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Nyanchwa Adventist College Full Guide on Courses, Admissions and Fees

Nyanchwa College Details.

Nyanchwa College Details.

Nyanchwa Teacher Training College is one of the best and top performing private College in Kenya. The College is located at Kisii County, in the Nyanza region of Kenya.

Courses offered at Nyanchwa Teacher Training College

Here is the complete list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Nyanchwa Adventist College.

Certificate Courses offered at Nyanchwa Teacher Training College

Certificate in Biology
Certificate in Chemistry
Certificate in Early Childhood and Development
Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Certificate in Early Childhood Education
Certificate in Kiswahili
Certificate in Physics
Certificate in Religious Studies

Diploma Courses offered at Nyanchwa Teacher Training College

Diploma in Counseling Psychology
Diploma in Counselling and Psychology
Diploma in Counselling and Stress Management
Diploma in Counselling
Diploma in Early Childhood and Development
Diploma in Early Childhood and Primary Care
Diploma in Early Childhood and Primary Education
Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education
Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Diploma in Education and Counseling
Diploma in Education Planning
Diploma in Education(Arts & Science)
Diploma in Education(Arts)
Diploma in Education, Guidance & Counseling
Diploma in Educational Administration
Diploma in Fine Art(Fine Art)
Diploma in French
Diploma in Guidance & Counselling
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
Diploma in Music
Diploma in Religion and Society
Diploma in Religion
Diploma in Religious Formation
Diploma in Special Education
Diploma in Special Needs Education and Counselling

More Courses at Nyanchwa Adventist College:
1. Certificate and diploma in early childhood education
2.certificate in science lab technology
3. Accounting technician certificate (ATC)
4. certicate and diploma in community health development
5. Certificate and diploma in food science technology and catering
6. Certificate in garment making technology
Our institution is fully registered and recognized by the ministry of education. We offer internationally recognized exam from professional bodies like knec,kasneb and dit

Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs ) Online Application Process:

To start your TTC online application procedure, simply;

  • Log in to the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) portal
  • Once logged in, navigate over and select Student Portal Account then click on Log in
  • Enter your KCSE Index Number
  • Enter your KCSE year
  • For the password, simply use your Birth Certificate Number or KCPE Index Number as used in your KCSE Exam Registration as your password
  • Once done, go ahead and make your application in respect to your area of qualifications and interests

Courses Offered At TTCs and Their Grade Requirements:

Below are minimum KCSE Grades requirements or Minimum Grades entry level for some of the courses offered at teachers training colleges in Kenya;

  • Certificate in Early Childhood and Development Education

Minimum Grade – D+

  • Diploma in Early Childhood and Development Education

Minimum Grade – C plain

  • Diploma in Teaching Course

Minimum Grade – C+

(with equivalent grade in two teaching subjects).

  • P1 Certificate Courses

Minimum – C plain

P1 Subjects Taught in TTCs:







Home Science



Physical Education




Diploma Subject Combinations Offered In TTCs:











Computer Studies/Mathematics

Home Science/English

Home Science/Geography



Geography/Business Studies


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