Parliament to clip TSC powers on Teacher Transfers
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, will be dealt a major blow as members move to the employment act. In the new act (2023) employees will have to be consulted before transfers to other work stations are effected.
In the past, TSC has transferred teachers against their wishes; a thing which will now be in the past.
In the new guidelines, ‘the employer shall give the employee the reasons for an intended transfer’. The teacher to be deployed from one duty station to another shall then provide consent for TSC to effect the transfer.
A teacher transfer initiated by the TSC will see the latter provide reasonable transport for the movement and a salary advance which will be recoverable in reasonable installments. This will not be the case if the teacher initiates the transfer.
In effecting the transfer, the employer will be required to consider such factors as length of stay at the current station.
Further, ‘an employee who is on disciplinary process shall not be transferred until such proceedings are concluded’.