National, Extra County and County Schools to be abolished and renamed: Final CBC Task Force Report

Categorization of schools as National, Extra County, and Sub County Schools will be abolished and replaced with a new grading system for schools. This is if final recommendations by the Presidential Working Committee on Educational Reforms task force will be implemented.

Section 43 (1) of the Basic Education Act categorises schools as public schools and private schools only. Regulation 79 of the Basic Education Regulation 2015 further classifies basic education institutions into:

Gender of learners admitted; National, extra-County, County or Sub-County; boarding or day school; low-cost boarding school (in the case of Primary School); and Special Needs Education institutions.

The stakeholders raised concern about the current categorisation of schools which they deemed to be discriminatory in terms of distribution of resources and resulted    in     over-enrollment in certain schools and under- enrollment in others.

The Committee is recommending that Regulation 79 (b) of the Basic Education Regulation 2015 be deleted. Consequently, the classification of institutions as national, extra-county, county or sub-county be repealed and replace the provision with the following classification:

  • Day;
  • Boarding;
  • Mixed (day/boarding);
  • Mixed (boys/girls); and
  • According to pathways at Senior Secondary.

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