Receive your KCPE 2020 Results
You can now receive your KNEC KCPE 2020 results. The results are available online or through the KNEC portal; https://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/.
This is the most effective and fastest way of checking for the results. To get KCPE results 2020 by SMS a candidate is required to send an SMS with your Index Number to 20076.
The service is viable for all the three network providers in the country Safaricom, Airtel and Telkom networks. Send the SMS in the Format: IndexNumberKCPE. Do not leave a space between Index number and KCPE; Also write KCPE in Capital letters.
The cost of each SMS is Sh.25. Remember to only send the SMS once the results are officially announced.
To use this method to check 2020 results you only need to remember your index number and access your mobile phone or computer Here is the procedure:
- Visit the Official KNEC website (knec.ac.ke)
- Check for the KCPE Results tab, click on it
- Select the year you sat for the Exams
- Enter your Index number.
- Finally click the Submit button.
- Your KCPE results should show on the screen after a while.
Visiting former Primary School
Finally, candidates can check their KCPE 2019 results by visiting their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.
Downloading full School’s Results
Download the full centre’s results, after they have been announced, at: http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke
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