Nakuru TTC

Nakuru TTC Courses, Fees, Applications, Admissions, Location

Nakuru Teacher Training College is one of the best Colleges in the Country. The robust College is located 22 Kilometres from Nakuru Town; along the Nakuru- Eldoret Highway. Since its inception, the college has grown to be a premier educating centre in the county, with excellence performances.

Nakuru TTC started with a population of 33 students but the figure has been growing steadily every year and presently we have over 600 students, this has been due to affordable fee as well as quality education offered.

The college enjoys a state of the art E-learning systems from the college Labs, library and a well equipped computer lab .

Nakuru Teachers Training College Courses

The college offers education in the following areas:

  1. Primary Teacher Education (P1)
  2. Diploma Teacher Education (S1)
  3. ICT Certificate/Diploma for both regular and In-Service students.
  4. Early Childhood Development Education Certificate/Diploma for both regular and In-Service students.
  5. ECDE (SCHOOL BASED) Certificate/Diploma for both regular and In-Service students.
  6. Dip. Ed  (Arts)
  7. B. Ed (Arts)

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Nakuru Teachers Training College offers various courses including:
1. DTE (Diplma in Teacher Education) secondary option.
2. Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)
3. Diploma in Early childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)
4. Special Needs Education (SNE)
5. UPGRADING PROGRAM as follows below.
(a) From ECDE Certificate to Diploma in Early childhood Teacher Education (DECTE).
(b) From Primary Teacher Education Certificate to Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)
We also offer Business & Technical Courses ( Tvet).
For more information kindly inbox or call 0726887015. (Registrar).

Nakuru Teachers Training College Course Requirements

1. Diploma In Teacher Education ( DTE): minimum grade is KCSE C+ & at least C + in two teaching subjects, the candidate must also have at least C plain in English & D+ in mathematics.
2. Special Need Education ( SNE) qualifications: you must be a trained Teacher
3. Business & Technical Courses. (TVET)
  • Diploma level – minimum KCSE grade is C (minus).
  • Certificate level – minimum grade is KCSE D (plain).
  • Artisan level is D minus & below.
For More inquiries kindly contact
0724412199 / 0729060175 / 0726887015

Nakuru Teachers Training College Applications

Applications are ongoing

Apply to the Registrar;
P.o Box 12485 – 20100
Nakuru, kenya
Or visit in person the office of the Registrar / College or our Town office opposite IEBC offices Nakuru.
Forward your Details

Full names.

KCSE mean grade

Your Email address phone contacts.

Nakuru Teachers Training College Application Form.

Application Application for Admission found on the College’s website.

i. Fill every part of this form in block letters as correctly as possible.
ii. Attach certified copies of your certificates/testimonials.
iii. Select two combinations in order of preference. (For DTE only)
iv. Remember to send admission fee transaction number/scanned receipt to us.

  • Personal Information First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:
  • ID No: PIN No: Birth Certificate No:
  • Postal Address: Telephone: Email: (No email? Open one at Gmail)
  • Upload Photo (Passport size only):
  • Academic Information Highest Level Attained (eg KCSE): Year attained:
  • Subjects & Grades (eg. Maths B+ )
  • Aggregate Grade attained:
  • Course Information Select the course you want to study:
  • Subject Combination (For DTE students only):
    First Option:
    Second Option:
  • Co-Curricular Activities Input Activity and level reached (eg. Drama Nationals)
  • Special Talent Describe any talent that you possess

 Documents, Certificates/Testimonials to be Uploaded

  • ID Card: Upload: ID Front side: ID Back side:
  • Birth Certificate: Upload:
  • KCPE Result Slip: Upload:
  • Primary Leaving Certificate: Upload:
  • KCSE Result Slip: Upload:
  • Secondary Leaving Certificate: Upload:
  • Testimonial 1: Upload:
  • Testimonial 2: Upload:
  • Testimonial 3: Upload:

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