Name…………………………………………………. Adm. No……………Class…………
(Creative Composition
And Essays Based on Set Texts)
Time: 2 ½ hours
Instruction to students:
- Answer three questions only.
- Questions one and two are
- In question three choose only one of the optional texts you have prepared on.
- Where a candidate presents work on more than optional text, only the first one to appear will be marked.
- Each of your essays must not exceed 450
- All answers should be written on in the answer booklet provided.
- This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
- Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Candidates must answer the questions in English.
20 | 1 | |
20 | 2 | |
20 | 3 | |
60 | TOTAL |
- Creative composition
(a) Writeacomposition ending with,
‘I heaved a sigh of relief.’
(b) ‘Students should be allowed to choose student council representatives in schools.’
Write a composition supporting or opposing the statement.
- Compulsory set text: Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet
In life people have to fight for their space. Justify this statement using Minik ene Nkoitoi in Blossoms of the Savannah (20 marks)
- Either
- Memories We Lost and Other Stories.
Secrets and mistrust among people can be detrimental to their relationships. Using Dilman
Dila’s ‘Stones Bounce on Water’, write an essay to justify the truth of the statement.
- ‘Juana’s steadfast spirit makes her a pillar of strength to her family.’ Drawing illustrations from The Pearl by Steinbeck, support the statement.
- Creative composition
(a) Writeacomposition ending with,
‘I heaved a sigh of relief.’
(b) ‘Students should be allowed to choose student council representatives in schools.’
Write a composition supporting or opposing the statement.
Marking Scheme
- Write a composition ending with,
‘I heaved a sigh of relief.’
Point of interpretation
The story should present an event/situation where someone suddenly feels happy because an unpleasant occurrence has been averted or ended.
- ‘Student leaders should be elected by students and not teachers.’
Write a composition supporting or opposing the statement.
Point of interpretation
The candidate should take a stand and argue for or against the input statement with supportive accounts.
Points for:-
- Students are able to elect leaders who will succinctly articulate their issues.
- Students know the strengths of individual students hence can constitute a strong team.
- The leaders are likely to work effectively given the trust bestowed upon them by others.
- Students are likely to offer total support to leaders they choose.
Points against:-
- It needs a lot of capacity building on qualities of good leaders
- Students might pick on leaders based on favouritism.
- Can lead to lapse in discipline if the constituted team is weak/ inefficient.
- Lapse in discipline is experienced since most students bully those they have elected to office especially if they point out their weaknesses.
- Compulsory set text: Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet
In life people have to fight for their space. Justify this statement using MinikeneNkoitoi as seen in Blossoms of the Savannah (20 marks)
Nothing is given on a silver platter. One must go out and create his or her own space. This is clearly seen in Blossoms of the Savannah, where MinikeneNkoitoi fights for her space in a male dominated society.
In Blossoms of the Savannah, MinikeneNkoitoi fights to assert herself and have her voice heard in a male dominated society. For instance she stands up against retrogressive cultural practices like female genital mutilation.
(Any other suitable introduction) 2 marks
Points of Interpretation
- She fights against retrogressive cultural practices like FGM and early marriage. This earns her several enemies in her society. She is given derogatory names like the ’wasp’
- She empowers girls by establishing a resource center where girls learn life-saving skills. Girls are employed and equipped with skills that can make them independent. She also offers counseling services to those who have been traumatized by some experiences in life like being forcefully circumcised.
- She is in the forefront of rescuing girls who have been held captive in the society. She organizes a rescue mission for Taiyo after she has been forcefully circumcised in readiness for marriage.
- She provides educational opportunities to girls through sponsorship programs. After Resian and Taiyo have found their way to her place, she is able to organize for them to join Egerton university, hence attain their lifelong dream of pursuing education
In conclusion, it is evident that MinikeneNkoitoi fights for her space in a society that is trying to pull her down.
- a) Memories We Lost and Other Stories.
Secrets and mistrust among people can be detrimental to their relationships. Using DilmanDila’s‘Stones Bounce on Water’, write an essay to justify the truth of the statement.
People who keep issues from one another are bound to have poor relations especially if the truth is uncovered. (Any relevant introduction).
Si The secret affair between Peter and Chelsea creates a sense of mistrust in Winnie. Winnie almost drops her cup when Chelsea remarks that she would spend her next honeymoon there. Pg 152, ‘You won’t shut me up! There is something between you and Chelsea! This assertion is true as in the end Peter and Chelsea get married after Winnie’s death.
Sii Simon secretly adds alcohol to Meg’s tea against Joe’s wishes. On pg 148, Joe had always suspected that Meg had secret bottles and on asking Simon he denies it. Joe looks at Simon with a sneer to show his disapproval. Meg is actually driven into alcoholism due to the mistrust that exists between her and the business partners. Simon says that he was sure Joe would reprimand Meg, pg 149.
Siii Tim, Winnie’s Cousin, secretly plans Winnie’s murder so as to be a beneficiary of Winnie’s wealth. Pg 149, Winnie talks about the how Tim would inherit her money and when Winnie’s body is found and investigations are conducted, Okello the guard says that he was drugged, even though the evidence is scanty it is later discovered that Tim had contacted a poacher in Kenya before he got to Uganda
Siv. Even after conspiring to murder Winnie and become heirs of her wealth, Tim and Peter do not trust each other and they disagree on how they are to share what they had acquired. They testify against one another making it easy for the courts to make a judgement, pg 163.
Sv. Winnie mistrusts everybody who is around her. She believes someone wants to kill her so as to benefit from her wealth. When fire cracker goes off, she believes it was asset up for them to run so as someone would add poison to her tea. She cannot even eat the food prepared by the cooks since she believes it is poisoned. She even asks whether they would deposit her body at the pond, pg 152.
In conclusion, relationships shrouded in mistrust and secrets are bound to fail.
- ‘Juana’s steadfast spirit makes her a pillar of strength to her family.’ Drawing illustrations from The Pearl by Steinbeck, support the statement.
Marking scheme
People who have a strong will power have a tendency of providing support to their loved ones in times of need. This is clearly demonstrated by Juana’s acts of self-sacrifice in The Pearl.
Si: She comes to the aid of her family when she single mindedly seeks medical care for Coyotito. Juana is decisive when she tells her neighbours that they should go and get the doctor. The people answer almost in a chorus that the doctor will not come. But her optimism and determination does not stop at her people’s pessimism. She being a woman of action says that they will go to the doctor if he will not come to them. The roles are reversed and Juana takes the centre stage making the important decisions on her son’s behalf.
Sii: She is determined to save Coyotito’s life when he is stung by the scorpion. When the scorpion bites Coyotito, she takes it up to herself to suck out the poison from the bite. Unlike Kino who is vengeful and decides to smash the scorpion instead of concentrating on the harm that has already been done. It turns out that sucking out the poison was a timely thing to do because it is the only thing that saves the child.
Siii: She is dedicated to her family at the beginning of the novel. Prepares a meal, when Kino awakens he looks at her admirably.
Siv: She is insistent on discarding the pearl, a source of evil. She tells Kino that the pearl is evil and that it will destroy all of them. Kino sees success in the pearl which has turned him into a paranoid individual. At night, there is attempt to rob them again. In the fracas Kino is beaten into half consciousness. Juana repeats the same refrain “Kino this pearl is evil, let us destroy it before it destroys us……. Let us throw it back into the sea…..kino it is evil, it is evil.” Kino a hardliner now insists that he is a man and that he will defeat the evil. Juana reminds him that man, like any other animal can be killed. Juana takes the pearl deep into the night and wants to throw it back into the sea.
From the foregoing, it is evident that Juana’s commitment, persistence, determination and resolute nature cushions the family, especially, during adversity. Therefore, people ought to be selflessly committed to their loved ones.