Mount Kenya University, MKU, Online Lectures and Learning platforms

Mount Kenya University, MKU, students continue with studies via online platforms: CoronaVirus Pandemic

Mount Kenya University, MKU, students have continued to learn amid the CoronaVirus shutdown. The university is providing Electronic learning to thousands of students via various digital platforms.

According to resolutions that were passed by University’s Senate in a special meeting held on 16th March, 2020, the University extended the online learning platform to the regular students (day, evening and weekend) to facilitate the learning process to complete the remaining part of the Semester / Trimester. Open, Distance and Electronic Learning (ODEL) and Distance, Institution-Based and Electronic Learning (DIBEL) students on the other hand would continue with their learning uninterrupted.

The University suspended the face-to-face learning with effect from Monday 16th March, 2020 and Students were requested to clear from the University premises by close of business on Tuesday 17th March, 2020 until further notice.

Here are links to the most important news portals:


“Students who are writing their theses and research projects will continue uninterrupted with the support of their supervisors,” assures the University.

Online learning is now fully supplemented through televised lectures in collaboration with TV 47.

The lectures run from Monday to Friday at 10.00a.m-10.30a.m and 3.00p.m-3.30p.m.

MKU Televised Lectures' airing schedule/timetable.

MKU Televised Lectures’ airing schedule/timetable.

The address to the elearning platform for regular students is; Student who may  not able to log in are advised to send their official details (name and registration number) to [email protected] indicating that they are not able to access the e-learning.

The Government is at the same time providing E-learning services to learners in Primary ans secondary schools; countrywide, through various online platforms.

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