Ref used:
Grade 7 Performing arts curriculum Design
MTP Grade 7 Performing Arts Teachers Guide
MTP Grade 7 Performing Arts Learners Book
Week | LSN | STRAND | Sub-strand | Specific Learning Outcomes | Key Inquiry Question(s) | Learning Experiences | Learning Resources | Assessment Methods | Ref | |
1 | 1 | PERFORMING | Verse – Persona’s point of view | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) discuss how a persona’s point of view expresses meaning in a verse Skill b) rehearse the verse to internalize the persona. Attitude c) Develop curiosity in defining the persona point of view. |
1. How do we use verse
performance to express issues in society? 2. How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable? |
The learner is guided to:
• read the verse script to brainstorm, with other learners, the meaning conveyed by the persona’s view • rehearse the verse to internalize the persona’s message
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal record MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 129-131
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 130 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Question and answer Assignments Participatory assessment Peer assessment |
2 | Verse – using voice techniques in a performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) state the persona’s point of view. Skill b) perform a verse using voice techniques to convey the intended message. Attitude c) Develop curiosity in defining the persona point of view. |
1. How do we use verse
performance to express issues in society? 2. How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable? |
The learner is guided to:
• perform a verse before an audience while employing the use of voice, body and movement to deliver the message
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal record MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 131-132
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 130-131 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Question and answer Assignments Participatory assessment Peer assessment |
3 | Verse – Using body and space appropriately in a performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) state ways in which verse performance express issues in the society. Skill b) use body and space appropriately in performing a verse to convey the intended message. Attitude c) Develop curiosity in defining the persona point of view. |
1. How do we use verse
performance to express issues in society? 2. How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable? |
The learner is guided to:
• perform a verse before an audience while employing the use of voice, body and movement to deliver the message
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal record MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 132-133
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 131-133 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Question and answer Assignments Participatory assessment Peer assessment |
2 | 1 | Verse – appreciating verse performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) list ways we can make presentation of a verse interesting and memorable. Skill b) Watch a video clip on verse performance features. Attitude c) appreciate the use of poetic language, voice, paralinguistic features and stage movements as complementary elements in verse performance. |
1. How do we use verse
performance to express issues in society? 2. How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable? |
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded verse performances to identify performance features • reflect on individual performance based on appraisal from other learners. |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal record MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 133-134
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 134 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Question and answer Assignments Participatory assessment Peer assessment |
2 | Skit –describing a scenario for a skit | By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to: Knowledge a) describe a scenario on a selected theme on a pertinent and contemporary issue Skill b) audition and cast appropriately for the skit. Attitude c) appreciate the use of skit in addressing pertinent issues in society. |
1. How do we
present a skit on stage? 2. How do we role-play a character on stage? 3. What role do props and costumes play to enhance the performance of a skit? |
The learner is guided to:
• research and create a scenario, in a group, based on a contemporary issue such gender education, animal welfare education • watch a live or recorded performance and is guided to execute plot • examine a given scenario of a skit, identify and take up a role, in a group
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 134-138
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 133-135 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | Skit – interpreting milestones and performing in a skit | By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to: Knowledge a) define milestones in a skit. Skill b) interpret milestones and perform a devised skit, in groups. Attitude c) appreciate the use of skit in addressing pertinent issues in society. |
1. How do we
present a skit on stage? 2. How do we role-play a character on stage? 3. What role do props and costumes play to enhance the performance of a skit? |
The learner is guided to:
• perform a skit on a pertinent issue in the society before an audience in the school and the community |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 134-138
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 133-135 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | 1 | Skit – manipulating voice, body and space to deliver a skit | By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to: Knowledge a) identify the role of props and costumes. Skill b) manipulate voice, body and space to effectively deliver a message using a skit Attitude c) appreciate the use of skit in addressing pertinent issues in society. |
1. How do we
present a skit on stage? 2. How do we role-play a character on stage? 3. What role do props and costumes play to enhance the performance of a skit? |
The learner is guided to:
• rehearse the skit focusing on character development through use of voice, body and space
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 140-141
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 137-138 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Skit –use of props, costumes and make up in a skit | By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to: Knowledge a) identify the role of props and costumes in a play. Skill b) use props, costume and makeup to enhance performance of a skit on a given theme. Attitude c) appreciate the use of skit in addressing pertinent issues in society. Project a) stage a five-minute skit in class/school |
1. How do we
present a skit on stage? 2. How do we role-play a character on stage? 3. What role do props and costumes play to enhance the performance of a skit? |
The learner is guided to:
• use appropriate costumes and props in performance Project Task: • script a skit based on a pertinent and contemporary issue in society • cast for the skit • rehearse the skit • design and collect costume and props for the skit • stage a full presentation of the skit in class • get feedback from the class. |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 141-144
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 138-140 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | CRITICAL APPRECIATION | Kenyan Folk Music – medium of performance in Kenyan folk music | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) identify the medium of performance in a Kenyan folk music performance. Skill b) listen to Kenyan folk music and identify its components Attitude c) appreciate different cultures through analyzing folk music from diverse Kenyan communities. |
1. What values can one acquire from folk music in Kenya?2. How are different styles of performance applied in Kenyan folk music?3. How do different performance media enrich folk music?
The learner is guided to:
• watch videos or live performances of Kenyan folk music and is guided to identify the medium of performance (vocal and/or vocal and instrumental) • watch videos or live performances and identify the components in the folk music (performers, songs, instruments/voice, costumes and props, dance movements)
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 145-150
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 141-144 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
4 | 1 | Messages and values in Kenyan folk music performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) discuss the messages and values in Kenyan folk music performances b) describe the style of performance in Kenyan folk music using appropriate terminology. Skill c) express personal feelings towards Kenyan folk music experienced from performances Attitude d) appreciate different cultures through analyzing folk music from diverse Kenyan communities. |
1. What values can one acquire from folk music in Kenya?2. How are different styles of performance applied in Kenyan folk music?3. How do different performance media enrich folk music?
The learner is guided to:
• individually and in groups discuss messages and values portrayed in Kenyan folk music • discuss the styles of traditional performance ( solo, solo-response and choral) • discuss personal feelings, mood and attitudes experienced from folk performances watched or listened to • analyze Kenyan folk music performances within the community and on mass media. |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 151-153
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 145-147 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Kenyan Folk dance – components of Kenyan folk dance performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) analyze the components of a Kenyan folk dance performance Skill b) examine the messages and values in a Kenyan folk dance performance. Attitude c) appreciate analyzing folk dance from diverse Kenyan communities. |
1. What constitutes
a folk dance? 2. How can a dance be used as a medium of communication? 3. What should one consider in analyzing a Kenyan folk dance? |
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded performances of Kenyan folk dances for general appreciation • listen to or watch performances, pick out and discuss distinct components of a Kenyan folk dance; song, ornamentation, instrumental accompaniment, costumes and décor, props and artifacts, dance steps, formations and patterns, transitions, audience, division of roles |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 154-156
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 149-150 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | Analyzing folk dance from diverse Kenyan communities | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) Outline the main events in a Kenyan folk dance performance. Skill b) critique a Kenyan folk dance using a given criterion. Attitude c) appreciate analyzing folk dance from diverse Kenyan communities. |
1. What constitutes
a folk dance? 2. How can a dance be used as a medium of communication? 3. What should one consider in analyzing a Kenyan folk dance? |
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded dance performances and discuss messages and values in a Kenyan folk dance • write a summary of events (plot) in a Kenyan folk dance performance individually and in groups • critique recorded or live performances of Kenyan folk dances from various communities using a given criteria |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 157-159
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 150-151 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
5 | 1 | Narrative – themes addressed in the script and performance of a narrative. | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge & skill a) identify and illustrate the theme addressed in the script and performance of a narrative b) identify the various narration techniques used in the narration process and state their effectiveness in the narration process Attitude c) appreciate the narrative as a tool of addressing contemporary issues in society. |
1. How can pertinent issues in society be addressed in narratives?2. How does character development in narratives mirror the society? | The learner is guided to:
• stage live performance of a narrative on guided themes • evaluate others’ performance in groups or pairs • identify and discuss how pertinent issues in society are highlighted through performance of narratives
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 159-163
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 151-154 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Use of body, voice and space aids to effectively communicate the intended message | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) explain how the use of body, voice and space aids to effectively communicate the intended message. Skill b) demonstrate the use of body, voice and space. Attitude c) appreciate the narrative as a tool of addressing contemporary issues in society. |
1. How can pertinent issues in society be addressed in narratives?2. How does character development in narratives mirror the society? | The learner is guided to:
• watch live performances of narrative to identify and discuss the various performance elements; body, space, voice, message, storyline and narration style • discuss the role of the audience in the narration process
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 163-164
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 154-156 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | Use of costumes and props to enhance communication in a narrative | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) explain the role of the costumes and props in a narrative Skill b) Demonstrate the use of costume and props enhances communication in narrative Attitude c) appreciate the narrative as a tool of addressing contemporary issues in society. |
3. What attributes define an effective narrator?4. What is the role of costume and decor in the narration process?
The learner is guided to:
• visit a performing gallery nearby and participate in watching and critiquing the narrative performances • discuss how props and costume enhance communication in the narration process in groups or pairs |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 165-167
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 156-158 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
6 | 1 | Verse –criteria for evaluating a verse performance | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) examine the criteria for evaluating a verse performance Skill b) watch a video clip on verse performance. Attitude c) appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society. |
1. What does one look for when evaluating a verse?2. What is the role of verse in shaping the learner’s perspective in society?
The learner is guided to:
• research on the criteria for evaluating a verse; body, voice, movement, theme, poetic language • watch live or recorded performances of verse while paying attention to key events in the verse • constructively evaluate verse performances with a view to suggesting improvements |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 168-170
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 158-159 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Examine main characters and events in verse | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) examine main characters and events in a verse. Skill b) comment on the significance of the values promoted in verse Attitude c) appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society. |
1. What does one look for when evaluating a verse?2. What is the role of verse in shaping the learner’s perspective in society?
The learner is guided to:
• analyze, in groups, traits of characters presented in the verse and relate them to own experiences
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 171
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 159-160 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | Use of body, voice and space in a verse | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) state the meaning of a verse. Skill b) analyze the use of body, voice and space to effectively communicate topical concerns in verse. Attitude c) appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society. |
1. What does one look for when evaluating a verse?2. What is the role of verse in shaping the learner’s perspective in society?
The learner is guided to:
• present orally and in writing own or group appraisal of a performance • relate stage conflicts and resolutions in a verse to real life situations. |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 171
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 160 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
7 | 1 | Using verse to communicate issues in society | By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) analyze the use of body, voice and space to effectively communicate topical concerns in verse. Skill b) demonstrate the use of a verse to communicate issues in the society. Attitude c) appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society. |
1. What does one look for when evaluating a verse?2. What is the role of verse in shaping the learner’s perspective in society?
The learner is guided to:
• brainstorm with others how the various performance elements combine to aid delivery of the message
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 172
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 161 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Skit – use of the plot to communicate the message in a skit | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) discuss how character development is achieved in a skit Skill b) examine how plot is used to communicate the intended message in a skit. Attitude c) appreciate the role of the skit in society |
1. How is plot used in
communicating a message in a skit? 2. How is a character developed in a skit?
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded performances of skits and discusses how the various elements aid in communicating the intended message (scenario, storyline, milestones, plot, conflict, characterization, language, improvisation, use of voice and body)
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 173-176
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 162-164 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | How themes in a skit can help address moral issues | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) evaluate how thematic concerns in a skit can help addresses moral issues Skill b) analyze how body, voice and space can effectively be used to communicate messages in a skit. Attitude c) appreciate the role of the skit in society |
3. How do themes
addressed in skits shape moral issues in society? |
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded performances of skits and discusses how the various elements aid in communicating the intended message (scenario, storyline, milestones, plot, conflict, characterization, language, improvisation, use of voice and body)
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 177
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 164-165 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
8 | 1 | Role of costumes and make up in depicting characters in a skit | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge a) state the role of skit in addressing issues in the society. Skill b) examine the role of costume and make-up in depicting the intended characters in a skit. Attitude c) appreciate the role of the skit in society |
4. In what ways can body, voice and space be used to communicate in a skit?
5. What is the role of costume and makeup in a skit? |
The learner is guided to:
• evaluate performances by others to appraise qualities of a good performance. (storyline, acting, language and style, costume and make-up, props, use of space) |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 178-179
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 165-167 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | PERFORMING ART IN SOCIETY | Performing arts in society – social and economic role of performing arts | By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to: Knowledge a) discuss the social and economic role of Performing Arts in Society. Skill b) watch a video on songs, dances, narratives and skit to identify economic and social roles of P.A in society. Attitude d) appreciate the place of Performing Arts in society |
1. Why do we need
Performing Arts in society?
The learner is guided to:
• watch live or recorded songs, dances, verses, narratives and skits to identify the social and economic roles of Performing Arts in society • in groups research in the community and in the digital space and reports on the role of Performing Arts in society
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 181-184
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 168-169 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
2 | Performing arts platform | By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to: Knowledge a) state the social and economic roles of PA in the society Skill b) utilize the Performing Arts platforms and contexts in furthering the role of Performing Arts in society. Attitude c) appreciate the place of Performing Arts in society |
2. How can
Performing Arts products be availed to the wider society?
The learner is guided to:
• participate in festivals, celebrations, ceremonies and talent fairs within and without the school to exhibit or illustrate the place of Performing Arts in society • discuss how Performing Arts can be utilized to address societal issues such as: peace, integrity
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 184-185
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 169-170 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |
3 | Applying lessons learnt in performing arts | By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to: Knowledge a) identify lesson leant from performing arts. Skill b) apply lessons learnt in Performing Arts to real life situations. Attitude c) appreciate the place of Performing Arts in society |
3. How can lessons learnt in Performing Arts be applied in real life situations? | The learner is guided to:
• discuss lessons learnt from Performing Arts and identify |
Exercise books
ICT devices Observation checklists Portfolio Anecdotal records Internet connectivity MTP Performing Arts T.G pg. 185-186
MTP Performing Arts P.b pg. 170-171 |
Oral presentations
Written tests Work reports |