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6 1&2 Introduction Branches of Music; theory, aural, history of music and practical’s By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name the different branches of music

·        Discussion

·        Making of notes

·        Text book

·        Board

KIE music syllabus

KNEC music syllabus

  3 Music Definition and importance By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Define music and give its importance

·        Discussion

·        Making of notes

·        Text book

·        Board

KIE music book 1

Foundation music book1

  4&5 Music Elements of music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name and explain each of the elements of music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
7 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm Note values


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify note values and their correspondent rests

·        Clapping

·        Discussion

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  


Social environ influences on music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State the social environmental influences on music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1Music of Africa by Kwabena Nketia  
  4&5 THEORY: Rhythm Time signature

Definition, use


Bars and bar lines

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Define time signature and its use

·        Name the types of time signature i.e simple and compound

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
8 1&2 THEORY:


Simple time: 2/4,3/4,4/4

Compound time: 6/8

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Tell the difference between time signatures

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
  3 HISTORY: Introduction to Western music Origin of Music ·        Explain the origin of Music ·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music and appreciation

  4&5 AURALS: Rhythm Drum rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms and write down different drum rhythms

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Writing   given drum rhythms

·        Drum

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

9 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm Simple duple, triple and quadruple time

Compound duple time

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify different time signatures as simple or compound; duple, triple or quadruple

·        Clapping rhythms in different time  signatures ·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book  1

  3 HISTORY: African History Role and functions of music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State and explain the role and functions of music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music of Africa

KIE book 1

  4&5 PRACTICALS Major scale  major arpeggio By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing the scales ascending and descending

·        Singing ·        Piano KNEC  Syllabus  
10 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm Accents and grouping of notes By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms accenting the 1st beats of the bar

·        Group notes in simple and compound time

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
  3 PRACTICALS Minor scale

minor arpeggio

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing the scales ascending and descending

·        Singing ·        Piano KNEC  Syllabus  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western history Periods in western music; Medieval period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name the periods in western music and explain the types of music during the medieval period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

11 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm, melody Grouping of notes in comp- ound time

The staff and clefs

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Group notes appropriately in compound time.

·        Define a staff

·        Explain the difference between treble and bass clef

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
  3 HISTORY: Western history Medieval period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        List the characteristics of music during the medieval period

·        List composers during the medieval period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

  4&5 AURALS: Rhythm Melodic  rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify the rhythm of a melody played

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Writing rhythms

·        Piano Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

12 1&2 THEORY: Melody Pitching the staff using different clefs By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name the lines and spaces of the staff using the bass and treble clef

·        Discussion

·        Naming the staff

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
  3 HISTORY: African history Occasions of music  in Traditional African Society By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name occasions when music was required

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Music of Africa by Kwabena Nketia

Foundation music book1

  4&5 AURALS Melodic  rhythm in simple time By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify the rhythm of a melody played

·        Identifying and writing rhythms ·        Piano

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

13 1&2 THEORY Major scale By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales of C and G major

·        Construct scales

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 PRACTICALS Voice By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing a folk song from an African community

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Secular and sacred music during the medieval  period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Give examples of secular and sacred music during  the medieval period

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

14 1&2 THEORY Scales of D    and A major By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales of D and A major

·        Construct scales

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Categories of music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Group music into different categories

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Foundation music book1

  4&5 THEORY Rhythm; Grouping of notes By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Group notes correctly according to time signature

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

15 1&2 THEORY Scales By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct G, D and A   major with key signature

·        Construct scales

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 AURALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Clap different rhythms given according to the   time signature

·        Identify rhythms played

·        Clapping rhythms ·        Rhythms

·        Piano

Teacher’s  repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Secular and sacred music   in the renaissance period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        List the secular and sacred music in the renaissance period

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation







2 1&2 THEORY Major scales    of F, Bb and Eb By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct scales of F, Bb and Eb

·        Construct scales

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African General characteristics of African  music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State the characteristics of African music

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Foundation music book1

  4&5 AURALS Drum rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify rhythms played

·        Listening

·        Identifying rhythms

·        Discussion

·        Cassette

·        Drum

Teacher’s  repertoire  
3 1&2 THEORY Scales By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales F, Bb and Eb with key signature

·        Construct scales

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 PRACTICALS Folk song By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing folk songs in groups

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Development  of polyphony By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe the development of polyphony during the renaissance period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

4 1&2 THEORY Sol-fa notation of a major  scale By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write sol-fas to a major scale

·        Sing the diatonic major scale in sol-fa

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Changing trends in   music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State some of the current trends affecting music

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book1  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Recorder By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Have correct fingering of the recorder

·        Play G, A, B  and C   correctly

·        Playing recorder ·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
5 1&2 THEORY Transposition By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Transpose a melody an octave up or down

·        Transposing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 AURALS Rhythm on monotone, compound  time By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify rhythms played

·        Identifying rhythms

·        Discussion

·        Drum

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY Renaissance composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name composers during the renaissance period

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

6 1&2 THEORY Technical names By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name the technical names of each sol-fa note of the scale

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: Analysis of African melodies Structure of African melodies By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze an African folk  song

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Listening

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms in    compound time

·        Write rhythms played in compound time

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Identifying rhythms

·        Drum

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book1

7 1&2 THEORY Intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Define an interval as major, minor or perfect

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 PRACTICALS Recorder By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Learn fingering of C, D, E and F

·        Playing recorder ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Forms of   music in the Renaissance period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name forms of music during the renaissance period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

8 1&2 THEORY Quality of intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe intervals

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Ornaments By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name, perform ornaments in African music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book Folk music    of  Kenya  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Recorder


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Play the recorder with correct fingering

·        Sing a piece of music

·        Playing the recorder

·        Singing

·        Recorder

·        Piano

·        Music scores

Teacher’s repertoire  
9 1&2 THEORY Diminished  & augmented   intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe diminished and augmented intervals

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 THEORY Melody By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write melody on staff

·        Writing melodies ·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name composers in the renaissance period and their works

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

10 1&2 THEORY Four-bar melody By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a four-bar melody

·        Note making

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sight sing short melodies

·        Singing ·        Music scores

·        Text book

Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book1

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Renaissance period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        List characteristics of renaissance music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

11 1&2 THEORY Four-bar melody By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a four-bar melody and sight sing it

·        Note making

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Choral performance   of folk songs By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe performance of traditional African folk songs

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Voice


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing music from a score

·        Play the recorder

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
12 1&2 THEORY Melody   writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write lyrics to a given melody

·        Note making

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 AURALS Melody on  staff By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write music on the staff

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Renaissance period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        List and explain the characteristics of renaissance music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

13 1&2 THEORY Harmonic  triads By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Define triads

·        Construct triads

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Ensemble By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe different types of ensembles

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Foundation music book1

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 AURALS Melody: leap By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write melody with a leap  of 3rd on the staff

·        Writing melodies

·        Listening

·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
14 1&2 THEORY Harmonic  triads By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct triads in major keys and root position

·        Construction of triads ·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Melodic instruments By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State the role of melodic instruments

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Foundation music book1

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Western analysis By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Analyze music for form, clef, key

Analyze  music Music scores Foundation music book1  





2 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Name triads of a major scale

·        Discussion

·        Taking notes

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Role of rhythmic instruments By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State the role of rhythmic instruments in an  ensemble

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS African vocal By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing solo-response folk song

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
3 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct primary triads without key signature

·        Construction of triads

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 AURALS Melodies in simple time By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write melodies played in simple time on the staff

·        Writing melodies ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Analysis By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze music pieces

·        Analyzing music ·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
4 1&2 THEORY Rhythm: Time signature and bar lines By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Group notes correctly according to the time signature

·        Insert bar lines to given rhythm

·        Discussion ·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Inter relationships   of members of the ensemble By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        State the relationship of  the instruments in an ensemble

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 AURALS Melodic intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe intervals heard from ear

·        Identifying and describing intervals ·        Piano

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
5 1&2 THEORY Construction   of scales By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct scales with and without key signature

·        Construction of scales ·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 AURALS Melodic intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe intervals heard   by ear

·        Describe intervals ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Medieval and renaissance By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Compare and contrast medieval music and renaissance music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

Music an appreciation

6 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm Note values


By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify note values and their correspondent rests

·        Clapping

·        Discussion

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book1  
  3 HISTORY: African Dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Perform dances from different communities in Kenya

·        Singing

·        Dancing

·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 THEORY Major scale By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales of C and G major

·        Construct scales

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

7 1&2 THEORY Scales of D    and A major By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales of D and A major

·        Construct scales

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Perform dances from different communities in Kenya

·        Singing

·        Dancing

·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 THEORY Scales By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the scales F, Bb and Eb with key signature

·        Construct scales

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book1

KIE book 1













2 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm, simple time Grouping of notes


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms in simple  time

·        Group notes according to the time signatures

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Discussion

·        Pieces with rhythms Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book 2

  3 PRACTICALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Clap  rhythms in   compound time

·        Clapping rhythms ·        Pieces with rhythms Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Instruments of the orchestra By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name the instruments of a family

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Text book

·        Board

Music an appreciation  
3 1&2 THEORY: Scales Construction   of major scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct the scales of E and D with and without key signature

·        Discussion

·        Construction of scales

·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

  3 HISTORY: African African music instruments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Define membranophones

·        Explain how drums are tuned

·        Name the function of drums in an ensemble

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Folk music of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises: Major, minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform major and minor scales

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

4 1&2 THEORY: Rhythm, compound time Grouping of notes By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms in    compound time

·        Group notes according to time signatures

·        Discussion

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

Teacher’s repertoire

  3 AURALS Major intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Major 2nd ,3rd and 6th

·        Listening

·        Identifying intervals

·        Syllabus

·        Text books

MOEST syllabus  
  4&5 THEORY: Major scale Construction   of major scales, C,G,D,A,E,F,Bb, Eb and Ab By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct all the major scales

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

5 1&2 THEORY: Minor scale Construction   of minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct melodic minor scales

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

  3 HISTORY: African Harp and Lyre By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe lyre and harp

·        Explain parts of the instruments

·        Name examples of harps and lyres

·        Discussion

·        Reading

·        Text books

·        Board

Music of Africa

Folk music    of Kenya

Instruments of Kenya

  4&5 AURALS Minor and perfect intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify the intervals when played

·        Listening

·        Identifying intervals

·        Text books

·        Syllabus

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

6 1&2 THEORY: Transposi- tion Transposition  of melodies By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Transpose melodies from one key to another at a specified interval

·        Transposi- tion of melodies ·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

  3 PRACTICALS Sequence and arpeggios By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform the scalic  sequence and arpeggios

·        Singing

·        Playing of recorder

·        Piano

·        Recorders

  4&5 THEORY: Triads Primary, secondary and diminished triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write primary and secondary triads in their various positions i.e. root, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion

·        Construction of triads ·        Board

·        Text books

KIE book 2

Foundation music book 2

7 1&2 THEORY Harmonic  triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write triads as required

·        Identify triads in the  various position and to describe triads

·        Naming  triads

·        Spelling out notes of a triad

·        Text books

·        Board

·        Piano

Foundation music book 2

KIE book 2

  3 HISTORY: African Musical bows By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name and explain how music is produced in the musical bows

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Text books

·        Board

Music of Africa

Instruments of Kenya

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 PRACTICALS Major scale By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing the major scale with sol-fa and using vowel sound

·        Singing ·        Piano MOEST Syllabus  
8 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Recognize triads in the various position

·        Name them using roman numerals and indicate the scale in which they are found.

·        Recognizing triads

·        Description  of triads

·        Text books

·        Board

·        Piano

Foundation music book 2

KIE book 2

  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe intervals played harmonically

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Piano Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Factors affecting traditional African music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name and explain factors affecting Traditional  African music

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book 2  
9 1&2 THEORY Musical terms and signs By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the meaning of various musical terms and signs

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

KIE book 2

  3 HISTORY: African Factors affecting traditional African music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name and explain factors affecting Traditional  African music

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Note taking

·        Text book

·        Board

Foundation music book 2  
  4&5 AURALS Intervals:  Minor   intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe minor intervals played harmonically

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Piano

·        Cassettes

Teacher’s repertoire  
10 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write and describe triads in their various positions

·        Construction and description   of triads ·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

KIE book 2

  3 PRACTICALS Minor scale By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing the melodic minor scale, ascending and descending, using sol-fa then vowels

·        Singing ·        Piano MOEST Syllabus  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Aerophones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name different types of aerophones

·        Explain sound production  in aerophones

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

Music of Africa

Instruments of Kenya

11 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a four bar melody

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Melody writing by Annie Warburton

Foundation music book 1

  3 HISTORY: African Idiophones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name examples of idiophones

·        Explain sound production  in idiophones

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Music of Africa

Instruments of Kenya

  4&5 PRACTICALS Minor scale By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing the harmonic minor scale, ascending and descending, in sol-fa then using a vowel sound

·        Singing ·        Piano    
12 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write an eight bar melody

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

Melody writing by Annie Warburton

Foundation music book 2

  3 AURALS Perfect intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify perfect 4th and 5th

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassettes

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Renaissance period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name characteristics of music during the renaissance period

·        Name composers during renaissance period

·        Discussion ·        Students’ notes Music an appreciation  
13 1&2 THEORY Major scales

C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, Eb, and Ab

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Construct the major scales with and without key signature


·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 2  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing or play melodies in simple time

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Baroque   period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the term baroque

·        Name some characteristics of baroque music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

Music an appreciation

14 1&2 THEORY Minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct minor scales using the key signatures of their relative major scales

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 2  
  3 HISTORY: African Classification By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Classify instruments as aerophones

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing the major scale and major arpeggio ascending and descending

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Piano

·        Recorders

MOEST syllabus  
15 1&2 THEORY Translation from staff to sol-fa notation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate given melodies from staff to sol-fa  notation

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 2  
  3 AURALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Clap rhythms

·        Reproduce played    rhythms

·        Listening

·        Clapping

·        Drum Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Baroque    music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Note some baroque composers and their    works

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 2

Music an appreciation























2 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe triads

·        Write primary triads and their inversions in major keys

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

KIE book 2

  3 HISTORY: African Aerophones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Give examples of aerophones

·        Explain sound production  in aerophones

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 AURALS Harmonic intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Recognize harmonic intervals

·        Identifying intervals

·        Listening

·        Cassette

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire  
3 1&2 THEORY Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe and write given intervals

·        Discussion

·        Listening

·        Piano Foundation music book2  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing given melodies

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Baroque   period:  forms of music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Define the terms:- concerto, mass, opera, oratorio, cantata

·        Differentiate between opera and oratorio

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

Music an appreciation

4 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate melodies from sol-fa to staff notation

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 HISTORY: African Characteristics of African  music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write down the main features of African music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing the major, minor scales, ascending and descending

·        Sing major and minor arpeggios ascending and descending

·        Sing the  scales and arpeggios to vowel sound

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

5 1&2 AURALS Rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write on monotone rhythms played

·        Listening ·        Drum

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
  3 AURALS Melody By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a four bar melody in simple time

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY Baroque   period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Appreciate some of the Baroque music

·        Listening ·        Cassette Music an appreciation  
6 1&2 PRACTICALS Melodies in major keys By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing melodies in  major keys

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
  3 HISTORY: African Characteristics of African  music By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write down the main features of African music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 AURALS Melodic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Reproduce sol-fa pitches   as played

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
7 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate melodies from sol-fa to staff notation and vice versa

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing technical exercises

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

  4&5 AURALS Melodic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write melodies played in minor keys

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
8 1&2 THEORY Minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct scales in minor keys

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 2  
  3 HISTORY: African Singing songs By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Learn some African songs and sing them

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing or play given melodies

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
9 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct  primary triads   in both  major and minor keys

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

KIE book 2

  3 AURALS Melodic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing orally the pitches to sol-fa

·        Write the music on a staff

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY Baroque   period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        State the characteristics of music in the baroque  period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

Music an appreciation

10 1&2 THEORY Minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able     to:

·        Construct minor scales  with and without key signature

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing ·        Sing/play short pieces of music in major keys on  sight ·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Sight singing pieces

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Baroque and renaissance By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Compare and contrast music during the renaissance and  baroque periods

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

Music an appreciation

11 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate melodies from staff to sol-fa notation

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 HISTORY: African Folk song and dance By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the difference between a folksong and a folk dance

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing/play major scale and arpeggio ascending and descending

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

12 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate melodies from sol-fa to staff notation

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 AURALS Rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write on monotone drum rhythm played

·        Listening ·        Drum Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book2

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Instruments; percussion By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify percussion instruments used in an orchestra

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Music an appreciation  
13 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Translate music from staff to sol-fa notation and vice versa

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 HISTORY: African Folksong and dance By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Learn a folksong or dance from an African   community

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write on monotone the rhythm of a melody in simple time adding bar  lines and time signature

·        Listening ·        Drum Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book2

14 1&2 THEORY Transposition By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Transpose a given melody an octave above and    below

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing/play the scalic sequence with ‘la’ sound

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Double and single reed woodwinds By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Give examples of double reed woodwinds and single reed woodwinds

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Music an appreciation  
















2 1&2 THEORY Transposition By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Transpose a given melody from one key to another according to instructions given

·        Transposing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 HISTORY: African Instruments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Classify various  instruments in their different categories

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing/play minor scale and arpeggio ascending and descending

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

3 1&2 THEORY Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe intervals written on the staff fully

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Foundation music book2  
  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify the melodic intervals played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Piano

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write on monotone the rhythm of a melody in compound time adding time signature and bar  lines

·        Listening ·        Drum Teacher’s repertoire Foundation music book2  
4 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct triads of both major and minor keys in root position

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

KIE book 2

  3 HISTORY Instruments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the mode of sound production in various African instruments

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct triads in 1st inversion

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

KIE book 2

5 1&2 THEORY Triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct 2nd inversion triads

·        Constructing triads

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book2

KIE book 2

  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing/play given melodies

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Learn the KCSE set pieces

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        KCSE set pieces’ scores Set pieces’ scores  
6 1&2 THEORY: Minor scale Construction   of minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct melodic minor scales

·        Construction of scales

·        Discussion

·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 2 Foundation music book2  
  3 THEORY: Triads Primary, secondary and diminished triads By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write primary and secondary triads in their various positions i.e. root, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion

·        Construction of triads ·        Board

·        Text books

KIE book 2 Foundation music book2  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises: Major, minor scales By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform major and minor scales

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano






2 1&2 THEORY Time   signature;

Simple and compound

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;

·        Insert bar lines to given rhythms

·        Insert appropriate time signature to given rhythms

·        Note taking

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Tapping rhythms

·        Written exercise

·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 3

Foundation music book 3

Rudiments and theory   of music

  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing melodies in simple time By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing melodies in simple time without modulation

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing

·        Recorder playing

·        Recorders

·        Sight singing pieces

Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book 3

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Orchestral instruments; Brass By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe and draw the instruments

·        Name the instrument after hearing its sound

·        Listening

·        Drawing

·        Note taking

·        Discussion

·        Cassette

·        Text books

Foundation music book 3

Music an appreciation

3 1&2 THEORY Harmony; Chords in  major and minor keys By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Construct chords found in major and minor keys

·        Constructing chords ·        Text books

·        Board

KIE book 3

Foundation music book 3

  3 HISTORY: African Classification   of African  music instruments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name the different categories of instruments, describe each and give examples

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Taking notes

·        Text books Music of Africa

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing melodies in different keys

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
4 1&2 THEORY Melody  writing; 12 bar melodies By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a 12 bar melody

·        Writing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Rhythmic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Listen and write down rhythms

·        Listening

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Writing

·        Drum

·        Text books

·        Cassette

KIE book 3

Foundation music book 3

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Romantic period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe the   characteristics of music during the Romantic   period

·        Explanation

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Listening

·        Text books

·        Cassette with romantic   period music

Music an appreciation

Foundation music book 3

5 1&2 THEORY Four-part harmony By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize simple   melodies using I, IV and V chords

·        Written exercise

·        Discussion

·        Text books KIE book 3

Foundation music book 3

  3 HISTORY: African Instruments; Membrano- phones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain how membranophones are played

·        Name the dances accompanied by the drum

·        Give the role of the instrument in an ensemble

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books KIE book 3

Foundation music book 3

Folk music of Kenya

  4&5 AURALS Cadences and Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe cadences as perfect, imperfect, plagal and imperfect

·        Describe intervals

·        Listening

·        Singing

·        Description

·        Cassette

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book 3

6 1&2 THEORY Harmony; Use of I, IV, and V  in root   position By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize melodies using chords I, IV and V in root position

·        Note making

·        Harmonizing melodies

·        Melodies for harmonizing

·        Text books

Foundation music book 3  
  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing or play technical exercises

·        Singing

·        Playing recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Analysis By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Analyze a given piece of music

·        Note making

·        Analyzing

·        Discussing

·        Text books Music an appreciation

Teacher’s notes

7 1&2 THEORY Musical ornaments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Interpret various musical ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Rudiments   of music

Foundation music book 3

  3 HISTORY: African Idiophones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe idiophones and explain how they are  played

·        Description

·        Note taking

·        Text books Foundation music book 3

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing or play set pieces

·        Singing

·        Playing recorders

·        Recorder

·        Piano

Set pieces  
8 1&2 THEORY Musical signs By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the meaning and use of various musical   signs

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Rudiments   of music

Foundation music book 3

  3 AURALS Melody By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write melodies and rhythms played

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Romantic period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Name composers during this period and their    works

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Music an appreciation

Foundation music book 3

9 1&2 THEORY Musical ornaments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe various musical ornaments

·        Perform music as required with ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Singing

·        Text books

·        Music scores

 Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Kayamba By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe and explain how   a kayamba is played

·        Name the category of instruments that a kayamba belongs to

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Music of Africa

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 AURALS Minor  melodies

Rhythm on monotone

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write melodies played in minor keys

·        Write on monotone rhythms of melodies  played

·        Listening

·        Writing melodies

·        Writing rhythms

·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
10 1&2 THEORY Repeat signs

Terms for specific notes


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform and express in terms indicated

·        Interpret ornaments correctly

·        Singing

·        Discussion

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing melodies with modulation

·        Vocal warm up

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Recorders Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Melodic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Differentiate between major and minor keys

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
11 1&2 THEORY Harmony By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize a melody using chords I, IV, V and VI

·        Answering questions ·        Short melodies Teacher’s repertoire  
  3 HISTORY: African Instruments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Classify African instruments into different categories

·        Discussion ·        Text books Folk music of

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS African folk song By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing a folk song from any African community

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Students’ folksongs  
12 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a melody of 16 bars

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: Western Wood winds By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Give examples of wood winds

·        Discussion ·        Text book Music an appreciation  
  4&5 AURALS Melodic dictation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Listen to melodies in a minor key and write them

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
13 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able  to:

·        Translate melodies from staff to sol-fa notation

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing/play at sight

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Classical   period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe the   characteristics of classical period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

 Foundation music book 3

Music an appreciation

















2 1&2 THEORY Harmony: Supertonic chord By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Use the supertonic chord    in harmonizing a melody

·        Harmonizing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Membrano-phones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe different membranophones

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing/play on sight

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
3 1&2 THEORY Transposition; Use of clefs By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Transpose melodies from one clef to another

·        Translation   of melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Drum Rhythm By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write rhythms played on the drum

·        Listening ·        Drum

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Sonata, canonn fugue By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe different types of form

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 3

Music an appreciation

4 1&2 THEORY Harmony; Submediant chord By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize using submediant chord

·        Harmonizing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Membrano- phones By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        March instruments with communities in which    they are found

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 AURALS Rhythm in compound  time By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Clap rhythm in compound time

·        Write rhythms given accurately

·        Listening

·        Clapping

·        Drum

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
5 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a melody and  modulate to the relative minor

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the history of the prescribed composers,  their works and their contribution to music

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Music an appreciation  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Analysis By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Analyze  melodies  harmonically

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text book Melody writing and analysis  
6 1&2 THEORY Harmony: Supertonic By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Use supertonic chord in harmony

·        Harmonizing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Songs  and dances By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe dances from the coast

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Melodies in minor keys By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing melodies in  minor  keys

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
7 1&2 THEORY Ornaments; Turn, appogiatura By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write ornaments and interpret different ornaments

·        Writing ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Melody By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write melodies  played in minor keys

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Form; Sonata, Canon, Fugue By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe different types of form

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 3

Music an appreciation

8 1&2 THEORY Harmony; first inversion By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize using 1st inversion

·        Harmonizing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Melodies in minor keys By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing and write melodies in minor keys

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Cadences By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify cadences played

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
9 1&2 AURALS Modulation By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify the key in which a melody has modulated to

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing or play technical exercises

·        Singing

·        Playing the recorder

·        Syllabus

·        Piano

MOEST syllabus  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Classical   period By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        State characteristics of Classical music

·        Name composers during the classical period

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books

·        Board

Foundation music book 3

Music an appreciation

10 1&2 THEORY Harmony: 2nd inversion By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Use chords in 2nd inversion for harmony

·        Harmonizing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Dances By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Classify dances according  to the ethnic group performed

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sight sing/play melodies given

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
11 1&2 THEORY Ornaments By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write and interpret   various  ornaments

·        Writing ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify harmonic intervals played

·        Listening ·        Cassettes Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Songs and  dances By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Classify songs and dances according to ethnic group

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

12 1&2 THEORY Harmony; 1st interval By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able      to:

·        Harmonize melodies using first intervals

·        Note making

·        Written exercise

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing at sight given   melodies

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Discuss and analyze prescribed composers and their works

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Music an appreciation  










2 1&2 THEORY Harmony: 2nd inversion By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Harmonize melodies using 2nd inversion

·        Note making

·        Written exercise

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Dances By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe  dances from various communities in Kenya

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

  4&5 PRACTICALS Folk song By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Sing a song from an   African community

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Students’ folksongs  
3 1&2 THEORY Transposition: up a minor 3rd By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Transpose a melody up a minor 3rd

·        Transpose a melody  down a minor 3rd

·        Explanation

·        Note making

·        Written exercise

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 AURALS Cadences By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Identify cadences played

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Vocal music; solo, lullabies, work songs By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Describe the types of African vocal music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa

4 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody   with one modulation

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text books  Foundation music book 3  
  3 HISTORY: African Dances By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform some African dances

·        Performing dances ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Aural tests By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Answer aural questions given

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
5 1&2 THEORY Acciacatura  and trill By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Write the given ornament i.e. acciaccatura  and trill   in full

·        Writing ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book 3  
  3 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Perform the set piece for KCSE

·        Singing

·        Playing recorders

·        Recorder

·        Piano

Set pieces  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Basic characteristics of folk song By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

·        Explain the basic characteristics of folk song

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text books Folk music    of Kenya

Music of Africa
























2 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody

·        Melody writing

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 PRACTICALS Vocal By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing at the correct pitch  and rhythm of given songs

·        Singing ·        Piano Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western 20th century period By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Explain music in the 20th century

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4 Music an appreciation  
3 1&2 THEORY Harmony; 1st inversion By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Use chords in 1st inversion

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify concords and discords in intervals    played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Piano Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing technical exercises as required for KCSE

·        Singing

·        Playing recorder

·        Syllabus MOEST syllabus  
4 1&2 THEORY Harmony 1st inversion By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Use chords in 1st inversion Ib, iib, IVb, Vb and viib

·        Identify 1st inversions

·        Add ATB to melodies given

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Melodies in a major key By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Listen to melodies played and write them

·        Listening

·        Writing

·        Discussion

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write notes on KCSE prescribed composers

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Music an appreciation  
5 1&2 THEORY Transposition:  C clef By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Transpose melodies from one clef to another

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4

KIE book 4

  3 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sight sing given melodies   in correct pitches

·        Singing

·        Playing recorder

·        Sight singing pieces Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Rhythm;  Simple and compound  time By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write on monotone the rhythm of melodies    played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire  
6 1&2 THEORY Melody writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody   with at least one modulation

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing or play KCSE set   pieces

·        Singing

·        Playing recorder

·        Recorders

·        Piano

KCSE set pieces  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Prescribed  work By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze prescribed African music

·        Answer questions orally

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Prescribed   work cassette Prescribed work  
7 1&2 THEORY Harmony: 2nd inversion By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Harmonize melodies with 2nd inversion

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 HISTORY: African Traditional dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe dances from various ethnic groups

·        Identify various ethnic groups dances

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Folk music    of Kenya  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Clap various rhythm

·        Reproduce rhythms on dictation

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Discussion

·        Music scores Teacher’s repertoire  
8 1&2 THEORY Melody   writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody   with modulation

·        Writing melodies ·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Recognize and write intervals played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY Prescribed Western    music  (Gloria by Antonio  Vivaldi) By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Listen and analyze the music critically

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Prescribed  music Prescribed work  
9 1&2 THEORY General music knowledge By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Answer questions on general music knowledge

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Student’s notes

·        Text books

Foundation music books 1-4  
  3 HISTORY: African Traditional dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe dances from various ethnic groups

·        Identify various ethnic groups dances

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Folk music    of Kenya  
  4&5 AURALS Melody By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write melodies played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
10 1&2 THEORY Rhythm By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Add bar lines to rhythms according to the time

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 PRACTICALS Folk song By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing  a folk song  from an African community

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 AURALS Cadences By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Recognize cadences   played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette Teacher’s  repertoire  
11 1&2 THEORY Melody   writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write 16 bar melodies   with at least one modulation and sequence

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4  
  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Recognize intervals played

·        Listening

·        Answering questions

·        Piano

·        Cassette

Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write notes on prescribed composers

·        Reading

·        Discussion

·        Text book Music an appreciation  
12 1&2 THEORY Four-part harmony By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Harmonize simple   melodies using I, IV and V chords

·        Written exercise

·        Discussion

·        Text books KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Modulation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Describe the kind of modulation in a given melody

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
  4&5 HISTORY: African Prescribed works By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Listen and answer questions orally

·        Analyze prescribed African music

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Cassette Syllabus  
13 1&2 THEORY Harmony: 2nd inversion By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able      to:

·        Use 2nd inversion in harmony

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 PRACTICALS Folk songs By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Perform  songs from different communities

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Students’ folksongs  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed Composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Explain the history of the prescribed composers,  their works and their contribution to music

·        Discussion

·        Note taking

·        Text book Music an appreciation  








2 1&2 THEORY General  music knowledge By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Answer questions on general music knowledge

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text books

·        Students’ notes

KIE book 4 Foundation music books 1-4  
  3 HISTORY: African Prescribed African music By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze the work given

·        Listening ·        Cassette Cassette  
  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing

Technical exercises

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sight sing/play different melodies

·        Sing/play technical exercises

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
3 1&2 THEORY Ornaments; Acciacatura, mordent By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write and identify various ornaments

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Rhythm on monotone By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write rhythm of given melody inserting bar lines and   time signature

·        Listening

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Writing

·        Drum

·        Text books

·        Cassette

KIE book 4 Foundation music book4  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Discuss and analyze prescribed composers

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book

·        Teacher’s material

Music an appreciation  
4 1&2 THEORY Modulation; relative minor By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write 16 bar melody with modulation to the relative minor

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 HISTORY: African Prescribed African work By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze  the  work given

·        Listening ·        Cassette Cassette  
  4&5 AURALS Modulation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify the modulation in a piece of music played

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
5 1&2 THEORY Translation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Translate a melody from staff to sol-fa notation

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Perform the set piece for KCSE

·        Singing

·        Playing recorders

·        Recorder

·        Piano

Set pieces  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed Western piece By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze the piece of music given

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Prescribed  music Prescribed work  
6 1&2 THEORY Harmony, 2nd inversion By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Harmonize  a melody using 2nd inversion of chords

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 HISTORY: African Instruments By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Classify various  instruments into their correct category

·        Discussion

·        Explanation

·        Taking notes

·        Text books Music of Africa

Folk music    of Kenya

  4&5 PRACTICALS Folk song By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Perform folk songs from various ethnic groups

·        Singing ·        Teacher’s collection Students’ folksongs  
7 1&2 THEORY Transposition By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Transpose  a given melody   a perfect 5th up or down

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Intervals By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify various intervals that are played and describe them fully

·        Listening

·        Singing

·        Description

·        Cassette

·        Piano

Teacher’s repertoire

Foundation music book4B

  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed  work By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze prescribed KCSE work

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Prescribed  music Prescribed work  
8 1&2 THEORY Melody   writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody with a modulation, a sequence and a repeat

·        Discussion

·        Writing melodies

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4B

  3 HISTORY Dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Discuss various dances  from different ethnic groups

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book Folk music    of Kenya  
  4&5 AURALS Modulation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Identify the type of modulation used in a   music passage

·        Listening ·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
9 1&2 PRACTICALS Set pieces By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing/play the KCSE set pieces, observing all dynamics

·        Singing

·        Playing recorders

·        Recorder

·        Piano

Set pieces  
  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing/play the technical exercises appropriately

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Recorders MOEST syllabus  
  4&5 HISTORY Folk songs and dances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Tell the difference    between folksong and folk dance

·        Perform folksongs and folk dances

·        Discussion

·        Singing

·        Text book Folk music    of Kenya  
10 1&2 THEORY Modulation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody   with a modulation to the dominant

·        Writing melodies

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 AURALS Rhythm By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write on monotone the rhythm played inserting  bar lines and time  signature

·        Listening

·        Clapping rhythms

·        Writing

·        Drum

·        Text books

·        Cassette

·        Piano

KIE book 3

Foundation music book3

  4&5 PRACTICALS Sight singing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sight sing/play a given melody

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Sight singing pieces

·        Recorders

Teacher’s repertoire  
11 1&2 THEORY Melody   writing By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write a 16 bar melody with a modulation, a sequence and a repeat

·        Discussion

·        Writing melodies

·        Text book KIE book 4

Foundation music book4

  3 HISTORY: African Prescribed African work By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Analyze  the  work given

·        Listening ·        Cassette Cassette  
  4&5 HISTORY: Western Prescribed composers By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Discuss and analyze prescribed composers

·        Discussion

·        Note making

·        Text book

·        Teacher’s material

Music an appreciation  
12 1&2 THEORY Transposition: By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Transpose melodies from one clef to another

·        Note making

·        Discussion

·        Text book Foundation music book4

KIE book 4

  3 PRACTICALS Technical exercises By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Sing/play the technical exercises appropriately

·        Singing

·        Vocal exercises

·        Recorders MOEST syllabus  
  4&5 AURALS Melody By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·        Write melodies played

·        Listening

·        Discussion

·        Cassette Teacher’s repertoire  
13-15 MOCK EXAMS  


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