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Revised KCSE 2020 group 4 project guidelines- Latest KNEC news

Knec Chief Executive Officer Dr Mercy Karogo at a past event.

Knec Chief Executive Officer Dr Mercy Karogo at a past event.

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has released revised guidelines on the handling of the 2020 KCSE group IV projects. The Council’s revised schedule of timelines follows the recent reopening of schools.

“Apart from this revised schedule, all other instructions and guidelines are still in place.” says the Council Boss Dr. Mercy Karogo.

New guidelines for 442/1 -Art and Design

The deadline for uploading scores for the 2 Dimension (2D) Art and Design project was 31st March 2020. It was however not possible for some centres to work within the deadlines due to the closure of schools. The schools that did not manage to do so have until 30th October 2020 to complete and upload their scores.

The second project, which is 3 Dimension (3D), was due for uploading on 31st March 2020 to have been completed by 15th July 2020. This has now been revised and the timelines specified in the table below.

Revised guidelines for 443/3 – Agriculture

The candidates will only be assessed on Milestone 1. The examination centres whose candidates had:

  • been assessed for Milestone 1 and scores uploaded should consider the project completed;
  • been assessed in Milestone 1 but scores not uploaded should proceed to upload the scores with the evidence in the prescribed format by 30th October 2020;
  • not been assessed in Milestone 1 but kept the evidence of the individual candidate project should go ahead to assess and upload the scores with the evidence in the prescribed format by 30th October 2020;
  • not been assessed for Milestone 1 and have no evidence for the individual candidate project should redo the project, assess and upload the scores for Milestone 1 with evidence in the prescribed format by 31st January 2021.

Revised guidelines for 444/2 – Woodwork; 445/2 – Metalwork; 446/2 – Building Construction; 451/3 – Computer Studies

The examination centres whose candidates had:

  • been assessed for Milestone 1 and their scores uploaded should immediately embark on the subsequent phases of projects as specified in the table below;
  •  been assessed in Milestone 1 but scores not yet uploaded should proceed to upload the scores with the evidence in the prescribed format by 30th October 2020 then embark on the subsequent phases of the projects as specified in the table below;
  • not been assessed should assess the candidates for Milestone 1 and upload the scores with the evidence in the prescribed format by 30th October 2020 then embark on the subsequent phases of the projects as specified in the table below.

4. The revised timelines will be as follows:

1 442/3 Art & Design (2D) January, 2020 30th October 2020 30th October, 2020
2 442/3 Art & Design (3D) October, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021
3 443/3 Agriculture January, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021
4 444/2 Woodwork January, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021
5 445/2 Maetal work January, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021
6 446/2 Building Construction January, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021
7 451/3 Computer Studies January, 2020 15th January 2021 31st January 2021


“The assessment records for all the projects should be delivered in the prescribed format to the sub- county Director by 15th February 2021.” Adds Dr. Karogo.

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