Mount Kenya University, MKU; Courses, Admissions, Requirements, Student Portal, Website, Fees and Applications
Universities are the highest learning institutions in Kenya and the World over. They offer training majorly in undegraduate and Post Graduate Studies. In Kenya, the Courses offered in the Universities must be accredited by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services, KUCCPS. It is the same body that selects and places students to higher learning institutions; Universities, Colleges and Polytechnics. To qualify for University placement one must attain the minimum set Mean grade and particular course requirements. Each Course offered at particular university has its own cluster cut off points, though. Most university courses take a minimum of 4 years; while, some take even more. An academic year at the university takes two semesters of three months each. University students get fees loans from various organizations. Top on the list is the Higher Education Loans Board, HELB, that advances both loans and Bursaries. Universities run online platforms; portals and websites, where such services as admission application, online accommodation booking, E-learning, exams results downloads and many are provided to students, staff and the general public. On admissions, most universities have admissions in May and September for new students. Various learning modules are provided at the universities. These learning modules include: Full time, School Based, Distance Learning, Evening & Weekend classes and E-Learning.
With Campuses spread in Kenya and abroad, Mount Kenya is arguably one of the Largest Private Universities in Kenya. It has its main Campus at Thika; in the Central Region. List of Bachelors Programs on offer at MKU:- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Public Health
- Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Business and Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine & Community Health
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Economics and Finance
- Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Justice and Security Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media and Communication
- Bachelor of Arts in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
- Bachelor of Arts in Security Studies and Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Language
- Bachelor of Business Information Communication and Technology
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Counseling Psychology
- Bachelor of Development Studies
- Bachelor of Education (Arts)
- Bachelor of Education (General)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary Option)
- Bachelor of Education (Science)
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Studies
- Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education (Primary Option)
- Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education (Secondary Option)
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Health and Production
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics and Information Management
- Bachelor of Science in Health Records and Information Management
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Information Science
- Bachelor of Science in Laboratory Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Exploration and Production
- Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
- Bachelor of Science in Travel and Tourism Management
- Bachelor of Social Work and Administration
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- CLUSTER SUBJECT 4 KIS / BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC / HSC / ARD / AGR / WW / MW / BC / PM / ECT / DRD / AVT / CMP / FRE / GER / ARB / KSL / MUC / BST NOTE: A subject may only be considered ONCE in this section
- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’Leveland1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.
- Mean grade of C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C (Plain) in Mathematics and C+ in each of the two teaching subjects or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary pass at A’ Level in Mathematics,
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Diploma in Education.
Application Procedure
Mount Kenya University strives to admit those applicants who are best prepared to benefit from and contribute to MKU academic community. Admission specialists will review your application and supporting documentation carefully to assess your overall academic preparation. In evaluating your application, the University will consider the following factors:- Mean Grade scores achieved in High School
- Grades earned in core subjects depending on the specific programmes in which you are interested
- Additional information provided in support of your application.
- Ksh.1,000 (Certificates, Diplomas &Undergraduates programmes)
- Ksh.2,000 (Post-Graduate programmes) for East African applicants
- US Dollars 50 for all non-East African applicants.
Mount Kenya University Important links:
- Student Portal for all Services online
- Student Portal Log in
- MKU Campuses
- Online application portal
- Application forms and Fees
Tags:Best Schools, BEST UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA, Delocalization List, Form one admissions, Latest Education News, Latest KICD news, Latest KNEC News, Latest TSC News, List of transferred teachers, Secondary school fees, The latest news on universities, University Admissions, University Courses, University graduation lists 2021, University Intakes and Fees
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