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Mwalimu Sacco Branch Annual General Meetings and elections 2021

Mwalimu National SACCO Latest News

Mwalimu National SACCO Latest News

Mwalimu National Sacco has issued a notice for the 2021 Branch Annual General Meetings, AGMs. In a circular sent to all Branch Chairmen, the Sacco Chief Executive Officer, Alphonse Kaio, directs that the AGMs be held by 28th February 2021.

During the AGMs, elections to fill the vacant delegate slots should be carried out. Vetting and Nomination Committee as read with By Law 67 (a) the names of members who want to vie as delegates must be forwarded to the Vetting and Nomination Committee via the Chief Executive Officer.

To be able to comply with the Covid-19 health restrictions promulgated by the Ministry of Health on gatherings the Branches are required to observe the following:-

  1. The AGM must take place within two (2) hours.
  2. All AGMs shall be physical meetings, no virtual meetings shall be permissible, neither hybrid of physical and virtual allowable.
  3. The venue must be sufficient to accommodate your branch membership while only occupying 1/3 of the available accommodation within the venue. You are encouraged to pitch up tents in open fields as this will afford you the advantage of good ventilation and appropriate social distancing. The office will share with you the number of members in your branch to assist in deciding the choice of venue.
  4. The venue must be sanitized the day before the AGM and the morning before the AGM.
  5. Sanitizers and social distancing are a requisite on the date of the AGM.
  6. Because the meetings are restricted to two (2) hours there will be no cooking or eating at the venue.
  7. The returning officer should be the DCO as provided for in the Society’s by-laws.
See also;

After the AGMS, the following should be submitted to the CEO:

  • Minutes of the Branch AGM properly signed.
  • List of Members who attended the meeting with their TSC/PNo and Cell phone Number.
  • Election Returns:
    Name of the Winner
    Address, Mobile Number and E-mail.

The above returns should reach the Head quarter offices on or before 8th March 2021. The Sacco warns that those who will not have filed returns by this date will not be invited to attend the ADM.

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