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Reset your KRA account password easily

The KRA iTax window. Reset your forgotten KRA password by visiting this portal.

The KRA iTax window. Reset your forgotten KRA password by visiting this portal.

You probably have a Kenya Revenue Authority, KRA, PIN and experiencing troubles logging into your account so as to declare the individual income tax returns. You may not be the only one facing such a scenario. Many Kenyans out there may have forgotten their KRA passwords and are stuck on what the next course of action should be.

Did you know that you can easily reset your password easily? Yes. All that you need to remember is the Email address that was used when applying for your PIN certificate.


It is time to reset your password. Follow these simple steps:

  • Visit the KRA iTax portal by using the link;
  • Enter your PIN and click on ‘Continue’.
  • In the next window, select ‘forgot Password/ Unlock Account’.
  • On the new window, insert the correct answer to the displayed arithmetic operation (Addition or Subtraction) and click on ‘Submit’.
  • A new password will be sent to your Email account.
  • Now, open your email (inbox) and locate the mail from KRA. Copy the new password. This password is case sensitive and note the characters correctly
  • Visit the iTax portal and enter your KRA PIN and the new password. Insert the answer to the arithmetic operation and click on ‘Login’.
  • You will be expected to reset your password before proceeding. Remember to use a password that you can easily recall.
For a procedure on how to file your KRA returns click on:

You can also change the email address, in case you can not access/ recover the current address. Change of email address can be initiated by the taxpayer. On the taxpayers profile under registration, the taxpayer is allowed to amend PIN details. Change of email address can be initiated form the iTax profile, under Registration- Amend PIN details. Once the process is initiated by the taxpayer, a task is created for approval by a KRA officer.

For assistance on KRA PIN related problems do not hesitate to contact KRA via:

  • Email: and
  • Call 020 2390919 and 020 2391099 and 0771628105
  • Visit the nearest KRA office or Huduma Centre for assistance.

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