Paper 2
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Agriculture Paper 2
2 hours
Instructions to candidates
This paper consists of three sections, A,B and C. Answer all questions in sections A and B and any two questions in section C. All answers be written in the spaces provided after every question.
Candidates should write their names and index numbers in the spaces provided above.
For Examiner’s Use Only
Section | Question | Maximum Score | Candidates Score |
A | 1 -16 | 30 | |
B | 17 -20 | 20 | |
C | 20 | ||
20 | |||
90 |
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1 Name four meat breads of rabbits. (2mks)
2 The following is a list of livestock diseases.
African swine fever
Black guater
Which of the two diseases
- Are both bacterial and zoonotic. (1mk)
- Highly infectious (1mk)
3 State four qualities of marketable eggs. (2mks)
4 Mention four reasons for treating timber before using on farm structures. (2mks)
5 List four sources of power in the farm. (2mks)
6 State four advantages of embryo transplant in cattle. (2mks)
7 Give four circumstances under which a farmer would use an ox-drawn cart instead of a tractor drawn trailer on the farm. (2mks)
8 State four factors that would contribute to the depression of farm equipment. (2mks)
9 List two tools used for each of the following farm operations.
- Tightening barbed wires during fencing. ( ½ mk)
- Smoothening concrete floors during plastering ( ½ mk)
10 State four advantages of deep litter system in poultry rearing. (2mks)
11 State four ways of preventing mastitis in lactating cattle. (2mks)
12 State four factors to be considered when selecting heifers for milk production. (2mks)
13 State four features of a good maize store. (2mks)
14 State four methods that a farmer can employ to ensure maximum power output from animal power.
15 State four advantages of artificial incubation in poultry rearing. (2mks)
16 Give two reasons for flushing in sheep management. (1mk)
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer all questions provided in this section in the spaces provided.
17 The following diagrams illustrate farm equipment. Study it and answer the questions that follow
- Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D. A…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………( ½ mk)
B…………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………..( ½ mk)
C……………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………( ½ mk)
D……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… ( ½ mk)
- Give the function of each of the parts labeled E and F. E………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
- Give one use of the above equipment. (1mk)
18 The illustration below shows a practice in layer birds. Use them to answer the questions that follow.
- What practice is represented above? (1mk)
- Which illustrated shows the right way of carrying out the practice. (1mk)
- State three reasons for carrying out the practice in poultry. (3mks)
19 The diagram below shows a routine practice being carried out on an animal. Study it and answer questions that follow.
- Identify the practice. (1mk)
- Name the structure in which the practice is being carried out. (1mk)
- Give three advantages of using the above structure instead of a plunge dip. (3mks)
- Fill the table below for the following diseases.
Disease | Cause | Characteristic/Symptom | Preventive measures |
Coccidiosis | |||
Blackquater | vaccination | ||
Rinderpest | virus | ||
Milk fever |
SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces after every question.
21 (a) Explain eight factors that influence the composition of milk in a dairy cow. (8mks)
- b) Outline six causes of cannibalism in poultry. (6mks)
- C) Explain six uses of fences in the farm. (6mks)
22 (a) Describe New castle disease under the following sub-headings.
- Causal organism (1mk)
- Animal affected (1mk)
- Symptoms (5mks)
- Control measures. (3mks)
- b) Describe the principle operation of four-stroke cycle engine. (10mks)
23 (a) Outline five signs of parturition in cattle. (5mks)
- b) State five reasons for carrying out inbreeding in livestock production. (5mks)
- c) Give five effects of parasites on livestock. (5mks)
- d) Describe the difference between ruminants and non-ruminants digestive system. (5mks)
1– Flemish giant
– New Zealand white
– California white
– Chinchila
– Earlops
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
2 (a) -Brucellosis
- Anthrax
( 2 x ½ mks)
(b) Newcastle
– Anthrax
– African Swine fever
– Black quarter
– Brucellosis
(2 x ½ = 1 mk)
3 – Large / heavy
- Brown
- Clean
- Smooth shelled
- Fresh
- Good candling qualities
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
4 – prevent attack from insects
- Prevent attack from fungi/rotting
- Resist water penetration
- Increase strength
- Prevent warping
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
5 -wind
- Human
- Solar Biogas
- Electricity
- Petroleum
( 4 x ½ = 2 mks)
6 – Superior females are used to produce which are spread widely
- Stimulates milk production in females not in milk
- Easier to transport embryos in test tubes
- Embryos can be stored for long periods waiting for a recipient female
- No injuries to small body size females from large body sizes
- No spread of breeding diseases
- Off springs adapt to the local conditions
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
7 – Un availability of a tractor
- When transporting small load
- Where the terrain does not allow the use of a tractor
- Lack of skills to operate the tractor.
( 4 x ½ = 2 mks)
8 – poor storage
- Wrong size
- Lack of maintenance
- Obsolescence
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
9 (i) – Chain
- Pliers
- Claw hammer
- ( 2 x ½ = 1mk)
(ii) – Leveling board
- Wood float ( reject steel float)
( 2 x ½ = 1mk)
10 – Require small compared to free range
- Less loss of eggs
- Easier collection of manure
- Easier protection of birds from vermins/parasites/diseases
- High stocking rate
- Less labour requirement
( 4 x ½ =2mks)
11 – practice farm hygiene/miling infected cows last/using single towel to wipe the udder of cow.
- Treatment of infected cows to prevent spread.
- Practicing teat dips after milking.
- Applying milking jelly/ salve to prevent teat from drying and cracking
- Practicing good milking techniques.
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
12 – size of the animal
- Semen/sire to breed it with/mate it.
- Health of the animal
- Ancestors performance
- Rate of growth
- Dairy conformation.
- Either male/female twin
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
15 – possible to plan when to hatch
- Possible to control internal conditions of the incubator
- Easier to control diseases and parasites
- Incubator can hold more eggs at any time than the hen can sit on.
(4 x ½ = 2mks)
SECTION B (20 Marks)
16 (a) A – Hose pipe /delivery pipe
- B – Lance
- C – shoulder straps
- D – preumatic lever
( 4 x ½ = 2mks)
(b) Trigger – Controls the rate of spray delivery. (1mk)
Nozzle – Breaks and ejects the liquid as spray
- Atomizes the spray.
( 1mks)
(c ) – Spraying agricultural chemicals to crops in order to control pests and diseases
-Spraying livestock to control external parasites such as ticks.
( 1 x 1 = 1mks)
Diseases | Cause | Characteristics symptom | Preventive measures |
Coccidiosis | Protozoa/coccidian sp | Diarrhoea/whitish/yellow/blood stained | Give coccidiostats in drinking water/food |
Blackquater | Bacteria/clostridium sp | Lameness / swollen muscles | Vaccination |
Rinder pest | Virus | Diarrhoea with blood- stained feaces | Vaccination |
Milk fever | Low level of calcium(reject lack of calcium) | Animal goes down with stiff bent neck. Twitching of muscles | – Injection with calcium preparation eg calcium borogluconate
– Feeding with calcium rich feed stuff during gestation period |
( 1 x 6 = 6mks)
18 (a) Debeaking(1mk)
(b)P (1mk)
(c )– Reduction of egg eating and breaking of eggs
- Controls cannibalism
- Prevents injury from pegging or fighting
- Reduction feed wastages
- Reduction of feather pulling
- Moderates pegging order which encourages greater uniformity in the flock.
( 3 x 1 = 3mks)
19 (a) Spraying of livestock against tick control (1mk)
(b) Spray race. (1mk)
(c ) It is suitable for pregnant and sick animals as animals do not get a shock
- Acaricide wash is not wasted since its recycled
- Animals cannot swallow the acaricide wash
- Spraying is faster less labour is required.
- ( 3 x 1 = 3mks)
20 (a) Factors that influence composition of milk
- Age of the animal
- Condition of the animal i.e emaciation, sickness and pregnancy
- Stage of lactation and pregnancy: butter fat content in milk tends to be higher at the middle phase of lactation period.
- Completeness of milking
- Breed differences
- Season of the year
- The type of food eaten by the animal
- Presence of diseases such as mastitis and if the animal is under treatment through use of different drugs will produce milk with variable composition.
(b) Causes of cannibalism in poultry;
– Presence of external parasites
– overcrowding
– Presence of bright light
– presence of prolapse
– Mineral deficiency
– Introduction of a new bird in a flock.
( 6 x 1 = 6mks)
(C )Uses of fences in the farm,
- It demarcates the farm from that of neighbours
- Fences keep off wild animals and other intruders from outside the farm
- They are used to separate crop fields from the pastures facilitating mixed farming
- They are used to divide pasture into paddocks facilitating controlled grazing systems such as rotational grazing
- Controls the movements of animals and people preventing the formation of unnecessary paths in the farm.
- Helps to control the spread of pastures and diseases by keeping off wild and stray animals from the farm
- Fences help to isolate sick animals from the rest of the herd to prevent disease spread.
- They enable the farmer to control breeding by rearing different animals in different paddocks
- They provide security to the homestead and farm animals.
- It is for aesthetic value, that is, it improves the beauty of the land.
( 6×1 = 6mks)
21 (a) Newcastle disease
- Causal organism- Virus (1mk)
- Animals affected; – poultry (1mk)
- Symtopms
- The birds have difficulties in breathing, produce a harsh, grating rasping sound when breathing
- The beaks remain wide open and necks are strained
- The birds become dull
- The birds stand with eyes closed all the time
- The birds loose appetite
- There are nasal discharges which force the birds to shake their heads to clear it
- Birds walk with a staggering motion since the nervous system is affected, paralysis of wings and legs may occur
- Often the birds have their beaks and wings down
- Birds produce watery greenish diarrhea
- Eggs laid have soft shells
(5 x 1 = 5mks)
- Control measures;
- Vaccination should be done during the first six weeks and then two – three months later.
- Farmers are advised to kill all the birds and burn them once infestation has occurred.
- The houses be cleaned and disinfected before bringing in new stock.
- Quarantine is imposed once an outbreak is suspected of occurred.
( 3 x 1 = 3mks)
(b) Principle operation of four – stroke cycle engine
Induction stroke cycle
- The piston moves down the cylinder causing the inlet valve to open and outlet valve closes. This causes the drawing in of fresh petrol vapour and air into the cylinder.
Compression stroke;
- Both inlet and outlet valves are closed and the piston moves up the cylinder. This causes compression of the fresh fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.
The power stroke cycle;
- The fuel air mixture is fully compressed and a spark is produced at the spark plug.
- This causes the fuel mixture to ignite and expand resulting in high pressure that cause/force the piston to move down the cylinder.
The Exhaust stroke cycle;
- This is the last stroke where the piston moves up the cylinder to eliminate the burned fuel mixture through an open exhaust valve.
( 1 x 10 = 10 mks)
23 (a) Signs of parturition in cattle;
- Enlargement of the vulva
- Thick mucus is discharged from the vulva
- Relaxation of the hip muscles
- Full and distended udder.
- Thick sticky honey like fluid is discharged from the teats
- Loss of appetite
- Towards the end water bag emerges and bursts where the fore legs and muzzle is noticed.
( 5 x 1 = 5mks)
(b) Reasons for inbreeding;
– To increase genetic uniformity in the herd
– Used to fix the required characteristics in the new- breeds.
– To increase phenotypic uniformity
– Used to get proven sires
– used in animals of high prepotency.
(5 x 1 = 5mks)
(C )Effects of parasites in livestock;
- Causes anemia
- Deprive the host animal of food
- Injury and damage to tissues and organs
- Diseases transmission
- Cause irritation
- Obstruction to internal organs.
( 5 x 1 = 5mks)
(d) Difference between Ruminants and non- ruminant digestive system;
Ruminants | Non – Ruminants |
– chew the cud
– have four stomach chambers – thus polygastric – Regurgitate food – Can digest cellulose. Have micro – organisms in the rumen that digest cellulose. – Have no ptyalin in saliva hence no enzymatic digestion in the mouth. – Most digestion and absorption takes place in the rumen. – Have alkaline saliva due to presence of ammonia. |
– Doesn’t chew the cud
– Have one stomach chamber – thus monogastric – Cannot regurgitate food once swallowed. – Have no micro-organisms in the stomach hence cannot digest cellulose except those animals with micro-organisms in the ceacum – Have ptyalin in the saliva hence enzymatic digestion begins in the mouth – Most digestion and absorption takes place in the small intestines – The saliva is neutral in PH. – |
( 5 x 1 = 5mks) Mark it as a whole.)