Starehe Boys’ Centre National School; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Portal Login, Postal Address, KNEC Code, Photos and Admissions

National Schools in Kenya; Contacts and locations

Here is a list of all the National Schools in Kenya. Get to see the schools’ enrollment, contacts and locations.

Name of School Total enrollment Type of School Status of School/ Type Name of County Name of Sub County Name of principal School phone number School email address
OSSEN GIRLS 627 Boarding Girls National Baringo BARINGO NORTH ROSEMARY TOMNO 0725028796 [email protected]
Baringo High School 1100 Boarding Boys National Baringo Koibatek Peter Owino 0721708101 [email protected]
Tenwek  high school 1340 Boarding Boys National Bomet Bomet central Simon mutali chesebe 0724079346 Tenwekhigh@gmail .com
Kaplong Girls High School 1113 Boarding Girls National Bomet Sotik Clara C. Mitei 0729744470 [email protected]
ST.KIZITO SEC SCH FOR THE H.I 126 Boarding Girls National Bomet SOTIK MONICA A.OKWARO 0722664581 P.O BOX 311 SOTIK
Joyvalley special sec school 150 Mixed day and boarding National Bungoma Bumula Richard Shitabule 0718392370 1293 Bungoma
Nalondo CBM Sec school for Phycally Handicapped 315 Mixed Boarding National Bungoma Bungoma Central Kwanusu Walter Wawire O723927001 [email protected]
Friends school kamusinga 1657 Boarding Boys National Bungoma Kimilili Kariuki M. A 0722342501 [email protected]
Lugulu girls high school 1833 Boarding Girls National Bungoma Webuye west Dinah Cheruiyot 0706788368 [email protected]
BUTULA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL 1375 Boarding Boys National Busia BUTULA MR. DANIEL OUMA ONYANGO 0777692865 [email protected]
S.A Kolanya Girls’ National School 1179 Boarding Girls National Busia Teso North Miss Manyala Fanice 0707822199 [email protected]
St  Bridgit Akoreet special secondary school for the deaf and vocational training 231 Mixed  boarding  and day National Busia Teso South EDDAH M KACHI 0722256785 [email protected]
ST PATRICK’S ITEN 1600 Boarding Boys National Elgeyo marakwet KEIYO NORTH PETER K ROTICH 721359050 [email protected] 
Moi Kapsowar girls secondary school 997 Boarding Boys National Elgeyo marakwet MARAKWET WEST Hellen Mabese Luhangala 0724370416 26
Siakago girls 831 Boarding Girls National Embu Mbeere north Anne mwangangi 0711683726 [email protected]
ACK MARY MAGDALENE HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 85 Mixed Boarding National Embu MBERE NORTH SAMUEL MAINA NGURI 0721630842 [email protected]
NEP Girls HIGH school 866 Boarding Girls National Garissa Garissa ZEINAB KOSAR 0720801339 [email protected]
GARISSA HIGH SCHOOL 1296 Boarding Boys National Garissa GARISSA TOWNSHIP LAWRENCE OMBASA NYAKWEBA 0727620875 [email protected]
Mbita High School 1496 Boarding Boys National Homa Bay Mbita sub county Kennedy Ojijo 0700448644 [email protected]
Asumbi girls 832 Boarding Girls National Homa Bay Rangwe Linet Pino sati 0722968678 [email protected]
Garbatula High School 145 Boarding Boys National Isiolo Garbatulla Henfrey Kirimi Ntarara 0721951819 [email protected]
ISIOLO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 375 Boarding Girls National Isiolo ISIOLO FLORENCE ACHACHA 0725348566 [email protected]
Moi Girls Isinya 1161 Boarding Girls National Kajiado Isinya Alice Sayo 0722347016 sayo.alice@gmail
Oloolaiser High school 850 Boarding Boys National Kajiado Kajiado North James Mungai 0725558877 [email protected]
Butere girls high school 2047 Boarding Girls National Kakamega Butere sub county Jenipher omondi 0716377733 [email protected]
Kakamega high School 1979 Boarding Boys National Kakamega Kakamega central Gerald Orina 0707014500 [email protected]
Kabianga high school 1875 Boarding Boys National Kericho Belgut Dr Joash Aloo 0722634962 [email protected]
st paul charera special high school 168 Mixed Boarding National Kericho Bureti Mathew Langat 0723140384 [email protected]
Kipsigis Girls High School 1283 Boarding Girls National Kericho Kericho Juliana Kirui 0714034055 [email protected]
Kedowa special sec sch for the deaf 150 Mixed Boarding National Kericho Londiani Margaret Amanya Silas 0724707978 [email protected]
Mangu high school 1924 Boarding Boys National Kiambu Juja John Munyua Kuria 0672220270 [email protected]
Alliance Girls High School 1943 Boarding Girls National Kiambu Kikuyu Virginia Gitonga 0726474258 [email protected]
Alliance high school 1762 Boarding Boys National Kiambu Kikuyu Mwangi w .m 0202015026 [email protected]
Loreto High School..Limuru 1400 Boarding Girls National Kiambu Limuru Eunice wangari Njenga 0722768403 Private bag ..Limuru
Limuru Girls School 1546 Boarding Girls National Kiambu Limuru Salome ndung’u 0721966936 [email protected]
Pwani sec for the deaf 136 Mixed Boarding National Kilifi Kilifi North Mwanahamisi s komora 0732544557 [email protected]
Bahari girls’, 960 Boarding Girls National Kilifi Kilifi south Prisca Mgute 0710308682 baharigirls’
Ribe Boys High School 1042 Boarding Boys National Kilifi Rabai Benson Manoo 0722911402 [email protected]
Kabare Girls 1131 Boarding Girls National Kirinyaga Kirinyaga East Lilian Wambui Muhuni 0720043574 [email protected]
Baricho boys high school 1561 Boarding Boys National Kirinyaga Kirinyaga west Bernard mwangi kingah 0707419880 [email protected]
Nyabururu girls’  High school 2050 Boarding Girls National Kisii Kitutu Central Oriokih Joyce Angella 0712001155 [email protected]
Joyland Special Secondary school 439 Mixed Boarding National Kisumu Kisumu Raphael Aura 0721320908 [email protected]
Kisumu Girls High School 1350 Boarding Girls National Kisumu Kisumu Central Margaret M Mechumo 0722226238 [email protected]
Maseno School 2164 Boarding Boys National Kisumu Kisumu West Andrew Buop 0724971472 [email protected]
Kibos Special Secondary 123 Mixed Boarding National Kisumu Muhoroni Ombayo Joshua 0723598760 [email protected]
OGWEDHI  PRIMARY . 472 Day National Kisumu MUHORONI ISAAC  MIRUKA 0723285820 [email protected]
DR .ROBERT OUKO PRIMARY 317 Day National Kisumu MUHORONI JOSEPH ODHIAMBO OCHIENG 0723231422 [email protected]
KIBOS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND 183 Mixed Boarding National Kisumu MUHORONI CAROLINE TEMPLER 0722633389 [email protected]
Muhoroni Factory Primary school 450 Day National Kisumu Muhoroni Gradus Ong’enge Agutu. 0721306784 [email protected]
SAUSET PRIMARY 334 Day National Kisumu Muhoroni Rael  Osoti o729413913 [email protected]
Menara primary school 593 Day National Kisumu Muhoroni H/t Tom O Onyona 0722383994 menaraprimary @ gmail. com
St George Special Secondary School 215 Mixed Boarding National Kisumu Nyakach Mr Samwel Ojema 0722692526 [email protected]
St. Martin Deppores Special school for learners with Cerebral palsy 266 Mixed Day and Boarding National Kisumu Nyakach Sr. Beatrice Atieno Agutu 0722593846 [email protected]
Nyalng’anya 354 Day National Kisumu NYAKACH MOSES OGOLA 0710884643 [email protected]
Kitui school 840 Boarding Boys National Kitui Kitui Central Bernard mutua 0723636536 [email protected]
Matuga Girls 930 Boarding Girls National Kwale Matuga Hellen Machuka +254721245620 [email protected]
Kwale High 1313 Boarding Boys National Kwale MATUGA Michael Mutua 0720009920 [email protected]
Kwale high school for the Deaf 18 Mixed Boarding National Kwale Matuga Ruth Nyabate Mosoti 724811685 [email protected]
Nanyuki school 980 Boarding Boys National Laikipia Laikipia east Minishi Oliver 0726117311 [email protected]
Njonjo girls high school 1265 Boarding Girls National Laikipia Nyahururu Junis M David 0742392103 [email protected]
mpeketoni boys high school 935 Boarding Boys National Lamu Lamu west severini Tole 0728907569 [email protected]
Lamu Girls Sec School 570 Boarding Girls National Lamu Lamu West Jamilah Mohamed 0721693606 [email protected]
Kathiani girl’s high school 830 Boarding Girls National Machakos Kathiani Damaris munyao 07283932218 Kathianigirlshigh
Machakos school 1599 Boarding Boys National Machakos Machakos Indimuli kahi 0722490036 [email protected]
Machakos Secondary School for the Deaf. 154 Mixed Boarding National Machakos Machakos Waithaka Raphael K. 0721445922 [email protected]
Mbooni Girls 921 Boarding Girls National Makueni Mbooni west Agnes Ithiga 0712042903 100-90135 kikima
Moi girls secondary mandera 972 Boarding Girls National Mandera Mandera East Amina wako 0723623780 [email protected]
MANDERA SECPNDARY SCHOOL 1350 Boarding Boys National Mandera MANDERA EAST MOOR SHEIKH ALI 0723080226 Manderaboys@gmail. Com
Moi girls marsabit 695 Boarding Girls National Marsabit marsabit central halima adan 0723686769 moigirlsschool@yahoo com
Moyale Boys Secondary School 240 Boarding Boys National Marsabit Moyale Dido Daki Dida 0727950924 [email protected]
Meru School 1580 Boarding Boys National Meru Imenti North Lawrence Kariuki Kiwara 0721639848 [email protected]
St Mary’s Girls High School lgoji 1203 Boarding Girls National Meru Imenti South Isabella Wanjiku Wainaina 0731251190 Saint Mary’s.igoji@gmail
Moi Nyabohanse Girls 761 Boarding Girls National Migori Mabera Debora Otiende Amuka 0796767306 [email protected]
Kuja Special Secondary Schoolfor the Deaf 249 Mixed Boarding National Migori Rongo Julius Nyerere Awuor 0726558593 [email protected]
Kanga high school 1530 Boarding Boys National Migori Rongo Mr. Ogweno Michael 0713433891 [email protected]
Shimolatewa school 1435 Boarding Boys National Mombasa Kisauni Mutiso mbinda mathew 0716294769 [email protected]
The Salvation Army Likoni High School For The Visually Impaired. 60 Mixed Boarding National Mombasa Likoni Christine Chemutai 0748694143 [email protected]
Mama Ngina Girls Mombasa 827 Boarding Girls National Mombasa Mvita Mrs Omar Mwanahamisi 0721 743 742 mamanginagirls. [email protected]
MOMBASA  SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED 297 Boarding Boys National Mombasa NYALI MANOAH, MOSES 0710422646 [email protected]
OLC Mugoiri Girls High school 1501 Boarding Girls National Muranga Kahuro M/S Susan Mundia 0705870440 [email protected]
Muranga School for hearing impaired 139 Mixed Boarding National Muranga muranga east Charity wanjiku ngugi 0720933549 [email protected]
Murang’a High School 1482 Boarding Boys National Muranga Murang’a East Willie M. Kuria 0724167580 [email protected]
LENANA SCHOOL 1719 Boarding Boys National Nairobi DAGORETTI SOUTH WILLIAM K KEMEI 0722366848 [email protected]
Moi forces academy Nairobi 1883 Boarding Boys National Nairobi Kamukunji Kiogora 6761155 Moiforces
Kasarani Treeside Secondary School for the Deaf 56 Mixed Boarding National Nairobi Kasarani Patrick Muriithi 0722913207 [email protected]
PANGANI GIRLS SCHOOL 1450 Boarding Girls National Nairobi STAREHE MS. F. M. NGARARI 0733314991 [email protected]
Nairobi school 2020 Boarding Boys National Nairobi Westlands Mr casual maina 0741946507 [email protected]
The Kenya high school 1405 Boarding Girls National Nairobi Westlands Mrs Flora mulatya 0724655115 [email protected]
Utumishi girls Academy 88 Boarding Girls National Nakuru Gilgil Jocelyn w Karanja 0745190036 [email protected]
UTUMISHI BOYS ACADEMY 1400 Boarding Boys National Nakuru GILGIL MAINA SAMUEL GITONGA 0722281796 [email protected]
Ngala secondary school for the Deaf 120 Mixed Boarding National Nakuru Nakuru East Pauline W. Kimani 0722702087 [email protected]
NAKURU GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL 1100 Boarding Girls National Nakuru NAKURU EAST ROSE MENJO (MRS) 0716283822 [email protected] or [email protected]
Moi Forces Academy lanet 1514 Boarding Girls National Nakuru Nakuru North Jedidah Mwangi 0202130435 [email protected]
Kapsabet high school 1800 Boarding Boys National Nandi Chesumei Kipchumba Maiyo 0202030117 [email protected]
St.joseph’s GIRLS-CHEPTERIT 1066 Boarding Girls National Nandi Chesumei Mrs. Kamau Priscilla 0736027920 [email protected]
Kapsabet Seconday School for the Deaf 134 Mixed Boarding National Nandi Nandi Central Rose Akinyi Yugi 0702360372 [email protected]
KIRORO PRIMARY SCHOOL 225 Day National Nandi TINDERET ANDREW KIPKEMOI TUM 0720171405 [email protected]
Senetwo primary 431 Day National Nandi Tinderet Joel kemei 0722286533 [email protected]
Ole Tipis Girls Secondary school 1045 Boarding Girls National Narok Narok North Margaret Cherono Kirui 0202684029 [email protected]
KILGORIS BOYS HIGH SCHOOL 421 Boarding Boys National Narok TRANSMARA WEST WILLIAM KIPTOO 0734404304 [email protected]
Nyambaria High school 2249 Boarding Boys National Nyamira Manga Boaz Oiyo Owino 0711298338 [email protected]
SIRONGA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 1623 Boarding Girls National Nyamira NYAMIRA SOUTH MRS. EVA AKEYO ODHIAMBO 0751280403 [email protected]
NYANDARUA HIGH SCHOOL 767 Mixed Boarding National Nyandarua NYANDARUA CENTRAL G.S. MUCHIRI 0712684053 [email protected]
Karima Girls high school 1650 Boarding Girls National Nyandarua Nyandarua south Grace Wanjiru Warui 0722610246 [email protected]
Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Birls 1374 Boarding Girls National Nyeri Mathira west Virginia Wahome 0720836570 [email protected]
Rev. Muhoro secondary school for the Deaf 346 Mixed Boarding National Nyeri Mukurweini E. W GITUKU 0719822683 [email protected]
Maralal High School 762 Boarding Boys National Samburu Samburu Central DR. Kiveu Ndunya 0722 921059 [email protected]
KISIMA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL SAMBURU 460 Boarding Girls National Samburu Samburu central FLORA ALOYO 0720797495 [email protected]
MARANDA HIGH SCHOOL 2332 Boarding Boys National Siaya BONDO EDWIN NAMACHANJA 0722232554 [email protected]
Fr Ouderaa secondary school for the Deaf nyangoma 163 Mixed Boarding National Siaya Bondo Samuel Amoto Demba 0721850576 [email protected]
Okela mixed secondary School 240 Day National Siaya Rarieda John onditi Nyawara 0726590223 [email protected].
Ng’iya Girls’High School 1561 Boarding Girls National Siaya Siaya Mrs Florence Okut 0726553713 achinyakayo
Ngiya Girl’s  Nationsl school 1497 Boarding Girls National Siaya Siaya Florence omondi  okoth 0720497367 [email protected]
Kenyatta high school 951 Boarding Boys National Taita Taveta Mwatate Kagutha David Macharia 0722835451 [email protected]
Bura Girls 750 Boarding Girls National Taita Taveta Mwatate Eunice Mwikali Wambua 0721257694 [email protected]
Ngao Girls Sec School 322 Boarding Girls National Tana River Tana Delta Leah Hikiza Dulu 0728767670 [email protected]
Hola Boys Sec School 365 Boarding Boys National Tana River Tana River STANLEY H.MOTTO 0720147182 [email protected]
Chogoria girls high school 1322 Boarding Boys National Tharaka Nithi Maara Winnie Wainaina 0720071917 [email protected]
Ikuu Boys High school 950 Boarding Boys National Tharaka Nithi Meru South Joseph Mbae 0714935761 [email protected]
ST BRIGID’S GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL KIMININI 1073 Boarding Girls National Trans Nzioa KIMININI INVIOLATA MAKHANU(MRS) 0700621930 [email protected]
St. Joseph’s Boys High School- Kitale 2347 Boarding Boys National Trans Nzioa Trans-Nzoia West Wilson T. Yego 0722273408 [email protected]
TURKANA GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL 629 Boarding Girls National Turkana LOIMA SR. FLORENCE NABWIRE 0711682663 [email protected]
Lodwar high school 850 Boarding Boys National Turkana Turkana central Patrick lokwayen esekon 0706347422 [email protected]
Moi girls high school Eldoret 1500 Boarding Girls National Uaasin Gishu Ainabkoi Chrstine chumba 0721969756 [email protected]
ST CLARE EBUKUYA SPECIAL SCHOOL 85 Mixed Boarding National Vihiga LUANDA MARY MAUWA 0703187488 [email protected]
BUNYORE GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL 1671 Boarding Girls National Vihiga LUANDA MRS.MARY AKUNJA 0202311912 [email protected]
CHAVAKALI HIGH SCHOOL 1978 Boarding Boys National Vihiga SABATIA JOHN KUIRA WARUTERE 0722359000 [email protected]
WAJIR GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL 810 Boarding Girls National Wajir WAJIR EAST RAHMA HASSAN ABDI 0725826157 [email protected]
Wajir high school 850 Boarding Boys National Wajir Wajir East Adan Kassim Farah 0723771611 [email protected]
Chewoyet High School 1531 Boarding Boys National West Pokot West Pokot Samuel Kiminisi Barasa 0798544455 [email protected]
Tartar girls 1640 Boarding Girls National West Pokot West pokot Consolata Mutai 745778980 [email protected]

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