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NAME            :                                                                                                                                              

LEVEL            :                                                                                                                                              

AGE                :                                                                                                                                              

UPI                  :                                                                                                                                              







FATHER’S NAME    :                                                                                                          

CONTACT                  :                                                           SIG                                        

EMAIL ADDRESS     :                                                                                                          

MOTHER’S NAME  :                                                                                                          

CONTACT                  :                                                           SIG                                        

EMAIL ADDRESS     :                                                                                                          

FACILITATOR’S NAME    :                                                                                              

CONTACT                  :                                                           SIG                                        








Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.0 LISTENING          
1.1 Common greetings and farewell related to relationship.          
  Respond appropriately to greetings with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
  Respond appropriately to farewell with reference to relationship in and out of school          
  Enjoy responding to greetings and farewell with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
1.2 Listening for comprehension          
  Answer questions correctly after a listening experience in class.          
  Solve simple riddles in and out of school.          
  Sing songs with actions in and out of school.          
  Recite poems and rhymes with actions in and out of school.          
  Take pleasure in activities that involve listening for comprehension.          
1.3 Active listening          
  Pay attention to conversations in and out of school.          
  Answer questions after listening to a story.          
  Respond to simple instructions in and out of school.          
  Appreciate the contribution of others during conversations.          
1.4 Passing information          
  Convey verbal messages effectively in and out of school.          
  Retell short stories in and out of school.          
  Engage in dialogue in and out of school.          
  Take pleasure in passing verbal messages and retelling short stories in and out of school.          
1.5 Auditory discrimination          
  Identify all letter sounds in the classroom environment.          
   Differentiate closely related letter sounds in and out of school          
  Experience pleasure through play in and out of school.          
1.5 Auditory memory          
  Say letter sounds after the teacher in class.          
  Recall letter sounds in and out of class.          
  Enjoy playing auditory memory games in and out of class.          
2.0 SPEAKING          
2.1 Common greetings and farewell related to relationship          
  Use vocabulary related to greetings with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
  Use vocabulary related to bidding farewell with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
  Greet people appropriately with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
  Bid people farewell appropriately with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
  Appreciate greeting and bidding people farewell with reference to relationship in and out of school.          
2.2 Self-expression          
  Express their needs and ideasVerbally in and out of school.          
  Use appropriate vocabulary to express their needs and ideas in and out of school.          
  Take pleasure in expressing their ideas and needs verbally and non-verbally at home and in school.          
2.3 Polite Language          
  Use appropriate vocabulary when making requests in and out of school.          
  Use appropriate vocabulary to excuse self and apologize in and out of school.          
  State the appropriate vocabulary for excusing self and making requests in andout of school.          
  Appreciate making requests, excusing self and apologizing when need arises.          
2.4 Audience awareness          
  Speak clearly when talking to others in and out of class.          
  Speak loud enough for the audience to hear in school and at home.          
  Demonstrate ability to speak confidently in and out of class.          
  Enjoy speaking to others inand out of class.          
2.5 Passing information          
  Convey messages effectively at home and in school.          
  Retell short stories in andout of school.          
  Use relevant vocabulary when engaging in dialogue.          
  Take pleasure in passing verbal messages and retelling stories in and outof school.          
2.6 Naming          
  Name objects, animals, people and colours in the immediate environment.          
  Name safe objects in theimmediate environment.          
  Name unsafe objects in theimmediate environment.          
  Experience pleasure in naming colours, objects andpeople in the immediateenvironment.          
2.7 Articulation of letter sounds          
  Articulate vowels and consonants correctly in and out of class.          
  Demonstrate awareness of letter-sound correspondence in and out of class.          
  Take pleasure in activitiesrelating to letter sounds in and out of class.          
3.0 READING          
3.1 Book handling skills          
  Demonstrate book handling skills in and out of school.          
  Demonstrate ability toarrange books properly.          
  Take pleasure in book handling and storage activities.          
3.2 Reading readiness skills          
  Demonstrate left-right eye orientation when reading          
  Demonstrate top-bottomorientation skills when reading          
  Turn pages from right to leftwhen opening a page          
  Enjoy participating in pre-reading activities in and out of school          
3.3 Print awareness          
  Talk about pictures in and out of school.          
  Demonstrate awareness of print in and out of school.          
  Show interest in readingin and out of school.          
  Enjoy reading picturesin and out of school.          
3.4 Visual Discrimination          
  Identify differences and similarities in objects and pictures at home and at school.          
  Match and pair pictures andobjects at home and at school.          
  Take pleasure in visual discrimination activities at home and at school.          
3.5 Visual memory          
  Recall objects, colours and pictures in the immediate environment.          
  Recall letters of the alphabet in and out of class.          
  Talk about what they have seen in the immediate environment.          
  Have pleasure in visual memory activities in and out of class.          
3.6 Reading posture          
  Identify correct reading posture in pictures.          
  Sit appropriately when reading in and out of class.          
  Enjoy participating in activities on reading posture in and out of class.          
3.7 Letter recognition          
  Match upper case letters with corresponding lower case letters in class.          
  Take pleasure in letter matching activities in and out of class.          
3.8 Reading syllables          
  Read syllables in and out of class.          
  Demonstrate ability to read syllables in class          
  Enjoy participating in activities that involve reading syllables.          
3.9 Reading three to four letter words          
  Demonstrate ability to blend syllables to read three to four letter words in and out of class.          
  Read three to four letter words correctly in and out of class.          
  Enjoy participating in activities that involve reading three to four letter words in and out of class.          
4.0 WRITING          
4.1 Book handling          
  Demonstrate ability to handle books appropriately in and out of class.          
  Arrange books properly in and out of class.          
  Enjoy participating in book handling activities in and out of class.          
4.2 Writing readiness skills          
  Hold a writing tool properly in and out of class.          
  Turn pages from right to left during a writing activity in and out of class.          
  Take pleasure in prewriting activities inand out of class.          
4.3 Writing posture          
  Sit appropriately when writing in and out of class.          
  Derives pleasure in activities for writing posture in and out of class          
4.4 Eye-hand coordination skills          
  Demonstrate eye-hand coordination when writing in and out of class.          
  Enjoy participating in eye-hand coordination activities in and out of class.          
4.5 Pattern writing          
  Write simple cursive patterns in and out of class.          
  Use audio visual materials to make simple cursive patterns in and out of class.          
  Hold writing tools appropriately when writing.          
  Experience pleasure in cursive pattern writing activities in and out of class          
4.6 Letter formation          
  Form letters correctly in and out of class.          
  Demonstrate ability to form letters correctly in and out of class.          
  Have pleasure in letter formation activities in and out of class.          
4.7 Writing letters of the alphabet          
  Demonstrate ability to write letters properly in and out of class.          
  Write letters of the alphabet properly in and out of class.          
  Enjoy using basic tools for letter writing activities in and out of class.          
4.8 Writing three to four letter words (allow variation depending on the language)          
  Write three to four letter words in class.          
  Copy own name in class.          
  Have pleasure in participating in writing activities in and out of class.          







OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.0 CLASSIFICATION          
1.1 Sorting and grouping          
  identify similarities and differences between objects for distinguishing one object from the other          
  sort and group objects intheir environment          
  group objects in the environment according to more than one attribute          
  appreciate the materials in the environment for their uniqueness and diversity          
1.2 Matching and pairing          
  identify similarities among objects in the environment          
  identify differences amongobjects in the environment          
  match objects according to likeness or sameness in the
  pair objects related to eachother according to sameness,likeness, use, typerelationship, part and whole          
  use appropriate vocabularyrelated to matching andpairing objects for effectivecommunication          
  appreciate the use of differentobjects in the environment          
1.3 Ordering          
  collect and identify differentobjects in their environment for exploration and enjoyment          
  Arrange objects in the immediate environment according to size in ascending up to five objects for comparison.          
  Arrange objects in the immediate environment according t size in descending order.          
  arrange objects in the environment according to more than one attribute          
  differentiate objects of differentsizes in the environment          
  use different objects in the environment in their daily activities          
  use appropriate vocabularyrelated to ordering in their daily life experiences for effective communication          
  appreciate different objects ormaterials in the environment          
1.4 Patterns          
  Observe objects in the environment for the purpose of identifying patterns.          
  identify similarities anddifferences among objects          
  arrange similar objects tomake a pattern          
  use different objects tomake patterns          
  identify patterns in different objects within the environment (clothes, animals, seeds, leaves)          
  Identify the repeating partof the patterns.          
  appreciate pattern s in theirenvironment          
  enjoy making different patterns with objects found in the environment          
2.0 NUMBERS          
2.1 Rote counting          
  rote count numbers 1-50 for developing numeracy skills          
  rote count using actions upto 50 for enhancing acquisition of numeracy          
  enjoy rote counting up to50 in their daily life.          
2.2 Number recognition          
  identify numerals 1-20 for enhancement of acquisition of formation of number symbols          
  appreciate use of numbers and develop curiosity for numbers in daily life experiences.          
2.3 Counting concrete objects          
  observe objects in differentgroups or sets fordistinguishing different typesof similar objects          
  count concrete objects 1-20 fordeveloping skills          
  demonstrate one to onecorrespondence whilecounting concrete objects          
  enjoy counting objects withintheir environment          
  appreciate the use of one to one correspondence in real lifesituations          
  demonstrate number value bycounting concrete objects


2.4 Number sequencing          
  identify number symbols 1-20 for acquisition of numeracy skills          
  arrange number cards in sequence 1-20 for appreciation of increase in value          
  arrange number cards in sequence by completing missing numbers          
  enjoy arranging numbers in sequence in day to day experiences          
2.5 Number value          
  collect objects from the environment          
  count groups of objects in the environment and select the corresponding number symbol.          
  differentiate the number valueof objects in the environment          
  appreciate the value of numbers in their daily life experiences          
  Relate number value withobjects in the environment.          
2.6 Symbolic representation of number (number writing)          
  identify number symbols up to 20 for association of spoken number and its symbolic representation          
  form and write numbers 1- 20 on a surface for representing quantities of objects or items by symbols          
  write number symbols 1-20on a surface for enjoyment          
  form number symbols 1-20using ICT for digital literacy          
  Appreciate the use ofnumbers within their environment.          
2.7 Number puzzle          
  rearrange number cards 1-20 in thecorrect order          
  identify different parts of numerals1-20 using not more than ten parts          
  join different parts of numbers to form complete number symbols 1-20 with not more than 10 parts          
  enjoy completing number puzzles indaily life          
  relate number symbols with theobjects in the environment          
  use ICT to complete number puzzles          
2.8 Putting together          
  collect different groups ofsimilar objects for counting          
  identify sets of similar objects in the environment for counting          
  put similar objects together with a sum not exceeding 9          
  enjoy the activities of puttingtogether objects in their day to day experiences          
  appreciate that things becomemore when put together          
2.9 Taking away          
  collect different groups of similarobjects or items          
  count objects in different sets toestablish the number in each set          
  take away fewer objects from setsnot more than 9          
  count the number of the remainingobjects after taking away          
  enjoy the activities of taking away objects and counting the remainders in the day to day life experiences          
3.0 MEASUREMENT          
3.1 Sides of objects          
  observe different objects with straight sides in the environment          
  identify different sides of objects in the environment          
  manipulate objects of different sides in the environment          
  enjoy measuring sides of objects using arbitrary units          
3.2 Mass (heavy and light)          
  collect different objects from the environment          
  lift different objects in theenvironment for comparing their


  compare heavy and light objects in the environment          
  appreciate objects of differentmass in their environment          
  enjoy manipulating objects ofdifferent mass in daily life


3.3 Capacity (how much can a container hold)          
  fill and empty different containers with different objects and substances          
  compare sizes of containersusing through filling and emptying using differentsubstances and objects          
  appreciate the use of objectsof different sizes in theenvironment          
  enjoy filling and emptyingcontainers in the environment          
3.4 Time (Daily routines)          
  compare sizes of shadows at different times of the day to

determine their sizes

  use vocabulary related to time for effective communication          
  observe tools used fortelling time          
  name tools used for telling time (clock ;calendar; mobile phone; animals and birds)          
  name the days of the week and the months of the year          
  appreciate management of time when doing different activities          
3.6 Money (Kenyan currency coins and notes)          
  observe types of Kenyancurrency for familiarity          
  identify Kenyan currency coins and notes for distinguishing them from other currencies          
  buy items using Kenyan coins and notes of different denominations          
  save money for future use          
  make a simple budget basingon own needs          
  appreciate the use of Kenyancurrency in their daily life          
3.7 Area (surfaces of objects)          
  observe objects with different surfaces in the environment for determining their sizes          
  identify surfaces of differentobjects in the environment          
  cover surfaces of different objects by using not more than 20 smaller similar objects          
  use appropriate vocabulary related to surfaces of objects for effective communication          
  Appreciate different surfacesof objects in the environment.          


























OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.1 Drawing from observation          
  use appropriate tools todraw simple pictures          
  draw simple representation from observation          
  appreciate each other’s,drawing          
1.2 Drawing from Memory          
  identify drawing materials          
  use appropriate tools todraw simple pictures          
  draw symbolicrepresentation of things found in the classroom frommemory          
   appreciate each other’s,drawing          
1.3 Printing          
  identify printingmaterials          
  develop simple printingtools          
  create patterns using different objects for creativity          
  appreciate own andother pupils work          
1.4 Colouring          
  recognize common colours in the environment for use in


  display ability to use colour media freely for enjoyment          
  appreciate and talk abouttheir work          
1.5 Painting          
  identify painting materials          
  paint freely on paper forfamiliarization of materials          
  use finger technique forpainting          
  paint freely for enjoyment          
  appreciate own and otherspainted work          
1.5 Mosaic          
  identify materials formaking mosaic


  Make mosaic pictures using locally available Materials for aesthetics.          
  make collage pictures using locally available materials for enjoyment          
  appreciate the use oflocally available materials for making mosaic          
1.6 Collage          
  identify material for making collage          
  make collage pictures usinglocally available materials for


  make collage pictures usinglocally available materials for


  Appreciate their own and otherpupils work and develop self-esteem.          
2.1 Ball technique          
  identify different types of materials used in modelling          
  model items using ball techniques          
  model for enjoyment          
  Express their ideas, feelings and emotions through modelling.          
2.2 Coil technique          
  identify different types of material used in coil technique          
  model items using coiltechniques          
  model for enjoyment          
  Express their ideas, feelings and emotions through Modelling.          
2.3 Slab Technique          
  identify different types of material used in slab technique          
  model items using slab techniques          
  model for enjoyment          
  Express their ideas, feelings and emotions through modelling.          
3.0 PAPER CRAFT          
3.1 Paper folding          
  identify different methods of folding papers for creativity          
  make items using folding techniques for problem solving          
  make items using paper folding techniques for fun          
4.1 Creating shape forms          
  identify drawing icons for familiarization with digital devices          
  use digital device to create shapes and forms creativity          
  appreciate the use of ICT increating shapes and forms          
5.0 PAPER CRAFT          
5.1 Weaving          
  identify materials forweaving          
  make weaves using paper forcreativity          
  appreciate the use of localmaterials for making woven


6.0 CONSTRUCTION          
6.1 3-Dimensional forms          
  identify materials for construction          
  create forms in 3-d using locally found materials for innovation          
  handling construction materials for exploration and enjoyment          
  appreciate self and otherswork          
7.0 ORNAMENTS          
7.1 Beading          
  identify locally available materials for beading          
  make an item using coloured beads for creativity          
  appreciate self and otherswork          
7.2 Bracelets          
  identify local materials for making bracelets          
  make and decorate bracelets for friendship.          
  making bracelets for enjoyment          
8.0 PERFOMANCE          
8.1 Dance          
  Perform a free dancing style for enjoyment. movement for


  dance in pairs andgroups for cooperation          
  respond to changes in tempo and rhythms through body


  perform traditional dances within the locality to enhance


8.2 Musical rhymes          
  recite rhymes with repetitive phrases and rhythmic patterns          
  display the ability to recitesimple rhymes          
  perform simple rhymes forentertainment          
  recite a range of musical rhymes to enhance creativity          
  appreciate others talents as they perform simple rhymes          
8.3 Rhythmic patterns          
  identify musical instruments usedfor performing rhythmic patterns e.g. percussion          
  display the ability to create rhythmic movements through dance, nodding and swaying for enjoyment          
  create rhythm using percussioninstruments to enhance tempo          
  appreciate others talent as they perform rhythmic patterns using percussion instruments          
8.4 Singing games          
  identify different cultural singing games for harmonious core existence          
  perform varied cultural singing games using props for enjoyment          
  express feelings through singing games for appreciation          
8.5 Pay simple musical instruments          
  identify various music ICTdevice for familiarization          
  play simple musicalinstruments for enjoyment          
  display ability to play various simple musical instruments including ICT device          
  play simple instruments and make movement for talent development          
9.1 Musical sounds          
  listen to sounds from the environment for familiarization          
  imitate sounds made fromthe environment for vocal development          
  appreciate sounds from theenvironment for correct


10.0 BASIC MOTOR SKILLS          
10.1 Locomotive Skills          
  identify common terms usedin outdoor activities such as

climbing/sliding, throwingand catching for correct response

  climb and slide on playing objects for enjoyment          
  observe safety during climbing and sliding on playing objects          
10.2 Non-locomotive skills          
  identify common terms used in turning and twisting activities for appropriate response          
  turning and twisting forflexibility          
  turn and twist for safety          
10.3 Manipulative skills          
  kick freely for enjoyment          
  display the ability to balance the body for kicking technique          
  display manipulative skillsthrough bouncing ball for

distance estimation

  bounce and kick balls safely          
  bounce and kick balls forenjoyment          
11.0 SWIMMING          
11.1 Pool safety          
  identify basic water safety and hygiene rules for application in the pool          
  demonstrate ability to follow safety rules accordingly          
11.2 Water orientation          
  confidently move around the pool in readiness for swimming          
  opening eyes confidently in water for safe swimming          
  identify basic floating techniques for swimming          
  appreciate the use of water forrecreation          
12.0 FUN GAMES          
12.1 Modern/Traditional fun games          
  identify some fun games within their environment for play          
  perform fun games forenjoyment          
  appreciate and acknowledge each other as they perform the fun games          


OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.1 Myself          
  talk about body parts (head, ears, eyes, mouth, hand,) for self-awareness,          
  Tell the uses of ears, nose mouth and eyes. for self-awareness,


  Appreciate one’sbody parts for self-esteem.          
1.2 Our School          
  talk about work done by different people in the school          
  participate indeveloping classroom rule (Dos and Don’ts)

for interpersonal relationships

   appreciate the school community for harmonious living          
1.3 Our home          
1.3.1 Structures/building          
  Name different structures andbuildings found at home,          
  Identify different buildings andstructures at home,          
  Talk about the uses of buildingsand structures at home,          
  Appreciate buildings andstructures.          
1.3.2 People found at home          
  name people found at home for self- awareness,          
  tell the relationships between people found at home for harmonious living          
  talk about people found at home for harmonious living          
  talk about work done by people at home          
  Appreciate people found at homeand the work they do.          
1.4 Interpersonal relationship          
  Identify Courteous words used in day today life          
  Talk about the use of courteous words in day to day life for interpersonal relationship          
  Appreciate the need touse courteous words          
  Use greetings and respond with actions appropriately          
  Show empathy to theneedy          
1.5 Neighbourhood          
  identify the classmates by names for harmonious living          
   name the classmates as neighbours for interpersonal


  identify physicalfeatures in the neighbourhood forsafety and security          
  appreciate theclassmates as theirneighbours          
1.6 Dressing          
  identify clothes worn atdifferent times          
  dress and undressappropriately          
  to put on shoes correctly          
  appreciate one’s clothesfor self-esteem          
2.0 HEALTH PRACTICES          
2.1 Hand washing          
  tell the importance of washing hands for personal hygiene          
  wash hands appropriately          
  tell critical times to wash hands          
  appreciate the need towash hands at critical


2.2 Care for the nose          
  tell the importance of having a personal handkerchief,          
  wipe one’s nose appropriately,          
  appreciate the need to own and care for a personal handkerchief          
2.3 Care for teeth          
  tell the dangers of using substances that destroy teeth,          
  talk about actions thatdestroy teeth,          
  brush teeth using appropriate brushing material found in one’s locality ,          
  Appreciate the need to care for teeth by avoiding eating sugary things.          
2.4 Toileting          
  talk about the importance of using a clean toilet,          
  Identify materials used for toileting          
  use the toilet properly for safety and hygiene,


  Appreciate proper useof toilet facilities.          
2.5 Food/feeding          
  talk about different types of foods for healthy living,          
  feed self for good health and nutrition,          
  talk about dangers of sharing food from other people’s mouth,          
  talk about dos and don’ts while eating          
  Observe table manners whileeating.          
3.1 Plants          
  talk about plants in the immediate environment          
  observe plants in the immediate environment          
  talk about the uses of plants in the immediate environment          
  take care of plants found in their immediate environment          
  appreciate plants found in their immediate environment          
3.2 Animals          
  talk about animals in the immediate environment,          
  observe animals within the environment,          
  appreciate the presence of animals in the environment          
3.3 Weather          
  Talk about the different weather conditions.          
  observe weather conditionsin the immediate environment          
  appreciate different weather conditions in the environment          
3.4 Water          
  Talk about sources of water          
  Talk about the uses of water in the environment          
  Play with waterfor enjoyment and discovery          
  appreciate the importance of water in the environment          
3.5 Soil          
  talk about the safety measures when playing with soil,          
  play with soil for enjoyment and exploration,          
   Appreciate playing withsoil for enjoyment.          
3.6 Sound          
  recognize the sources of sounds produced in the immediate environment,          
  talk about sounds produced in the immediate environment,          
  Respond to different sounds in the environment appropriately.          
3.7 Smell          
  identify the bodypart used in smelling,          
  recognize the pleasant and unpleasant smell in the immediate environment,          
  Respond appropriately to the pleasant and unpleasant smell

in the surrounding,

  Appreciate the pleasant smell in the immediate environment.          
3.8 Light          
  talk about different sources of light in the immediate environment,          
  play with shadows          
  appreciate uses of light in the immediate environment          
4.1 Care for the immediate environment          
  identify waste materials and items that require disposal in the immediateenvironment          
  dispose waste materials appropriately          
  appreciate living in aclean environment          
4.2 Safety in the environment          
  talk about safe places, objects and activities in the immediate environment,          
  talk about dangerous places in the immediate environment,          
  talk about dangerous objects in the immediate environment,          
  talk about dangerous activities in the immediate environment,          
  to recognize safe and dangerous places, objects and activities in the immediate environment,          
  talk about how to identify strangers within their immediate environment          
  Take safety precautions inthe school compound.          


OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.0 GOD’S CREATION          
1.1 God as the provider and healer          
  identify God as the providerfor their needs,          
  Sing simple songs on God as a provider to enhance their knowledge of God,          
  identify God as a healer fortheir spiritual and physical


  recite short poems of God as a healer stories to enhance their trust in God,          
  display understanding of God is a provider and healer for their spiritual growth,          
  Appreciate God as theprovider and healer.          
1.2 Creation (parts of the body)          
  Name his /her parts of the body that God created in his own

image and likeness

  Demonstrate some ways of caring parts of the body as the temple of the holy spirit          
  Appreciate his/her parts of the body as wonderfully made by God          
1.3 Plants and domestic animals          
  name plants found at home and school as part of God’s creation          
  name animals found at home and school as part of God’s creation          
  state simple ways of taking care of plants and some domestic animals          
  demonstrate taking care of some domestic animals and plants for social responsibility          
  Appreciate plants and animals found at home and school as God’s creation.          
1.4 Name of God according catchment          
  identify the name of God as used in his/her catchment area for personal knowledge          
  identify the name of God in other communities for peaceful co-existence          
   appreciate the name of God according to his/her catchment area for self – awareness          
  desire to know the name of God as used in other communities to promote unity          
1.5 Communicating to God through prayer          
  mention simple prayers at different times for his/her spiritual nourishment          
  Recite prayers for different times as part of his/her spiritual growth.          
  respect different times of prayer for his/her spiritual growth          
  Appreciate prayer as one of the most important way of talking to God.          
  desire to pray at alltimes          
2.0 HOLY BIBLE          
2.1 The Bible          
  Identify the bible as a Holy book used by Christians for his/her spiritual growth          
  Sing simple songs onthe Bible as a Holy book of God to be


  appreciate the Bible as a Holy book          
  desire to read the Bibleas Holy book          
2.2 Handling the bible          
  identify different waysof handling the Bible as a Holy book used by Christians to nurture a sense of responsibility          
  demonstrate different ways of handling the Bible with care to promote respect for the word of God          
  sing simple songs on how to handle the Bible          
  desire to handle the Bible with respect as a Holy book          
  appreciate the importance of handling the Bible as part of his/her self-discipline          
3.1 Christian festivals: Christmas and Easter          
  identify the Christian festivals for spiritual growth          
  give the meaning of Christmas as an important Christian celebration about God’s love          
  sing songs in praise ofChristmas as the birthday of Jesus Christ.          
  role play the Christmas events with joy          
  give the meaning of Easter as an important Christian celebration of God’s love          
  sing Easter songs in thankingJesus Christ for dying for us          
  appreciate Christmas andEaster as Christian celebrations of God’s love.          
3.2 Christian Rituals          
  identify some simple Christian rituals for his/her spiritual growth          
  Demonstrate some Christianrituals performed in his/her

church for spiritual nourishment

  Roles play Christian rituals practiced according to different churches to nurturepeaceful coexistence amonglearners.

Appreciate taking part in Christian rituals in his/her

church to promote the values of love, responsibility and integrity

4.0 CHRISTIAN VALUES          
4.1 Greatest commandment: Love of God and neighbour          
  state the greatest commandment of God for their spiritual growth          
  practice the love of God and neighbour to promote interpersonal relationship          
  role play on how love of God and neighbour should promote peaceful coexistence          
  sing songs of God’s love and neighbour to promote spiritual growth          
  desire to thank God for his love for mankind          
  appreciate the commandment on love of God and neighbour for spiritual growth          
5.0 PLACES OF WORSHIP          
5.1 Places of worship          
  Identify the church as a place of worship          
  Identify different places of worship that exists in his/her community for peaceful co-existence.          
  demonstrate activities that take place in the church for-example singing, praying and giving offerings as thanks giving to God          
  colour a picture of a church as a place of worship for self-efficacy          
  respect different places of worship to promote religious tolerance          
5.2 Church services          
  identify different activities that take place during the church

service for harmonious living

  demonstrate the activities that are performed during the

church service for interpersonal interaction

  sing songs that relate to the activities that take place during the church service for spiritual growth          
  desire to participate in the activities that are done during the church service for self fulfilment          
  appreciate the activities that take place during church service for spiritual nourishment          
5.3 Behaviour in the Church          
  identify good behaviour for desirable Christian living          
  demonstrate good behavior in Church to show respect to God          
  recite short memory verses from the bible on good behaviour for spiritual development.          
  appreciate the importance of good behaviour in church to

promote love andharmony

desire to have good manners in the church
































OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.0 QUR’AN          
1.1 The Arabic alphabet with vowels (fat-ha (a), kasra (i) , dhumma (u)          
  recognize the alphabet with the given vowels in Arabic text          
  name correctly three vowels in the Arabic text          
  articulate correctly the sounds of Arabic alphabet

with vowels

  write the Arabic alphabet from right to left adding

the vowels on them

1.2 Surah Naas          
  Recite correctly……………. Surah Naas as a form of protection          
  handle the Qurán with respect as a Holy book          
  Appreciate reciting…………………. Surah Naas as a prayer          
2.0 PILLARS OF IMAN          
2.1 Belief inAllah (SWT)          
  identify oneself and others as Allah’s creation as stated in the Qur’an          
  appreciate the uniqueness of oneself and others as Allah’s creation          
  care for oneself and Allah’s other creation in the immediate

environment as a form of ibadaat/worship

2.2 Belief in His Prophets (Prophet Muhammad)(S.A.W.)          
  mention the name of the parents of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) as a sign of love and respect          
  narrate simple short story on early years of prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.)          
  demonstrate love for prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) by emulating his character (obedience)          
  appreciate the important role played by the parent to up bring their children          
3.0 DEVOTIONAL          
3.1 Pillars ofIslam –SwalahPostures ofSwalah (dailyprayer)


  Name the different posturesas used in ……………….          
  appreciate ……………as a pillar of Islam          
  Demonstrate the postures in performing ………          
4.0 MORAL TEACHINGS         `
4.1 IslamicEtiquette          
4.1.1 Toileting          
  demonstrate appropriate toileting manners according to Islamic teachings          
  develop proper way of toileting in their day to day life          
   practice proper use of water during and after toileting


4.1.2 Manners of Eating          
  demonstrate eating manners according to Islamic teachings          
  practice Islamic manners of eating according to the sunnah (traditions) of the prophet (S.A.W.)          
  acquire Islamic phrases used before and after eating appropriately          
4.1.3 Islamic phrases (………(thank you)          
  pronounce correctly the Islamic phrase (Shukran) as a way of appreciation          
  use appropriately the given Islamic phrase in their day to

day life

  appreciate the importance of the Islamic phrase (Shukran)

in their daily life

4.1.4 Relationship (places of worship)          
  name places of worship in order to respect other people’s faith          
  co-exist harmoniously with people of other religions for interpersonal relations          
  use Masjid as a place of worship          
5.1 Eid          
  describe activities related to Eid as an Islamic festival          
  appreciate Eid as an Islamic festival          
  share happiness and joy during Eid by singing songs and exchanging gifts          









OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    





OPENING DATE:                                                              CLOSING DATE                                                             

Total Number of strands covered                                                                                                                                      

From (1st Strand                                                                                            Sub strand                                                                     

To (last strand)                                                                                             Sub strand                                                                     

Strands/Sub strand not covered by the learner                                                                                                                              


Facilitator remarks based on: – Core competencies, achievements, PCIs development and value                                    




Key: EX-Exceeding Expectation, MT-Meets Expectation, AP-Approaches Expectation, BE– Below Expectation

  Tick appropriately under each category to rate learners ability EX MT AP BE Comments
1.0 CREATION          
1.1 My extended family          
  Mention names of extended family members for self-awareness.          
  identify members of extended family by their names          
  Appreciate the members of extended family for mutual satisfaction.          
1.2 PanchMahabhoo


  identify the element Vayu(Air) in relation to the Panch Mahabhoot          
  appreciate the elementVayu(Air) as Paramatma’s

creation for life

2.0 WORSHIP          
2.1 Basic Mantrasfor Jaap


  recite the Basic Mantra of each faith for worship respect to Paramatma          
  demonstrate the appropriate discipline for the recitation of

Mantras to show

  appreciate recitation of Mantras as an act of worship.          
2.2 Musical Instruments used in worship          
  mention musical instruments used in worship          
  identify different instruments used in worship in the four faiths for familiarization          
  Appreciate the use of musical instruments in worship for spiritual growth.          
3.0 MANIFESTATIONS          
3.1 The EnlightenedBeings          
  name the Enlightened Beings according to the four faiths          
  identify the names of Enlightened Beings to familiarize with his/her faith          
  appreciate the Enlightened Beings to enhance faith in


3.2 Belief inParamatma          
  mention the names ofDevis and Devtas tofamiliarize thelearner with belief inParamatma          
   Identify the Devisand Devtas as pertheir attributes to
deepen the learner’sfaith.
4.0 Scriptures          
4.1 Name of scriptures          
  name Scriptures to promote religious identity and unity          
  identify Scriptures from other faiths to promote

peace and unity

  Acknowledge all Scriptures as holy to promote religious tolerance.          
5.0 Yoga          
5.1 Simple postures          
  name simple yoga postures for good health          
  demonstrate simple yoga postures correctly for physical wellbeing          
5.2 Coping with emotion          
  Appreciate Yoga as a way for peaceful living by coping positively with anxiety.          
6.0 Sadachar          
6.1 General etiquette          
  mention words that express gratitude for a healthy relationship          
  demonstrate acts of obedience to foster  harmony          
  Appreciate the blessings that may be bestowed upon him/her out of obedience.          




















GRADING KEY (can be altered to suit the school’s grading criteria)

Percentage                                                                     Grade

0 – 49                                                                               D

50 – 64                                                                             C

65 – 74                                                                             B

75 – 100                                                                           A






Class teacher’s comments:                                                                                                                                                                





Head teacher’s signature                                                             Date                                                                


Parent’s signature                                                                         Date                                                                





GRADING KEY (can be altered to suit the school’s grading criteria)

Percentage                                                                     Grade

0 – 49                                                                               D

50 – 64                                                                             C

65 – 74                                                                             B

75 – 100                                                                           A






Class teacher’s comments:                                                                                                                                                               





Head teacher’s signature                                                             Date                                                                


Parent’s signature                                                                         Date                                                                





GRADING KEY (can be altered to suit the school’s grading criteria)

Percentage                                                                     Grade

0 – 49                                                                               D

50 – 64                                                                             C

65 – 74                                                                             B

75 – 100                                                                           A






Class teacher’s comments:                                                                                                                                                                





Head teacher’s signature                                                             Date                                                                

Parent’s signature                                                                         Date                                                                






GRADING KEY (can be altered to suit the school’s grading criteria)

Percentage                                                                     Grade

0 – 49                                                                               D

50 – 64                                                                             C

65 – 74                                                                             B

75 – 100                                                                           A






Class teacher’s comments:                                                                                                                                                                





Head teacher’s signature                                                             Date                                                                


Parent’s signature                                                                         Date                                                                



S        –         SATISFACTORY

I         –         IMPROVEMENT

Report to be completed by the class teacher

Considering for others  
Organization for school resources  
Accepts responsibility  
Works independently  
Works well with others  
Completes assignments at school  
Completes home assignments  
Participates in community service learning  
Use time wisely  
Has reverence for God as per a super being  
















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