- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Physics by Nelkon
- Teacher’s Book
2 |
1 |
Thin Lenses |
Converging and diverging lenses |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe converging lenses. -Describe diverging lenses. |
Using light beams to distinguish between diverging and converging lenses. |
-Diverging lenses -Converging lenses -Source of light beam -screen |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 1-2
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 1 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 300-301 Golden tips Physics pages 113-114 |
2-3 |
Thin Lenses |
Parts of lenses |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the principal focus using ray diagram. -Describe the optical center using ray diagram. -Describe the focal length of thin lenses using ray diagram.
Description of principal focus, optical centre and focal length of a thin lenses |
-Chart showing the parts of thin lens -Graph paper -Diverging lens -Converging lens |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 1-3
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 6-7 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 301-304 Golden tips Physics pages 114-116 |
4-5 |
Thin Lenses |
Focal length |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Determine experimentally the focal length of a converging lens. -Determine the focal length of a converging lens using estimation method. |
Experiment to determine the focal length of a fair lens |
-Converging lenses -Screen -Pins -candle -Metre rule |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 2-3
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 17-20 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 303 Golden tips Physics pages 116 |
1 |
Thin Lenses |
Images in thin lenses |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Construct the principal rays for converging lens. -Construct the principal rays for diverging lenses |
Constructing the principal rays for diverging lenses Constructing the principal rays for converging lenses |
-Converging lenses -Diverging lenses -Graph papers -Ruler |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 3-6
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 7-12 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 304-306 Golden tips Physics pages 114-116 |
2-3 |
Thin Lenses |
Images formed by converging lenses |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Locate imaged formed by converging lenses using ray construction method. -Describe the images formed by converging lenses. |
Describing the characteristics of images formed by converging lenses |
-Graph paper -Geometrical set -Converging lenses -Screen -Candle -Metre rule |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 5-6
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 7-10 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 304-305 Golden tips Physics pages 114-116 |
4-5 |
Thin Lenses |
Images formed by diverging lenses |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Locate images formed by diverging lenses using ray construction method. -Describe the images formed by diverging lenses. |
Describe the characteristics of the image formed by diverging lenses |
-Graph paper
-Geometrical set -Diverging lenses -Screen -Metre rule |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 5
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 11 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 307-308 Golden tips Physics pages 114-116 |
1 |
Thin Lenses |
The microscope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the working of a simple microscope. -Explain the working of a compound microscope. |
-Drawing and labeling the parts of a microscope. -Describe the working of a microscope. |
-Simple microscope -Compound microscope -Magnifying lens |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 10-11
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Principles of physics 27-29(M.Nelkon) pages 320-323 Golden tips Physics pages 119-120 |
2-3 |
Thin Lenses |
The telescope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the structure of a telescope. -Describe the working of a telescope. |
-Drawing and labeling the parts of a telescope. -Describing how a telescope works. |
-Telescope -Lenses -Manilla paper |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 11
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 322-323 Golden tips Physics pages 121 |
4-5 |
Thin Lenses |
The camera |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the parts of a camera. -Explain the working of a camera. -Explain the use of lenses in a camera. |
-Describing the parts of a camera. -Explaining the use of lenses in a camera. |
-Camera -Charts showing the parts of a camera |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 11-12
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 33 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 316-317 Golden tips Physics pages 120-121 |
5 |
1 |
Thin Lenses |
Image formation in the human eye |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the parts of a human eye. -Explain the function of each part of the human eye. |
-Describing the parts of the human eye. -Explaining the function of each part of the human eye. |
-Chart showing the parts of human eye -Model of the human eye |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 12-13
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 29-31 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 313-314 Golden tips Physics pages 120-121 |
2-3 |
Thin Lenses |
Working of the human eye |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the image formation in the human eye |
Explaining the image formation in the eye |
-Chart showing the image formation in the human eye |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 13-14
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 29-31 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 313-314 Golden tips Physics pages 120-121 |
4-5 |
Thin Lenses |
Defects of vision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the defects of the human eye. -Explain the corrections of human eye defects. |
-Describing the defects of the human eye. -Explaining how the human eye defects are corrected. |
-Charts showing eye defects and how they are corrected |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 13-14
teachers book 4 pages 1-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 31-32 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 315-316 Golden tips Physics pages 118-119 |
6 |
1-2 |
Thin Lenses |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able:- -Describe the uses of lens in various optical devises. -Solve problems involving thin lenses formula. -Solve numerical problem involving the magnification formula. |
-Problem solving -Exercises -Assignments |
-Questions from past papers |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 15-17
teachers book 4 pages 5-10 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 33-36 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 310-312,326-327 Golden tips Physics pages 121-123 |
3 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Circular motion |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: -Define circular motion. |
-Observing and running a hoop. -Rotate a stone tied to the end of a rope. |
-Hoop -String/rope -store |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 18
teachers book 34pages 10-12 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 37-45 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 42-44 Golden tips Physics pages 34 |
4-5 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Radiant, angular displacement and angular velocity |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Define the radiant measure. -Define the angular displacement and velocity. -Explain the angular displacement and velocity. |
-Discussions -Experiment |
-Illustration of angular displacement and angular velocity on a chart |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 18-20
teachers book 34pages 10-12 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 37-42 Golden tips Physics pages 34-35 |
7 |
1-2 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Centripetal force |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe simple experiment on centripetal force. -Illustrate centripetal force. -Determine the magnitude of centripetal force experimentally. |
-Experiments -Discussions -observations |
-Pendulum -String -Stone -Round table -Ball/bob -Stop clock |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 20-21
teachers book 34pages 10-12 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 42-47 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 42-45 Golden tips Physics pages 37 |
3-4 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Application of uniform circular motion |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: State various uniform circular motion Explain various uniform circular motion |
Discussions Explanations Experiments |
String Stone Ruler |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 22-25
teachers book 34pages 10-12 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 37 Golden tips Physics pages 39-40 |
5 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Application of uniform circular motion |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain centrifuge. -Explain vertical and horizontal circles. -Explain banked tracks. |
-Discussions -Explanations -Experiments |
-String -Stone -Ruler |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 22-25
teachers book 34pages 10-12 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 47-53 Golden tips Physics pages 41 |
8 |
1 |
Uniform Circular Motion |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should b e able to:- -solve problems involving circular motion. |
-Problem solving -Questions and answers |
-Questions from past papers Exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 26-27
teachers book 34pages 12-14 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 55-45 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 61-63 Golden tips Physics pages 42-43 |
2-3 |
Floating And Sinking |
Archimedes’ principle |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State Archimedes’ principle. -Verify Archimedes principle. -Use of Archimedes principle to solve problems. |
-Experiments -Discussions -Calculations based on Archimedes Principle |
-Water -Measuring cylinder -Weighing balance -Overflow can -Objects denser than water |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 28-29
teachers book 34pages 14-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 58-60 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 106-108 Golden tips Physics pages 53-54 |
4-5 |
Floating And Sinking |
The laws of floatation Relative density |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State the law of floatation. -Define relative density. |
-Discussions -Measuring |
-Density bottle -Overflow can -Spring balance -measuring cylinder |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 29-33
teachers book 34pages 14-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 64-70 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 101,108-110 |
9 |
1-3 |
Floating And Sinking |
Applications of floating and sinking |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the applications of Archimedes Principle. -Describe the applications of relative density (hydrometer). |
-Discussions -experiments |
-charts depicting the uses of Archimedes principle and the law of floatation -A hydrometer |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 33-35
teachers book 34pages 14-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 75-77 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 113-115 Golden tips Physics pages 53 |
4-5 |
Floating And Sinking |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Solve problems involving Archimedes principle. -Solve problems involving relative density. |
-Questions and answers -Discussions -Exercises -assignments |
-test papers -questions from exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 35-36
teachers book 34pages 18 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 77-78 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 116-118 Golden tips Physics pages 54-55 |
10 |
1 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
The electromagnetic spectrum |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe a complete electromagnetic spectrum. |
-Discussions on the charge in wave length of electromagnetic radiations Explanations. |
-charts showing the components of the electromagnetic spectrum |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 37
teachers book 34pages 18-20 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 79 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 345 Golden tips Physics pages 174 |
2-3 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
The properties of electromagnetic waves |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State the properties of electromagnetic waves. |
-Explaining the properties of each component of the electromagnetic spectrum |
-Charts showing the properties of electromagnetic waves |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 37-38
teachers book 34pages 18-20 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 80-81 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 345 Golden tips Physics pages 175 |
4-5 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
Detection of electromagnetic radiations |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the methods of detective electromagnetic radiations. |
-Demonstrating and explaining how to detect electromagnetic radiations |
-Radiation detectors -Charts showing detectors of electromagnetic radiation |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 38-39
teachers book 34pages 18-20 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 81 Golden tips Physics pages 175-176 |
11 |
1-2 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
Applications of electromagnetic radiations |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the applications of electromagnetic radiations including greenhouse effect. |
-Discussions of application of electromagnetic radiations |
-Pictures and chart on application of electromagnetic radiations |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 42-45
teachers book 34pages 18-20 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 82 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 336 Golden tips Physics pages 175-176 |
3-4 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
Problems on C=Fƛ |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Solve numerical problems involving C=fƛ. |
-Problem solving -Discussions -Explanations -Questions and answers |
-Questions and answers -exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 45
teachers book 34pages 20-21 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 80 |
5 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Solve problems involving electromagnetic spectrum. |
-Problem solving -Questions and answers |
-Exercises in students book 4 -Past papers questions |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 45
teachers book 34pages 20-21 |
1-2 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Induced e.m.f |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Perform and describe simple experiments to illustrate electromagnetic induction. -State the factors affecting the magnitude of an induced e.m.f. -State the factors affecting the direction induced by e.m.f. |
-Experiments -discussions |
-magnets -complete electric circuit |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 46-48
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 86-91 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 478-479 Golden tips Physics pages 152-154 |
3-4 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law – Fleming’s right hand rule |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State Faraday’s law. -State Lenz’s law. -Illustrate Faraday law and Lens’s law. – State Fleming’s right hand rule. -Apply Fleming’s right hand rule. |
-Discussions -Experiments to illustrate -Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law |
-Magnets -Solenoid -Source of current |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 48-50
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 91-93 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 483-484 Golden tips Physics pages 153 |
5 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Generators |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the working of an a.c generator. -Explain the working of a d.c generator. |
-Drawing the arrangement for a.c and d.c generators. -Demonstration of motor principle. |
-Coil -Pins -Source of current -Magnets |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 50-53
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 100-104 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 488-490 Golden tips Physics pages 156-157 |
- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Teacher’s Book
2 |
1-2 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Eddy currents |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Explain eddy currents. -Demonstrate the effects of eddy currents. |
-Discussions -Experiments -Explanations |
-Pendulum -Copper wire -Magnets |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 53-54
teachers book 4 pages 24 |
3 |
Electromagnetic Induction
Eddy currents |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain eddy currents. -Demonstrate the effects of eddy currents. |
-Discussions -Experiments -Explanations |
-Pendulum -Copper wire -Magnets |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 53-54
teachers book 34pages 24 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 pages,104 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 483-484 Golden tips Physics pages 158 |
4-5 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Mutual inductance |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe simple experiments to illustrate mutual inductance. |
-Discussions -Experiments -Explanations |
-Iron core with primary and secondary coil |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 54-55
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 pages 97-101 Golden tips Physics pages 158 |
3 |
1-2 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Transformers |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the working of a transformer. |
-Discussions -Experiments |
-Transformer -Magnets -Wires -Metallic rods |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 54-59
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 100-104 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 488-490 Golden tips Physics pages 156-157 |
3-4 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Applications of electromagnetic induction |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the application of electromagnetic induction. -Solve problems on transformers. |
-Discussions -Explanations -Questions and answers |
-Induction coil -Moving coil/loud speaker |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 54-59
teachers book 34pages 21-25 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 107-112 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 468,473 Golden tips Physics pages 158 |
5 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -solve problems involving electromagnetic induction. |
-Questions and answers -Discussions |
-Questions from past papers |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 59-60
teachers book 34pages 26-27 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 112-116 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) page 494-495 Golden tips Physics pages 159 |
4 |
1 |
Main Electricity |
Source of main electricity |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State sources of main electricity. -Explain the sources of main electricity. |
-Discussions -Educational trips |
-Pictures and charts showing sources of main electricity |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 61
teachers book 3 pages 27-29 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 117 Golden tips Physics pages 160 |
2-3 |
Main Electricity |
Power transmission |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the transmission of electric power from the generating station. -Explain the domestic wiring system. |
-Discussions -Questions and answers |
-Photos of power transmission. -Lines and power substations |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 62
teachers book 3 pages 27-29 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 117-122 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 433-434 Golden tips Physics pages 160-163 |
4-5 |
Main Electricity |
Power consumption |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Define kilowatt hour. -Determine the electrical energy consumption and cost. |
-Discussions -calculations |
-Chats on power consumptions. |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 63-66
teachers book 3 pages 27-29 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 125-128 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 428 Golden tips Physics pages 164 |
5 |
1-2 |
Mains Electricity |
Domestic wiring |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the domestic wiring system. -Describe the domestic wiring system. |
-Discussions -Demonstrations on building wiring -Drawing circuits |
-Fuses -Wires -Switches -Electrical appliances |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 66-69
teachers book 4 pages 27-29 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 125-121-122 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 433-435 Golden tips Physics pages 162 |
3 |
Mains Electricity |
Domestic electrical appliances |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the function of fuse in domestic wiring. -Explain the function of a two-way switch in domestic wiring. |
-Discussions -demonstration |
-domestic electrical appliances |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 66-69
teachers book 4 pages 27-29 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 125-122-124 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon( pages 433,435 Golden tips Physics pages 162 |
4-5 |
Mains Electricity |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -solve problems involving mains electricity. |
-Problem solving -Discussions -Questions and answers |
-Questions from past papers -Quizzes -Exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 70-71
teachers book 4 pages 29-30 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 125-128-130 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 436-438 Golden tips Physics pages 164-165 |
6 |
1-2 |
Cathode Rays |
Production of cathode rays |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the production of cathode rays. -State and explain the properties of cathode rays. |
-Describing the production of cathode rays. -Stating the properties of cathode rays. |
-Chart on the properties of cathode rays |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 72-73
teachers book 4 pages 30-32 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 131-133 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 532,535-536 Golden tips Physics pages 166-167 |
3-4 |
Cathode Rays |
The cathode rays Oscilloscope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the functioning of the cathode ray oscilloscope. -Explain the functioning of a T.V tube. |
-Discussions of parts and functions of C.R.O. |
-Chart of parts and functions of C.R.O |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 73-75
teachers book 4 pages 30-32 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 133-134 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 541-545 Golden tips Physics pages 167-169 |
5 |
Cathode Rays |
The cathode rays of Oscilloscope |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;- -Explain the uses of a C.R.O. |
-Describing the working of a T.V tube. |
-T.V tube |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 73-75
teachers book 4 pages 30-32 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 139 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 541-544 Golden tips Physics pages 169 |
7 |
1-2 |
Cathode Rays |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -solve problems involving cathode rays. |
-Problem solving Discussions |
-Quizzes -Exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 77-79
teachers book 4 pages 32-34 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 142-143 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 554-555 Golden tips Physics pages 170-171 |
3-5 |
X-Rays |
Production of X-rays |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the production of x-rays. -State and explain the properties of X-rays. -Distinguish between hard and soft x-rays. |
-Demonstrations -Discussions -Calculations involving x-rays |
-X-ray tube -Charts |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 80-84
teachers book 4 pages 35-36 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 144-148 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 545-547 Golden tips Physics pages 171-173 |
8 |
1-2 |
X-Rays |
Dangers of x-rays |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain and state the dangers of X-rays . -Highlight the precautions to be undertaken when handling x-rays. |
-Discussions -Explanations |
-Charts showing the dangers of x-rays. -Hospital with x-ray equipment. |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 84
teachers book 4 pages 35-36 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 149 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 546 Golden tips Physics pages 173 |
3 |
X-Rays |
Uses of x-rays |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State the uses of X-rays. -Explain the uses of X-rays. |
-Discussions |
-Hospital with X-ray equipment. |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 84
teachers book 4 pages 35-36 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 148 Golden tips Physics pages 174 |
4-5 |
X-Rays |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Solve problems involving X-rays. |
-Discussions -Problem solving |
-Quizzes -Exercise -Past papers questions |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 85-86
teachers book 4 pages 36-37 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 146-147 Golden tips Physics pages 172-173 |
9 |
Photo Electric Effect |
Photo electric emissions |
By the end of the lesson ,the learner should be able to:- -Perform simple experiments to illustrate photo electric effect. -Describe simple experiments to illustrate photoelectric effect. |
-Experiments -discussions |
-source of light -Metallic surfaces -Photo cell |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 87-88
teachers book 4 pages 38-40 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 151-152 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 547 Golden tips Physics pages 177 |
3 |
Photo-Electric |
Factors effecting photoelectric emissions |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -State the factors affecting photo-electric emission. -Explain the factors affecting the photoelectric emissions. |
-Discussions -Demonstrations |
-charts |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 88-90
teachers book 4 pages 38-40 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 156-158 Golden tips Physics pages 179 |
4-5 |
Plank’s constant |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:-
-Define plank’s constant, threshold frequency, work function and photoelectric effect. -Explain threshold frequency, work function and photoelectric effect. |
-Discussions -Demonstration |
-charts |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 90-91
teachers book 4 pages 38-40 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 153-156 Golden tips Physics pages 177-179 |
10 |
1-5 |
The quantum theory of light |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Determine the energy of photons -Apply the equation E=hf to calculate the energy of photons. -Explain photoelectric effect using Einstein’s equation=hf+1/2mv2. |
Discussions Calculations |
Chart on the use of Einstein’s equation |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 90-92
teachers book 4 pages 38-40 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 153-156 Golden tips Physics pages 178-180 |
11 |
1-3 |
Application of photoelectric effect |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain the working of a; -Photo emissive cell. -Photo conductive cell. -Photo voltaic cell. |
-Demonstrations -Discussions |
-Charts on the photo cell and how it works -Solar panels -Watch cells |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 92-93
teachers book 4 pages 38-40 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 160-163 Golden tips Physics pages 180-181 |
4-5 |
Photo-Electric Effect |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: -Solve problems involving photo-electric effect. |
-Questions and answers |
-Set questions -Projects -Questions from past papers |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 94-95
teachers book 4 pages 40-42 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 163-165 Golden tips Physics p Questions from past papers |
12 |
1-2 |
Radio Activity |
Types of radiation |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Describe the three types of radiations produced by radioactive elements. |
-Discussions |
-Radiation detectors |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 96-100
Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 167-171 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 556-564 Golden tips Physics pages 184-185 |
3-4 |
Radio-Activity |
Detecting nuclear radiations |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;- -explain how to detect radio-active emissions. |
-Demonstrations -Discussions
-Radiation detectors |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 96-100
Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 172-175 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 556-564 Golden tips Physics pages 185-186 |
5 |
Radio-Activity |
Detecting nuclear radiations |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -explain how a diffusion cloud chamber works. |
-Demonstrations -discussions |
-Radiation detectors |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 100
Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 173-174 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 557-558 Golden tips Physics pages 189 |
13 | EXAMS | |||||||
- Secondary Physics KLB
- Comprehensive Secondary Physics
- Principles of Physics
- Golden Tips
- Teacher’s Book
2 |
1-2 |
Radio-Activity |
Radio-active decay |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -define radio-active decay and half-life.
-discussion |
-Charts on radio-active decay |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 100-102
teachers book 4 pages 42-45 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 176-181 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 566-568 Golden tips Physics pages 186-187 |
3-5 |
Radioactivity |
Nuclear fission and fusion |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Define nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. -Write balanced nuclear equations. -State the application of radioactivity. |
-Discussions -Problem solving |
-Periodic table |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 100-108
teachers book 4 pages 42-45 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 181-184 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 573-578 Golden tips Physics pages 190 |
3 |
1-3 |
Radio-Activity |
Hazards of radioactivity |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;-
-Explain the dangers of radioactive emissions.
-discussions |
-diffusion cloud chamber |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 105-106
teachers book 4 pages 42-45 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 182 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 565-566 Golden tips Physics pages 190 |
4-5 |
Radio-Activity |
Revision |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;- -solve problems involving radioactivity and half life. |
-Questions and answers |
-Set questions -Past papers questions -Exercises |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 105-106
teachers book 4 pages 45-48 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 184-185 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 579-581 Golden tips Physics pages 191 |
4 |
1-2 |
Electronics |
Conductors and semi-conductors |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Differentiate between conductors and semi-conductors. |
-Discussions -Experiments |
-Some semi-conductors -Some insulator |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 110-111
teachers book 4 pages 45-48 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 187-189 Golden tips Physics pages 192-193 |
3-5 |
Electronics |
Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -Explain doping in semi-conductors. -Explain the working of p-n junction diode. -Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors. |
-Discussions -Experiments |
-Samples of semi-conductors. -Complete circuit. -Transistors. -Junction diode. |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 111-112
teachers book 4 pages 48-52 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 189-194 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 547-550 Golden tips Physics pages 193-196 |
5 |
1-5 |
Electronics |
Characteristics of p-n junction |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -sketch the current voltage characteristics for a diode
-experiments |
-junction diode -connecting wire -dry cells
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 161-117
teachers book 4 pages 48-52 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 189-194 Golden tips Physics pages 194-196 |
6 |
1-5 |
Electronics |
Applications of diodes |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:- -explain the application of diodes in rectifications.
-Discussions -Questions and answers |
-Chart showing the application of diode |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 4 pages 117-120
teachers book 4 pages 48-52 Secondary physics KLB students book 4 page 198-201 Principles of physics (M.Nelkon) pages 198-201 Golden tips Physics pages 196-198 |
7 | REVISION FOR KCSE | |||||||