speaker of the County Assembly: Ksh 10,000 per month.

2.   Member of the County Assembly: Ksh 5,000 per month

Chairperson: Ksh 20,000 per month.

Auditor General: Ksh 20,000 per month.

Controller       of

Budget:                      Ksh 20,000 per month.

Shall        be

eligible     to

airtime               of Ksh 15,000

per month.

            Member:                      Ksh 15,000 per month.  
Official Residence Shall be provided to the

President and Deputy President in the form of a

Shall be provided to the

Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly

Shall be provided to the Chief

Justice and Deputy Chief Justice in the form of a physical

Shall be provided to the

County Governor, Deputy Governor in the

Shall be provided to the

Speaker of the County Assembly in the form of

Not Applicable Not Applicable



State officer

Rate per a month (Ksh)
Chief Justice 50,000
Deputy Chief Justice 50,000
Judge of the Supreme Court 50,000
Judge of the Court of Appeal 50,000
Judge of the High Court 50,000
Chief Magistrate/Kadhi 30,000
Senior                       Principal Magistrate/Kadhi 30,000
Principal Magistrate/Kadhi 30,000
Senior             Resident Magistrate/Kadhi 30,000
Resident Magistrate/Kadhi 30,000









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
  physical building/house, and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of official residence. in the form of a physical building/house, and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of official


building/house, and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of official residence. form of a physical building/house, and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of official


a physical building/house, and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of official


Security Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector- General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash. Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector-General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash. 1.  Judges: Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector- General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash.

2.  Magistrates/Kadhis: A Risk/Security Allowance of up to Ksh 15,000 is provided as part of the gross remuneration and is itemised.

Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector-General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash. Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector- General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash. Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector-General of Police, and shall not be commuted to cash. Shall              be provided as advised by the Inspector- General of Police, and shall not be commuted

to cash.

Annual Leave Allowance Shall be paid at the rate of Ksh 50,000 per annum. Leave days shall not be commuted to cash. Not eligible for this benefit. Shall be paid Annual Leave Allowance per annum as follows: 1.       Governor                      and Deputy Governor: Shall be paid at the rate of Ksh 50,000 per annum.                   Leave days shall not be commuted                         to cash.

2.       County Executive Committee Member: Shall be paid at the rate of Ksh 10,000 per annum.                   Leave days shall not be

commuted                      to cash.

Not eligible for this benefit. Shall be paid at the rate of Ksh 50,000                      per

annum. Leave days shall not be commuted to cash.

Not Applicable
Committe e       Sitting Allowance Not Applicable 1.   Chairperson: Ksh 15,000 per sitting, up to a maximum of Ksh 240,000 per month.

2.   Vice-Chairperson: Ksh      12,000             per sitting,     up           to         a

Not Applicable Not Applicable 1.   Chairperson: Ksh 6,500 per sitting, up to a maximum of Ksh 104,000 per month.

2.   Vice-Chairperson: Ksh 5,200 per sitting, up to a maximum of Ksh           83,200           per month.

Not Applicable 1. Chairp erson: Ksh 50,000 per sitting, up          to Ksh 400,000

per month.









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
    maximum               of               Ksh 192,000 per month.

3. Member: Ksh 7,500 per sitting, up to a maximum of Ksh 120,000 per month.

    3. Member: Ksh 3,900 per sitting, up to a maximum of Ksh 62,400 per month.   2.  Vice

Chairp erson: Ksh 45,000

per sitting, up          to Ksh 360,000

per month.

3.   Membe r:        Ksh 40,000 per sitting, up          to Ksh 320,000

per month.

Sitting Allowance for Plenary Sessions Not Applicable Not payable.


The           proposed                  gross remuneration           includes

compensation                    for plenary sitting.

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not payable.


The          proposed                 gross remuneration          includes

compensation                    for plenary sitting.

Not Applicable Not Applicable
Non- practice Allowance Not Applicable Not Applicable Reviewed as ordered by the court in Nairobi ELRC Petition 29 of 2019, Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA) vs SRC:


Judges: At the rate of Ksh 20,000 per month.


Magistrates: At the rate of Ksh 15,000 per month.

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Taxable Car


Not payable Not Applicable Not payable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Daily Subsisten ce The Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) rates are standardised across the country, and paid based on job groups/remuneration grade as follows:




Special Judicial Duty Allowance
Chief Justice Deputy Chief Justice Principal Judge

Deputy Principal Judge


Ksh 150,000

Resident Judge Ksh 130,000

Heads of Station

20% of monthly pensionable emoluments









Executive of the National Government



Senate and National Assembly






Executive of the County Governments



County Assemblies

Full Time Constitutional Commissions and Independent


Part Time Constituti onal Commissi ons
Allowance for Local and Foreign Travel   Job Group

(Civil Service and Equivalent)

Remuneration Grade for State Officer Grades All Cities, County Headquarters, and All Other Towns  
  F4 22,000
U-V F1, F2 18,200
S-T E3, E4, E5 16,800
P-R E2, E1, D5 14,000
K-N D4 11,200
F-J 6,300
A-E 4,200
Note: For the purpose of addressing the issue of applicable distance from duty station, it is clarified that DSA shall not be payable for locations that are within 50km radius of the respective duty stations of the officers affected.
Special Responsib ility Allowance Special Responsibility Allowance:

Shall be paid to:

1.    Prime         Cabinet Secretary at the rate of Ksh 150,000 per month for the added responsibility over and above the duties stipulated in the State officers’ terms of service, for which a regular salary is paid.

2.    Principal Secretaries in charge of Ministry of Interior, National Treasury, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the rate of Ksh 100,000 per month for the           added

responsibility over and above the duties stipulated in the State officers’ terms of service, for which a regular salary is paid.

Special Parliamentary Duty Allowance:

Shall be paid up to a maximum of Ksh 150,000 per month to State officers in the Senate and National Assembly, whose duties involve               added parliamentary leadership over and above the duties stipulated in one’s terms of service, for which a regular salary is paid.

Special Judicial Duty Allowance: Shall be paid to judges with additional special judicial responsibilities as follows: Not Applicable Special                         County

Assembly                               Duty Allowance: Shall be paid to Members of the County Assembly with special                     assembly responsibilities,                              as apportioned by the County Assembly Service Board against the positions established by the Standing Orders or Resolutions     of     the

Assembly, as follows:

Not Applicable Not Applicable

Leadership Position

Monthly Limits (Ksh per


Chief Whip Deputy Leader of Majority

Deputy Leader of




Chairperson     of Committees Deputy                  Chief Whip

Other Whips



Vice Chairperson of Committees 23,000
Members         of Speakers Panel 20,000
Car Loan, and Mortgage


Shall be provided to State officers as follows in Table 3.



Table 3: Car Loan and Mortgage Benefit

State Officer Car Loan Mortgage
Executive of the National Government    
Cabinet Secretary  

Up to Ksh 10 million


Up to Ksh 40 million

Attorney General
Secretary to the Cabinet
Principal Secretary

Inspector-General, National Police Service Director General, National Intelligence Service


Up to Ksh 8 million


Up to Ksh 35 million

Deputy Inspector-General, Kenya Police Service Deputy Inspector-General, Administration Police Service

Director Criminal Investigation


Up to Ksh 6 million


Up to Ksh 30 million

Senate and National Assembly    
Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly Up to Ksh 10 million Up to Ksh 40 million
Members of the Senate and National Assembly Up to Ksh 8 million Up to Ksh 35 million
The Judiciary    
Chief Justice Up to Ksh 10 million Up to Ksh 40 million
Deputy Chief Justice Up to Ksh 10 million Up to Ksh 40 million
Judges Up to Ksh 8 million Up to Ksh 35 million
Magistrates Up to Ksh 4 million Up to Ksh 20 million
Executive of the County Governments    
County Governor Up to Ksh 10 million Up to Ksh 40 million
Deputy Governor Up to Ksh 5 million Up to Ksh 25 million
Member of County Executive Committee Up to Ksh 4 million Up to Ksh 20 million
County Assemblies    
Speaker of the County Assembly Up to Ksh 4 million Up to Ksh 20 million
Member of County Assembly Up to Ksh 2 million Up to Ksh 3 million
Full-Time      and      Part-Time                      Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices    
Chairperson Up to Ksh 8 million Up to Ksh 35 million
Auditor General Up to Ksh 8 million Up to Ksh 35 million
Controller of Budget, Director Public Prosecution Up to Ksh 8 million Up to Ksh 35 million
Vice    Chairperson,    Commission    Members,          CEOs,

Registrar    of    Political    Parties,    Data                  Protection Commissioner


Up to Ksh 6 million


Up to Ksh 30 million



  • The rate of interest applicable shall be 3 per cent per annum on a reducing balance for the duration of the
  • Car loan and mortgage schemes shall be recoverable within the contract term of a State
  • Car Loan and Mortgage schemes shall be administered and managed within the existing requisite regulations to govern the schemes, and subject to availability of
  • Members of County Assemblies may access a maximum value of Ksh 5 million loan for purchase of car and/or house.

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