Muthambi Girls High School’s KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Admissions, Location, Contacts, Fees, Students’ Uniform, History, Directions and KCSE Overall School Grade Count Summary
Muthambi Girls High School is a Girls boarding school, located in Muthambi location, Tharaka Nithi County; within the Eastern Region of Kenya. Get to know the school’s KCSE Results, KNEC Code, contacts, Admissions, physical location, directions, history, Form one selection criteria, School Fees and Uniforms. Also find a beautiful collation of images from the school’s scenery; including structures, signage, students, teachers and many more.
Muthambi Girls’ high school is an extra-county boarding school that is in Tharaka-Nithi County, Maara sub-county, Muthambi Division, Muthambi location, Gaicau sub-location, Kiringa village. Politically, the school is a prestigious girl’s school in Maara constituency, Muthambi ward. It’s physically adjacent to the Muthambi Catholic Church, and Muthambi primary school. This location is endowed with fertile soils since it lay on the eastern slopes of Mt. Kenya forest. This land is approximately between latitudes 000 03’ 47’’North and 000 27’ 28’’South and between longitudes 370 18’ 24’’East and 280 19’ 12’’ West. The school sits on the top ridges of River Nithi and River Maara and is about 1.5km from Marima market along the Chuka-Meru highway.
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Individual candidates can check their KCSE results by sending an SMS with their full index number (11digits) followed by the word KCSE. The SMS can be sent from any subscriber’s line (Safaricom, Airtel or any other) to 20076. For example, send the SMS in the format 23467847002KCSE to 20076. There should be no space left between the index number and the word KCSE.
One can also download the whole school’s KCSE results by Visiting the Official KNEC exams portal; https://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/. This one requires the school’s log in credentials.
Finally, candidates can visit the school for their results. This is usually a day after the results have been released. It is important that you check your result slip to ensure there are no errors on it. Be keen to see that details such as your name, index number and sex are accurate. In case of any discrepancy, please notify your principal or KNEC immediately for correction.
The school has maintained a good run in performance at the Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, exams. In the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams the school posted good results to rank among the best schools in the County. This is how and where you can receive the KCSE results.
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In need of more information about the school? Worry not. Use any of the contacts below for inquiries and/ or clarifications. Here is a collation of the school’s basic details:
- SCHOOL’S NAME: Muthambi Girls High School
- SCHOOL’S TYPE: Girls’ only boarding school
- SCHOOL’S CATEGORY: Extra County school.
- SCHOOL’S LEVEL: Secondary
- SCHOOL’S KNEC CODE: 19326101
- SCHOOL’S OWNERSHIP STATUS: Public/ Government owned
- SCHOOL’S POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 100, Marima 60408
- SCHOOL’S WEBSITE: http://www.muthambi.com
Muthambi Girls high school was established in 1967 by the Consolata Catholic Missionaries following the industrious initiative of Reverend Father Julius Kathure who hailed from the then Chuka Parish. The school sits on acreage of approximately twenty five (25) acres of land which is spacious ground that allows a variety of activities, facilities as well as freedom of movement for all. The land was voluntarily donated by the community members to accommodate the Muthambi Catholic church, Muthambi primary school and the girl’s secondary school. Some of the families that donated the land were Bonjiano, Edward and Josiphino Nyaga. Following the land adjudication by the government the school eventually acquired the twenty five acres of land (O.I. Josiphino: 11/6 2018) for its development.
The late, Rev.Fr. Kathure was the regional education secretary under the diocese of Meru.His great idea to construct this school was endorsed by a committee on 24th September 1966. The members of this team comprised the following;
- Mr. Willie Bore………………..Chairman
- Mr Batholomew ………………Vice Chairman
- Rv.Fr. Julius Kathure…………Treasurer
- Mr Robert Miriti…………………Hon. Secretary
- Mr. Benjamin Baini……………..Committee member
- Mr Gabriel Njeru…………………. ’’
- Mr Bernard Gichunge…………… ’’
- Mr Erastus M’Riba………………. ’’
- Mr Edelemo Murianki…………… ’’
- Mr Angelo Munene……………….. ’’
- Mr Gabriel Mutua…………………. ’’
- Mr Mukobwa Matiri……………… ’’
- Mr Vitoriano Njagi……………….. ’’
- Mr Zaberio Ruiga………………….. ’’
- Mr Samson Riungu………………… ’’
- Mr Japhet Barini……………………. ’’
- MR Alexus Njagi………………….. ’’
- Mr Eusebio Kaburu………………. ’’
- Mr Elisio Njogu…………………… ’’
- Mr Fabanio Mwihandi…………… ’’
By December 1966, other fathers came in hardy to support in establishing the school namely; Rev.Fr Andrew Mungatia, Rev. Fr. Francis Mbijiwe and Rev.Fr.Iland. They all shared in the great dream starting a girl’s secondary school. In the preliminaries, Muthambi intermediate school had given ksh 1776 to support the building of the initial facilities. This great team mobilized the community to implement the ideology of Rev. Fr. Kathure which gave rise to the school in February of the following year 1967.
In establishing this prestigious girls school Fr Kathure imbibed the mission of the Consolata missionaries to evangelize and educate non-Christians all over the world. He strongly believed in the benefit of religion and education as was advocated for by the general superior of Consolata foreign missions Giuseppe Allamano (1851-1926) in his mission statement that; ‘the people will love religion because of the promise of a better life after death but education will make them happy because it will provide a better life while on earth’(Sbacchi:1998:319).
Led by the ideology of Giuseppe Allamano, Rev. Fr Kathure selflessly took keen interest in the education of the girl child by founding Muthambi Girls which he hoped would provide a better life for them. As a great initiator, Rev. Fr.Kathure mobilized the Muthambi community and shared his great dream of starting this girl’s school. He was a missionary statesman with broad humanity, deep love, resilience and vision for educating young girls. His relentless efforts gave the people of Muthambi the first impetus towards formal education for girls.
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The first students were enrolled to Muthambi Girls on 6th February 1967. It was a class of fourty girls admitted from all over the then Meru District. The first students to the school were selected from neighbouring primary schools; Muthambi, Munga, Kariani, Kagongo, Kamachuku, Kiini, Kajiunduthi and Kariakomo. Rev. Fr. Kathure enrolled students of all religious denominations from across the Meru region without any discrimination. The headmistress Sis Delea Assumpta was mandated by the school committee to also enrol girls from other schools out of Muthambi location so long as they had done well in the Kenya Primary Exam (K.P.E).
The pioneer students sat for their Kenya Junior Secondary Education (K.J.S.E.). Sixteen of the fourty had done very well and were to join form three safe for those that wanted to join teacher training or nursing colleges. They were examined for the following subjects;
- English
- Swahili
- Mathematics
- General Science
- Biology
- Geography
- History
Subject | No. of candidates | Mean |
English | 40 | 7.07 C+ |
Swahili | 40 | 3.85 D+ |
Mathematics | 40 | 4.68 C- |
General science | 40 | 5.90 C |
Biology | 40 | 4.13 D+ |
Geography | 40 | 7.08 C+ |
History | 40 | 4.95 C- |
Table 1:3 showing the first K.J.S.E results of the pioneer class Source; School archives K.J.S.E; results of 1968
The following is the list of the pioneer class of 1967 who did the K.J.S.E exam in 1968 (admitted as 40 girls in 1967 but by the exam time there was an additional one student, so they did the first exam as fourty one girls)
Students Name
- Emmyodaly Karimi
- Anjelica Nkoroi
- Christen Mukwanyaga
- Philomena Karimi
- Anne Gaceri
- Irene Gacheri
- Pauline Wairimu
- Nicelia Ciambura
- Susan Kanario
- Janerose Muthoni
- Saturnina Ethiru
- Modesta Lawrence
- Nicoleta Igandu
- Mary G. Mumu
- Monica Mwarania
- Consolata Kanyamu
- Loise Tata
- Sennah Changu
- Regina Mwari
- Faith Wanjira
- Hellen Mwari
- Jerusha Kaari
- Teofasia Mukwanjeru
- Virginia Igoki
- Agnes Kathanga
- Mary Gateti
- Eusebia Nkuene
- Vetasia Ithima
- Agnes Muthoni
- Margret Njagi
- Ann Mukiri
- Catherine Tirindi
- Shekila Hassan
- Mary Julio
- Marion Karimi
- Venantia Mukwanyaga
- Edith Wanyaga
- Margaret Gaaji
- Flora Miriti
- Rosemary Ukima
- Alicce Ukima
Table 1.4 Source; School library archives K.J.S.E; results file of 1968 showing the pioneer class
Records show that some of the pioneer students joined St. Mary’s girls Egoji and Kaaga gilrs for form three to four, Kyeni nursing college, Chogoria mission hospital for nursing courses as well as St. Lawrence Teacher Training College in Egoji for P1 training.
As the demand for the few vacancies increased, the school became a double stream school from 1974 and has continued to grow in facilities as well as students enrolment. The development of physical facilities in the school gave room for the enrolment of a harambee stream in 1975. Students were sourced from the neighbouring primary schools in Muthambi division. These include; Muthambi,Marima, Karigini, Itara, Kagongo, Giampampo, Kiini, Kagongogaceke, Gituntu, Ndumbini, Munga, Kariakomo, Ndunguri and Kiriani. The harambee class was not sponsored by the government.
Having started as a harambee school, the first class was taken over by the government in 1969.By 1987, the school had expanded to have three O’Level streams.the First A’ level arts based class started in1980 and students sat for the KACE (Kenay Advanced Certificate of Education) exams. KACE results of 1986 were the best ever in the history of the school with eleven students qualifying to go the university. The school appeared in the papers as number sixteen nationwide following this exemplary performance. The school offered the A’ level curriculum from 1980, to 1988 after which the 7-4-2-3 system was replaced with the 8-4-4 structure. The school currently offers a curriculum for the 8-4-4 system of education since 1985.
Being a county school the catchment area of the school is Tharaka- Nithi County and the neighbouring counties. The school has an enrolment of about nine hundred and sixty students from form one to form four distributed as shown in the table below;
Stream | Enrollment |
Form one 2018 | 293 |
Form two 2018 | 181 |
Form three 2018 | 250 |
Form four 2018 | 236 |
Table1.5 Source. Admissions book showing enrolment as at 2018
The vision of the school is; ‘to be a centre of excellence and the institution of choice for any girl child seeking academic enlightenment and individual empowerment’.
The mission is ‘to provide quality education and create a condusive environment in order to mould holistic and balanced girls’.
The motto is ‘Diligence precedes success’
Being a public school, form one admissions are done by the Ministry of Education. Vacancies are available on competitive basis. Those seeking admissions can though directly contact the school or pay a visit for further guidelines.
You have been selected to join form one at high school? Well. Congratulations. In case you need to see your admission letter, then click on this link to download it; Official Form one admission letter download portal.
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Planning to pay the school a visit? Below are some of the lovely scenes you will experience.

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