Moi University Course List, Fees, Requirements, How to Apply

Moi University Course List, Fees, Requirements, How to Apply

Our Programmes

Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science)
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science and Statistics
Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Extension and Education
Bachelor of Science In Agricultural Economics And Resource Management
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management
Bachelor of Science In Agribusiness Management
Bachelor of Science In Animal Science And Management
Bachelor of Science In Animal Science And Management
Bachelor of Science In Aerospace Science & Operations (Aviation Logistics)
Bachelor of Science In Aerospace Science & Operations (Aviation Security)
Bachelor of Science In Aerospace Science & Operations (Professional Pilot)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics With Computing)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Community Development)
Bachelor of Arts (French)
Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
Bachelor of Arts (German)
Bachelor of Arts (Kiswahili)
Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics, Media And Communication)
Bachelor of Arts (Music)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Penology & Security Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Social Work)
Bachelor of Arts With Education
Bachelor of Arts with Education
Bachelor of Business Management
Bachelor of Business Management
Bachelor of Science (Communication and Journalism)
Bachelor of Communication And Journalism
Bachelor of Civil Aviation Management
Bachelor of Civil Aviation Management
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Bachelor of Science (Graphic Communication and Advertising)
Bachelor of Graphic Communication And Advertising
Bachelor of Hotel And Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Hotel And Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Hotel And Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science In Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
Bachelor of Science In Medical Laboratory Sciences
Bachelor of Maritime Management
Bachelor of Maritime Management
Bachelor of Science In Community Health Education
Bachelor of Science (Counselling Psychology)
Bachelor of Science In Information Sciences
Bachelor of Science n Information Science
Bachelor of Science in Information Science
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science In Informatics
Bachelor of Science In Informatics
Bachelor of Science With Education
Bachelor of Science (Strategic Management)
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Bachelor of Travel And Tours Operations Management
Bachelor of Travel And Tours Operations Management
Clinical Fellowship in Medical Oncology
Clinical Fellowship In Cardiology
Clinical Fellowship in Gynaecologic Oncology
Clinical Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine Programme
Clinical Fellowship in Neonatal Medicine
Clinical Fellowship In Paediatric Oncology And Haematology
Bachelor of Science In Computer Science
Bachelor of Science In Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical And Process Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Communication And Public Relations)
Bachelor of Science (Communication And Public Relations)
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil And Structural Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology (Civil And Structural Engineering)
Diploma In Agriculture
Diploma Agricultural Economics And Resourcemanagement
Diploma in Air Travel Service Management
Diploma In Business Management
Diploma In Community Development
Diploma In Community Health And Development
Diploma In Criminology
Diploma In Economics
Diploma In Events Management
Diploma In Human Resource Management
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma In Hotel & Restaurant Management
Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Diploma In Information Technology
Diploma In Journalism And Mass Media
Diploma In Public Administration (DPA)
Diploma in Public Administration
Doctor of Philosophy In Curriculum Studies
Doctor of Philosophy In Education Communication & Technology
Doctor of Philosophy In Early Childhood & Primary Education
Doctor of Philosophy In English Language Education
Doctor of Philosophy Educational Management
Doctor of Philosophy Educational Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Educational Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy In History of Education
Doctor In Agricultural Economics &Resource Management
Doctor of Education Degree Program (Ded) In Leadership And Policy
Diploma In Project Planning And Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Mathematics Education
Doctor of Philosophy In Philosophy of Education
Diploma In Public Relations
Diploma In Public Relations
Doctor of Philosophy In Religious Studies Education
Doctor of Philosophy In Sociology of Education
Diploma In Religious Studies
Diploma In Sports Management
Diploma In Sustainable Tourism And Wildlife Management
Diploma In Social Work
Diploma In Tourism Management
Diploma In Travel And Tour Guiding
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical And Electronics Engineering)
Bachelor of Arts In Economics
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (Business Studies)
Diploma In Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (Guidance And Counselling)
Bachelor of Education(Early Childhood and Primary Education)
Diploma In Education (Early Chilhood And Primary Education)
Bachelor of Education In Leadership And Policy Studies
Bachelor of Education (Special Needs Education) Secondary Option
Bachelor of Education (Special Needs Education) Primary Option
Bachelor of Education (Science)
Executive Master of Education (Leadership And Policy)
Executive Masters In Business Administration
Executive Master of Education
Doctor of Philosophy In Industrial Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy In Energy Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Material and Textile Engineering
Master of Science In Energy Studies (Renewable Energy)
Master of Science In Industrial Engineering
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Master of Science In Textile Engineering
Master of Science In Production Engineering (Tec/Pgmp)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Science (Entrepreneurship)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Arts)
Bachelor of Science In Enviromental Health
Bachelor of Science In Financial Economics
Masters of Science In Field Epidemiology And Laboratory Training
Higher Diploma In Community Health
Doctor of Philosophy In Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science (Journalism And Media Studies)
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws
Master of Education (M.Ed) Educational Administration
Master of Education (M.Ed) Economics of Education
Master of Education (M.Ed) Educational Planning
Master of Education (M.Ed) In Research
Master of Medicine In Internal Medicine
Master of Medicine In Anaesthesia And Critical Care
Master of Medicine In Child Health And Paediatrics
Master of Medicine In Family Medicine
Master of Medicine In Orthopaedic Surgery
Master of Medicine In Psychiatry
Master of Medicine In Radiology & Imaging
Master of Medicine In Reproductive Health
Master of Medicine In General Surgery
Master of Arts In Anthropology
Master of Arts In Economics
Master of Arts In Film And Media
Master of Arts In French
Master of Arts In Geography
Master of Arts In History
Master of Arts In International Relations
Master of Arts Kiswahili
Master of Arts In Linguistics
Master of Arts In Literature
Master of Arts Linguistics Media And Communication
Master of Arts In Medical Anthropology
Master of Arts In Forced Migration
Master of Arts In Public Administration And Public Policy
Master of Arts In Philosophy
Master of Arts In Religion
Master of Arts In Sociology
Masters of Arts In Diplomacy And Foreign Policy (Executive)
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Medicine And Bachelor of Surgery
Master of Banking And Finance
Master of Business Management
Master of Arts In Migration, Displacement And Society
Master of Dental Surgery In Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Master of Dental Surgery In Oral Pathology
Master of Dental Surgery In Oral Surgery
Master of Dental Surgery In Pediatric Dentistry
Master of Education In Comparative Education
Master of Education In Curriculum Studies
Master of Education In Early Childhood & Primary Education
Master of Education in Economics Education
Master of Education In Educational Psychology
Master of Education In Guidance And Counselling
Master of Education In Geography Education
Master of Education In History of Education
Master of Education In Literature Education
Master of Education In Language Education (English)
Master of Education In Philosophy of Education
Master of Education In Religious Studies Education
Master of Education In Sociology of Education
Master of Education In Special Needs (Gifted And Talented)
Master of Education In Special Needs Education (Administration And Management)
Master of Education In Special Needs (Emotional And Behavioiral Disorders)
Master of Education In Special Needs Education (Hearing Impairment)
Master of Education In Special Needs Education (Visual Impairment)
Master of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)
Master of International Economics And Trade
Master of Science In Logistics & Supplies Management
Master of Public Administration (Executive)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical And Production Engineering)
Master of Education In Educational Administration
Master of Philosophy In Educational Communication & Technology
Master of Public Health
Master In Public Health (Disaster Management)
Masters In Public Health (Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
Master In Public Health (Human Nutrition)
Master In Public Health (Health Promotion)
Master In Public Health (Health Services Management)
Master of Pharmacy In Clinical Pharmacy
Master of Education In History Education
Master of Philosophy In Language Education (Kiswahili)
Master of Philosophy In Mathematics Education
Bachelor of Science In Medical Psychology
Bachelor of Science In Media Science
Bachelor of Science In Media Science
Master of Science Medical Biochemistry
Master of Science Medical Education
Masters of Science In Agricultural Economics And Resource Management Courses
Master of Science (M.Sc) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Science Clinical Psychology
Master of Science In Counselling Psychology
Master of Science in Counselling Psychology
Master of Science In Development Studies
Master of Science In Entrepreneurship
Master of Science In Health Informatics
Master of Science In Human Resource Development
Master of Science In Infectious Disease and Global Health
Master of Science (International Health Research Ethics)
Master of Science (Immunology)
Master of Science In Information Technology
Master of Science In Journalism And Media Studies
Master of Science In Library And Information Studies
Master of Science In Library And Information Studies
Master of Science in Midwifery
Master of Science In Nursing (Maternal and Neonatal Health)
Master of Science In Project Planning & Management
Master of Science In Publishing Studies
Master of Science In Records And Archives Management
Master of Science In Records And Archives Management
Master of Science (Msc) In Sustainable Energy and Energy Access
Master of Science In Speech And Language Pathology
Master of Science (Msc.) Medical Microbiology
Master of Science (Msc.) Medical Parasitology
Master of Science In Analytical Chemistry
Master of Science In Analytical Chemistry
Master of Science In Applied Mathematics
Master of Science In Animal Physiology
Master of Science In Biostatistics
Master of Science In Environmental Biology
Master of Science In Entomology
Master of Science In Microbiology
Master of Science In Plant Genetics
Master of Science In Physics
Master of Science In Pure Mathematics
Master of Science In Communication And Journalism
Master of Science In Communication Studies
Master of Tax and Customs Administration
Masters of Education in Technology Education
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial and Textile Engineering
Master of Tourism Management
Master of Science In Travel & Transport Services Management
Postgraduate Diploma In Clinical Pastoral Education
Postgraduate Diploma In Education
Postgraduate Diploma In International Relations
Postgraduate Diploma In Public Administration
Doctor of Philosophy In Anthropology
Doctor of Philosophy In Business Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Development Studies
Doctor of Philosophy In Economics
Doctor of Philosophy In Entrepreneurship
Doctor of Philosophy In Geography
Doctor of Philosophy In History
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Immunology
Doctor of Philosophy In Medical Education
Doctor of Philosophy In Kiswahili
Doctor of Philosophy Degree In Linguistics
Doctor of Philosophy In Library And Information Studies
Doctor of Philosophy In Library And Information Studies
Doctor of Philosophy In Literature
Doctor of Philosophy In Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy In Political Science And Public Administration
Doctor of Philosophy In Records And Archives Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Records And Archives Management
Doctor of Philosophy In Religion
Doctor of Philosophy In Sociology
Doctor of Philosophy In Analytical Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy In Applied Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy In Animal Physiology
Doctor of Philosophy In Biostatistics
Doctor of Philosophy In Environmental Biology
Doctor of Philosophy In Entomology
Doctor of Philosophy In Parasitology
Doctor of Philosophy In Plant Genetics
Doctor of Philosophy In Physics
Doctor of Philosophy In Pure Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy In Communication Studies
Bachelor of Science In Physical Therapy
Bachelor of Science In Project Planning And Management
Bachelor of Science In Project Planning & Management
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Studies)
Bachelor of Sports Management
Master of Science In Water Engineering
Bachelor of Education (Technology Education And Computer)
Bachelor of Education (Technology Education And Computer)
Bachelor of Engineering In Electrical And Telecommunications Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy In Tourism Management







1.SCHOOL OF LAW                                                             Intake:August/September
  UndergraduateProgramme (Four Year Programme)


·         BachelorofLaws (LLB)

(i)       MinimummeanGradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandatleastBin English OR Kiswahili

(ii)    KACE:At least2principals andasubsidiary OR

(iii)  Afirst degreeinany other discipline.

Full Time



–     AnnexCampus-Eldoret

  (Modeof TeachingWill beBlended (Physicaland Online
UNDERGRADUATEPROGRAMMES                                                                                            Intake:August/September
  ·      BachelorofBusiness Management(BBM):


  (i) Minimum Mean Grade of C+ and at least C (Plain) in English/Kiswahili and C (Plain) in Maths. or Commerce or Business Studies or Economics or Accounting OR Day/EveningProgrammes Venues:

–      Maincampus


  ·     Accounting

·     Finance&Banking

·     Risk &Insurance

·     Marketing

·     Purchasing&Supplies Management

·     BusinessInformation Technology (BIT)

·     Maritime Management

(ii)   TwoPrincipalpassesandOneSubsidiaryPassat‘A’level plus at least a Pass in Maths and English at ‘O’ level.OR

(iii) OrdinaryDiplomabusinessrelatedfieldfromarecognized institution.

–           Annex

–           NairobiCampus,(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·      BachelorofFinancial Economics (i)     MeanGradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandatleastC+(plus)in Maths and C (plain) in English/Kiswahili OR

(ii)   2Principalpassesat“A”Level,OR

(iii) ADiplomafromarecognized institution.


–        MainCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·        BachelorofSciencein Project Planning and Management (i)      MeangradeofC+(Plus)with at least C(Plain)in Maths,

EnglishorBusinessStudies, OR

(ii)    DiplomainProjectPlanningandManagement, Business

(iii)  relatedcoursesorDiplomainanyotherdisciplinefroma recognised institution, OR

(iv)  SecondDivisionwithapass inMathematicsandEnglishatO-

Level, OR

(v)      Atleast1Principalpassand2SubsidiariesatA Level

Day/Evening/Weekends Programme



–        MainCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·        BachelorofSciencein Entrepreneurship (i)     Meangradeof C+ (Plus)with atleastC(Plain)in Maths,

Englishor BusinessStudies OR

(ii)  CandidateswithDiplomaqualificationsinEntrepreneurship, Business related courses and any other relevant areas also qualify for admission (With Distinction or Credit) OR

(iii) SecondDivisionwith apass inMathematicsandEnglishat O-

Level, OR

(iv)  Atleast1Principalpassand2subsidiariesatA Level

Day/Evening/Weekends Programme




–        MainCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·        BachelorofMaritime Management(BMM) (i)     KCSE Mean grade of C+ and at least C (Plain) in English and C (Plain) in Maths or Commerce or Business Studies or Economics or Accounting OR

(ii)   TwoPrincipalpassesandOneSubsidiaryPassat‘A’level

Full Time



–      Annex




(iii)OrdinaryDiplomabusinessrelatedfieldfromarecognized institution.

  ·        BachelorofSports Management (i)      KCSE Mean grade of C+ (Plus) and at least C (Plain) in Biology in English/Kiswahili in Maths/ Commerce/ Economics/BusinessStudies/Accounting/.ORSubsidiary Pass at ‘A’ level

(ii)  TwoPrincipalpassesandOneSubsidiaryPassat‘A’level plus at least a Pass in Maths and English at ‘O’ level.OR

(iii)    A holder of Ordinary diploma in Business related field from a recognised institution

Full Time



–           Annex

–           MainCampus

  ·        BachelorofArtsin Economics (i)       Mean Grade of C + (Plus) atKCSE andat least C+(Plus) inMathematics and C (Plain) in English/Kiswahili OR

(ii)    2Principalpassesat“A”Level OR

(iii)  AdiplomainDevelopmentrelated field.

Day/Evening Programmes



–           MainCampus -Eldoret

–            Annex

  ·            BachelorofSciencein Human Resource Management Mean Grade of C+ at KCSE, OR candidates with Diploma qualificationsinHumanResourceManagement,Businessrelated courses,PublicRelations,Educationandanyotherrelevantareas also qualify for Full Time



–           Annex

–           MainCampus

–           NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·        Bachelor of Science in StrategicManagement Mean grade of C+ with at least C in Maths and English OR Candidates with Diplomaqualifications in StrategicManagement, HumanResourceManagement,BusinessRelatedcourses,andany other relevant areas qualify for admission (With Distinction or Credit) Day programme



–            MainCampus

–            NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·          Bachelor of civil AviationManagement (BCM) (i)An applicant shall satisfy entry requirements for BCM as stipulated by Moi University Senate.

(i)Must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR its equivalent recognized by Moi University Senate and have C (plain) in Maths C (Plain) in English,C (Plain)in any other Business related coursesOR

DayProgrammes: Venue:

–        Annex

–        East African School of Aviation(EASA)-Nairobi



    (ii)     MustbeaholderofKenyaAdvancedCertificate ofEducation with two principals (2 P) plus at least a pass in maths and English at ‘O’ LevelOR

(iii)   Be a holder of Diploma in Aviation studies validated by commission for University Education [CUE} with at least a creditOR

(iv)    Be a holder of professional certificate in aviation studies recognised by CUE

  ·     PostGraduateDiploma in Financial Management A first degree in Economics, Business Management, Commerce, BusinessAdministrationfromMoiUniversityoranyotherdegree from accredited university recognised by Moi University Senate. Day/Eveningprogrammes Venues:

–           AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–           NairobiCampus–(Bazaar Plaza)

MASTERSPROGRAMME (2Year Programme)                                                                        Intake:August/September
  ·     Master of Arts in International EconomicsandTrade


·     MasterofArtsin Economics

Holders of First Class or Second-Class Honours Upper Division degree in Tourism, Hospitality, Business, Economics, Administration or Commerce from Moi University or anaccredited University recognized by Moi University Senate. Day/Evening programmes



–           AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–           NairobiCampus–(Bazaar Plaza)

·     MasterinBankingand Finance Holders of First class or second class honours upper division degreeofMoiUniversityoranaccrediteduniversityrecognized by Moi University Senate as equivalent to 1st and 2nd class honours of Moi University. Weekend/Eveningprogramme Venues:

–            AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–            NairobiCampus-(Bazaar Plaza).

  ·       MasterofSciencein Logistics and Supplies management.


·       Logistics

i.     Holders of First Class or second-class Honours Upper Division degree in Business, Economics, Administration or CommercefromMoiUniversityoranAccreditedUniversity by Moi University Senate OR

ii.     First Degree in any Business-related discipline from a recognisedUniversitywithlowerdivisionwith2years




–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus-(Bazaar Plaza)




·       Purchasingand supplies Management


iii.     FirstDegreeinanydisciplinefromarecognisedUniversity with lower second with a Diploma in Business Studies OR

iv.     A First Degree in any Discipline from a recognised UniversitywithlowerSecondwith(3)YearsManagement experience

  ·      MasterofSciencein Entrepreneurship Studies (i)      Applicants should hold at least undergraduate degree with secondclasshonoursUpperdivisioninanyrelevantdegree.

(ii)    Applicantswithsecondclasslowerdivisionwith2Yearsof experience may be considered.

(iii)  PostgraduateDiplomainEntrepreneurship,Projectplanning and management or any other related field.

Day/Weekend/Evening Programmes



–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus-(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·       Master of Science in ProjectPlanningand Management (i)      Applicants should hold at least undergraduate degree with secondclasshonoursUpperdivisioninanyrelevantdegree.

(ii)    Applicantswithsecondclasslowerdivisionwith2Yearsof experience may be considered.

(iii)  PostgraduateDiplomainEntrepreneurship,Projectplanning and management or any other related field.

Day/Weekend/Evening Programmes



–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus-(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·       MasterofSciencein Human Resource Development (i)    A Bachelor’s degree of at least 2nd class honours from Moi UniversityorfrominstitutionsrecognizedbyMoiUniversity Senate, OR Day/Weekend/Evening Programmes


–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

  ·      MasterofBusiness Administration (MBA)

(Specialization Options)

–      Accounting

–      Audit and Forensic

(i)Holders of First Class or Second-Class Honours Upper DivisionDegreeinBusiness,Economics,Administrationor CommercefromMoiUniversityoranaccreditedUniversity recognized by Moi University Senate, OR

(i)Afirstdegreeinanybusiness-relateddisciplinefroma recognized University with lower second with 2 years working experience, OR

Day/Weekend/Evening Programmes




–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)




–      Finance

–      Marketing

–      Strategic Management

–      Risk and Insurance

–      Business Leadership

(ii)  AfirstdegreeinanydisciplinefromarecognizedUniversity with lower second with a diploma in business studies, OR

(iii) A first degree in any discipline from a recognized University withlowersecondwiththree(3)yearsmanagerialexperience.

  ·         MastersinTaxand Customs Administration (i)      Holders of First Class or Second Class Honours Upper DivisionDegreeinBusiness,Economics,Administrationor CommercefromMoiUniversityoranaccreditedUniversity recognized by Moi University Senate,    OR

(ii)    Afirstdegreeinanybusiness-relateddisciplinefroma recognized University with lower second with 2 years working experience.       OR

(iii)  AfirstdegreeinanydisciplinefromarecognizedUniversity with lower second with a diploma in business studies                                                                                          OR

(iv)   A first degree in any discipline from a recognized University withlowersecondwiththree(3)yearsmanagerialexperience.




Kenya Institute of Revenue Administration(KESRA)-Nairobi CBD

DOCTOROF PHILOSOPHY PROGRAMMES                                                                            Intake:August/September
  ·         Ph.D.inBusiness Management

–        FinanceOption

–        AccountingOption

–        StrategicManagement Option

–        MarketingOption

–        Procurement & Logistics Option

–        BusinessLeadership Option

(i)      Holder of master’s degree of Moi University or any other4 accreditedUniversityrecognizedbyMoi UniversitySenateas equivalent to a Master’s Degree

(ii)    The Master’s degree should be from a related field of studyto the Ph.D.Programme.

Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus –Bazaar Plaza

  ·         Ph.D.inHuman Candidatesmustbeholdersofa relevantMaster’s degreeof Moi Day/Evening/Weekend



  ResourceDevelopment University or from Institutions recognised by Moi University Senate,inHumanresourceManagementrelatedfields.Public service-related fields will be an added advantage Programmes Venues:

–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza


Entrepreneurship Studies

Candidates must be holders of a relevant Master’s degree of Moi University or from Institutions recognised by Moi University Senate, in Entrepreneurship studies related fields. Public service- related fields will be an added advantage Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  ·     Ph.D.inEconomics TheMaster’sdegreeshouldbefromarelatedfieldofstudytothe Ph.D. Programme. Day/Weekend/Evening Programme



–        AnnexCampus-Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)



  ·     DiplomainBusiness Management


·      Diplomain Economics

(i)             Minimum grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE, withat least C-(Minus) in English/Kiswahili, D+ in Mathematics or

(ii)           AccountingorCommerceorEconomicsorBusiness Studies. OR

(iii)         “A”LevelQualificationwithatleastasubsidiarypass OR

(iv)         Any other Certificate awarded by an institution recognized by Moi University Senate.

Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



–        TownCampus – Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus –Bazaar Plaza

  ·     Diploma in Human ResourceManagement MeangradeofC-[Minus]atKCSEoritsequivalentwithaC-in Geography, History and Business Studies Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes






            NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza
  ·     Diploma in Entrepreneurship Studies MeangradeofC-[Minus]atKCSEoritsequivalentwithaC-in Mathematics, English and Business Studies Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



–        Annex–Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  ·     DiplomainProject Planning and Management MeanGradeofC-[Minus]atKCSEoritsequivalentwithaC-in Mathematics, English and Business Studies Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



–        Annex–Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  (Modeof TeachingWill beBlended (Physicaland Online))
UNDERGRADUATEPROGRAMMES                                                                                          INTAKE: August/September
  ·       Bachelorof Education

(Arts)(4 years)




·       BachelorofArts (With

Education)4 Years

Minimum Mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE and a Mean GradeofC+(Plus)andaboveinteachingsubjects,D+(Plus)andabovein maths, and C (Plain) & above in English



Minimum Mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE and a Mean GradeofC+(Plus)andaboveinteachingsubjects,D+(Plus)andabovein Maths, and C (Plain) & above in English

Full Time






  ·       Bachelorof Education




·       BachelorofSciencewith

Education(4 years)

Minimum Mean Grade of C+(Plus) and above at KCSE and a C+(Plus) and abovein two teaching subjects with at least C (Plain) and above in Maths, English


Minimum Mean Grade of C+(Plus) and above at KCSE and a C+(Plus)and abovein two teaching subjects with at least C (Plain) and above in Maths and English

Full Time



  ·       Bachelor of Education (TechnologyEducation) (4 years) Minimum Mean Grade of C+ and above at KCSE and a C+ (Plus) and above in two teaching subjects with at least C (Plain)andaboveinMaths,English,Physics,andChemistry All Applicants with Relevant Diploma OR HND will be admitted in 1st year of study FullTimeProgramme Venue:Main Campus
  ·       Bachelor of Education(Business Studies) (4 years) i.    MinimummeangradeofC+andaboveatKCSEorits Equivalent.

ii.    The candidate must have done Business Studies and scored a C+ and above.

iii.     AMinimum ofC (Plain)andabovein English

iv.     AMinimum ofC+and abovein teaching subjects

v.    Subject combination (Business & Mathematics or Business &Geography)

vi.    AminimumofD+(plus)inMATforGeography/Business Combination

vii.    Subject   combinations   are(Business      &    Mathematics or Business & Geography)

FullTimeProgramme Venue: Main Campus
  ·       Bachelorof Education


i.AMinimumMeanGradeofC+andaboveatKCSEorits equivalentandaMeanGradeofC+andaboveintwo FullTimeProgramme



  Counselling)–(4 years) teachingsubjects(Either ArtorScience based)

ii.     At least D+ (Plus) in Maths and C (Plain) in English for Art based.

iii.     ForSciencebased,musthaveCplain inMaths and English.

  ·     BachelorofEducation (Special Needs Education) – (4 years)

     Secondary Option

i.        AMinimummeangradeofC+atKCSEoritsequivalentwith C+ and above in two teaching subjects (Either Art or Science based), at least C+ in Biology/GSC.

ii.        A minimum of D+ in Maths; and C in English (For Art Based).

iii.       (iii)For Science based, must have C plain in Maths and English

FullTime/ParttimeProgramme Venue: Main Campus
MASTEROF EDUCATION PROGRAMMES                                                                              INTAKE: August/September
  ·       Guidanceand


·       Educational


·       EducationalPsychology

·       Educational


·       Economics ofEducation

·       EducationalPlanning

·       EducationalTechnology

·       LanguageEducation (English)

·       LanguageEducation (Kiswahili)

·       Geography Education

·       CurriculumStudies

·       History Education

·       LiteratureEducation

·       ReligiousStudies

InadditiontofulfillingthecommonUniversityRegulations, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:


(i)     SecondClassbachelor’sdegree(UpperDivision)inEducation recognized by Moi University, OR

(ii)   SecondClassbachelor’s degreeineducation (LowerDivision) with Two Years teaching experience, OR

(iii) Bachelor’s Degree with a Post-Graduate Diploma inEducation or an equivalent certificate in Education, all recognized by Moi University.

Part time Programmes Venue:Annex-TownCampus




·       MathematicsEducation

·       Economics Education

·       Researchin Education

·       SociologyofEducation

·       PhilosophyofEducation

·       ComparativeEducation

·       HistoryofEducation

·       Early Childhood & PrimaryEducation



  ·       CurriculumStudies

·       Educational


·       EarlyChildhood& PrimaryEducation

·           Educational Management

·       EducationalPsychology

·       Guidance&


·       HistoryofEducation

·           LanguageEducation (English)

·           LanguageEducation (Literature)

·       PhilosophyofEducation

·           ReligiousStudies Education

·       SociologyofEducation

Be a holder of a relevant Master’s Degree of Moi University or those institutions recognized by the Moi University Senate in related fields. Part Time Programmes Venues:Annex–TownCampus



  ·       PGDinEducation(1 year) Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree from a recognized University with two teaching subjects and adequate units for both subjects Parttime Programme



  Forfulldetails visitMoiUniversity Teaching WillbeBlended(Physicaland Online))
UNDERGRADUATEPROGRAMMES                                                                                               Intake:August/September
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Anthropology Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin English Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE with C+ (plus) in EnglishORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized


  ·       Bachelor of Arts in FilmandTelevision Studies Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE with at least a C+(Plus) in English/Kiswahili OR Two principle passes and one subsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomainarelateddiscipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Literature MeangradeofatleastaC+(Plus)atKCSE withatleastC+(Plus) in English OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized


  ·       BachelorofArtsin Theatre Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE with at least C+ in English/KiswahiliORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiary pass at ‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution Maincampus



  ·       BachelorofArtsin Music Mean gradeof at least a C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C+(Plus) inMusicORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution Maincampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Sociology Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       BachelorofArts in

Community Development

Meangradeof atleastaC+(Plus)at KCSEORTwo principle

passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution

Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       Bachelor of Arts in PoliticalScienceand Public Administration Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin History Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE with C+ (Plus) in HistoryORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Geography MeangradeofatleastaC+(Plus)atKCSE withatleastC+(Plus) in Geography OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, Media, andCommunication MeangradeofatleastaC+(Plus)at KCSEwithatleastC+(Plus) in English/Kiswahili OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofArts in

Penology and SecurityStudies

Meangradeof atleastaC+(Plus)at KCSEORTwo principle

passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution

  ·       BachelorofArtsin Kiswahili MeangradeofatleastaC+(Plus)atKCSE atleastaC+(Plus)in Kiswahili OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘’A’’levelORadiplomainarelateddisciplinefromarecognized institution MainCampus



  ·       BachelorofArtsin French Meangradeofatleasta C+(Plus)atKCSE andatleastC+(Plus) in French OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘’A’’levelORadiplomainarelateddisciplinefromarecognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Philosophy Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution Maincampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Social work Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Psychology Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofScience in Counselling Psychology Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE OR Two principle passesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’levelORadiplomaina related discipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Religion MeangradeofatleastaC+(Plus)atKCSE andatleastC+(Plus) in CRE/IRE/HRE OR Two principle passes and one subsidiary

passat‘’A’’levelORadiplomainarelateddisciplinefroma recognized institution

  ·       BachelorofArtsin German Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE least A C+ in German languageORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiarypassat‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a recognized institution MainCampus
  ·       BachelorofArtsin Theology Mean grade of at least a C+ (Plus) at KCSE least A C+ in CRE/IRE/HREORTwoprinciplepassesandonesubsidiarypass at ‘’A’’ level OR a diploma in a related discipline from a


  ·       DiplomainSocial Work ·     MeanGradeofC-atKCSEorDivisionIIatKCE–“O”Level orOnePrincipalpassatKACE–“A”Level,OR;atleastaD+ Main Campus NairobiCampus



    atKCSEplusaoneyearcertificatefromanaccredited institution or KNEC

Duration–2 years

  ·       Diploma in Criminology ·     Mean Grade of C- at KCSE or Division II at KCE – “O” Level orOnePrincipalpassatKACE–“A”Level,ORatleastaD+at KCSE plus a one year certificate from an accredited institution or KNEC

Duration–2 years

Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       Diploma in Community Development ·     MeanGradeofC-atKCSEorDivisionIIatKCE–“O”Level orOnePrincipalpassatKACE–“A”Level,OR;atleastaD+ at KCSE plus a one year certificate from an accredited institution or KNEC

Duration–2 years

Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       DiplomainPublic Administration ·     MeanGradeofC-atKCSEorDivisionIIatKCE–“O”Level orOnePrincipalpassatKACE–“A”Level,OR;atleastaD+ at KCSE plus a one year certificate from an accredited institution or KNEC

Duration–2 years

Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       DiplomainReligious Studies ·     MeanGradeofC-atKCSEorDivisionIIatKCE–“O”Level orOnePrincipalpassatKACE–“A”Level,OR;atleastaD+ at KCSE plus a one year certificate from an accredited institution or KNEC

Duration–2 years


·       Postgraduate DiplomainClinical PastoralEducation

i.          HoldersofadegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University or;

ii.          HoldersofqualificationconsideredbytheSenatetobe equivalent to a university degree

iii.          Holdersofdegreesfromtheologicalandotherinstitutions which do not meet the above requirements may be


CollegeofHealthSciences–Eldoret Town


Duration:1 Year



  ·       Postgraduate DiplomainPublic Administration FirstDegreeinHumanities,Arts,orSocialSciencefromMoi University or a university recognized by MU Senate MainCampus


Duration:1 Year

  ·       Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations FirstDegreeinHumanities,Arts,orSocialSciencefromMoi University or a university recognized by MU Senate MainCampus


Duration:1 Year

  ·       MasterofArtsin Anthropology ·   ToqualifyforadmissionintotheMasterofArtsinAnthropology programme, the applicant MUST fulfil the academic requirements as prescribed by Moi University Senate

·   OneshallberequiredtobeaholderofaBachelorofArtsDegree in Anthropology or a related discipline from Moi University or its equivalent from a university recognized by Moi University Senate


Durationofthe Programme

The programme shall be by coursework, examination, research, andthesisandshallbeofferedoveraperiodoftwo(2)academic years distributed into four (4) semesters of full-time attendance.

  ·       MasterofArtsin Medical Anthropology ·   ToqualifyforadmissionintotheMasterofArtsinAnthropology programme, the applicant MUST fulfil the academic requirements as prescribed by Moi University Senate

·   OneshallberequiredtobeaholderofaBachelorofArtsDegree in Anthropology or a related discipline from Moi University or its equivalent from a university recognized by Moi University Senate


Durationofthe Programme




    Theprogrammeshallbebycoursework,examination,researchand thesis and shall be offered over a period of two (2) academic years distributed into four (4) semesters of full-time attendance.  
  ·       MasterofArtsin Geography Eligibilitytothe Programme

TheprogrammeisopentostudentswhosatisfytheMoiUniversity PostgraduateStudiesrequirementsforMaster’sdegree.Inaddition to these general requirements (i.e., a first class or upper second- class honours degree from a university recognized by Moi University Senate) candidates for the programme must have taken Geography at undergraduate level.



The programme extends over a period of two (2) years for full- time students.Part-time attendance can be arranged incompliance with the guidelines of Moi University’s postgraduate studies in which case it shall run for aperiod of four (4) years. The programme is divided into four semesters for full-time attendance: the first two semesters are devoted to coursework and research methodology; the third semester is devoted to research work: studentsareexpectedtocollectandanalyzetheirdataandwritethe first draft of their thesis; in the fourth semester MA in Geography candidates do more coursework while finishing the wring of their


MainCampus/Town Campus
  ·       MasterofArts (Linguistics) The programme is open to students with at least an upper second- class honours degree from Moi University or a university recognized by the Moi University Senate. In addition, candidates to the programme must have taken English and /or linguistics at undergraduatelevel.Applicantswithalowersecond-classhonours and three years of field experience may also be considered.

Durationofthe Programme

Theprogrammeextendsoveraperiodoftwoacademicyearsfor full-time students and is divided into four semesters as follows:





·        Firstsemester:courseworkandresearch seminars

·        Secondsemester:courseworkandproposalwriting.

·        Thirdsemester:datacollectionandanalysis;firstdraftof thesis

·        Fourthsemester:courseworkandcompletionofthesis writing


·       MasterofArts (French)

Second-class honours degree from Moi University or a university recognized by the Moi University Senate. In addition, candidates to the programme must have taken French studies, at undergraduatelevel.Applicantswithalowersecond-classhonours and three years of field experience may also be considered.


Theprogrammeextendsoveraperiodoftwoacademicyearsfor full-time students and is divided into four semesters as follows:


·        Firstsemester:courseworkandresearchseminars

·        Secondsemester:courseworkandproposalwriting.

·        Thirdsemester:datacollectionandanalysis;firstdraftof thesis

·        Fourthsemester:courseworkandcompletionofthesis writing

  ·       Master Of Arts in Linguistics, Media andCommunication The programme is open to students with at least an upper second- class honours degree from Moi University or a university recognized by the Moi University Senate. In addition, candidates to the programme must have taken Linguistics, Media and Communication, or relevant communication studies at undergraduatelevel.Applicantswithalowersecond-classhonours and relevant field experience may also be considered.


Theprogrammeextendsoveraperiodoftwoacademicyearsfor full-time students and is divided into four semesters as follows:





·        Firstsemester:courseworkandresearch seminars

·        Secondsemester:courseworkandproposalwriting.

·        Thirdsemester:datacollectionandanalysis;firstdraftof thesis

·        Fourthsemester:courseworkandcompletionofthesis writing


·       MasterofArts(Film & Media Studies)

ApplicantsmusthaveaBachelor’sdegreeinLiterature,Theatreor Film or the equivalent: – first class; second class (honours)

orLowerSecondclasswithworkingexperienceintherelevant field.


The Master’s program shall normally take four semesters of sixteen weeks each (two academic years). Semester one and two are devoted to coursework and research methodology, semester three to field and library research, analysis of dataand drafting of the thesis, in semester four students’ complete courseworkastheyfinishthefinaldraftthesis.Thedissertation mustbesubmitted tothedepartmentat leasta monthbeforethe

endofthe program.


·       MasterofArts (Literature)

ApplicantsmusthaveaBachelor’sdegreeinLiterature,Theatreor Film or the equivalent: – first class; second class(honours) or Lower Second class with working experience in the relevant field.



The Master’s program shall normally take four semesters ofsixteen weeks each. Semesters one and two are devoted to coursework and research methodology, semester three to field and library research, analysis of data and drafting of the thesis, in semesterfourstudentscompletecourseworkastheyfinishthefinal

draftthesis.Thedissertationmustbesubmittedtothedepartment at least a month before the end of the program.





·       MasterofArts (Theatre)

ApplicantsmusthaveaBachelor’sdegreeinLiterature,Theatreor Film or the equivalent:- first class; second class(honours) orLowerSecondclasswithworkingexperienceintherelevantfield.



The Master’s programs shall normally take four semesters of sixteen weeks each. Semester one and two are devoted to courseworkandresearchmethodology,semesterthreetofieldand library research ,analysis of data and drafting of the thesis,in semester four students complete coursework as they finishthe final draft thesis. The dissertation must be submitted to the

departmentatleastamonth beforethe endoftheprogram.


·       MasterofArts (International Relations)


SchoolofArtsandSocialSciencesCandidatesmustcomplywith theminimumrequirementsforadmissionintoanMAprogramme stipulated by Moi University.

In particular applicants must possess at least Second Class Honours(LowerDivision)withanemphasisonthefollowing fields:

·        Political Science

·        InternationalRelations

·        PublicAdministration

·        PublicPolicy

·        ForceMigration

orrelateddiscipline.Andshouldhaveexperienceintherelevant field for a minimum of two years.


·       MasterofArts(PA & Public Policy)


To qualify for admission into the MPA (Executive) programme, applicants shall be holders of a Bachelor of Arts degree Second Class Honours, Lower Division from Moi University or those institutionsrecognizedbyMoiuniversitysenateinthefollowing areas.




    ·       PoliticalScience,

·       InternationalRelations

·       PublicAdministration

·       PublicPolicy

·       ForceMigration

·       orrelated discipline

·       Andshouldhaveexperienceintherelevantfieldfora minimum of two years.


Durationofthe Programme

TheprogrammeshallbeofferedbyCoursework,Examinationand Research Project and will be undertaken in one calendar year distributedintothreesemesters.Thethirdsemesterisforfinalizing the Research Project.


·       MasterofArts (History)


Candidates must comply with the minimum requirements for admissionintoanMAprogramasstipulatedbyMoiUniversity.In particular, applicants must:


i.          Possess first class or Second Class Honours (upper division)withanemphasisonHistoryasamajorsubject.

ii.          BeholdersofaSecondClassHonours(LowerDivision) degree.




·       Master of Arts (ForcedMigration)


Candidates must comply with the minimum requirements for admissionintoanMAprogrammeasstipulatedbyMoiUniversity. In particular applicants must possess at least Second ClassHonours(Lower Division) with an emphasis on the following fields:


·        Political Science

·        InternationalRelations





    ·        PublicAdministration

·        PublicPolicy

·        ForceMigration

·        orrelated discipline

·        Andshouldhaveexperienceintherelevantfieldfora minimum of two years.


·       MasterofArts (Sociology)


ThecommonregulationsfortheMaster’sdegreeinallfaculties and schools of Moi University shall apply.

The candidates for the Master of Arts Degree Programme in SociologymusthaveBachelorofArtsdegreeinSociologyor relateddisciplinewithatleastaSecond-Classhonours,upper division from Moi University or a recognized university or institution of higher learning.


CourseStructureand Duration

The Master of Arts Degree Programme in Sociology consists of coursework, examination and thesis and shall normally extend overaperiodoftwoyearsdistributedintofoursemestersoffull- timeattendance.TheMasterofArtsDegreeProgrammeconsists of a minimum of 31 units of coursework distributed as follows:

i)  Twocore,oneSchoolbasedcourse,oneelectivecourseanda Research Seminar in the First Semester.

ii)  Twocore,twoelectivecoursesandResearchProposalinthe Second Semester.

iii) Atleastoneelectivecourseinthe FourthSemester.

Inthesecondyearofstudy,candidateswillberequiredtocarryout field research and write a thesis. In addition, they

will take at least one elective course as stated in 2 (iii) above. Thiswillbefollowedbyanoralexaminationuponsubmissionof the M.A. thesis. The thesis will earn a candidate 6 units.

Thetopicof thethesis shall bechosen from any areaof the


Main Campus NairobiCampus



    candidates preferred specialization in consultation with the supervisor/advisorwiththeapprovalofthedepartmentupon presentation.  

·       MasterofScience (Counseling Psychology)


Theadmissionrequirementsforthisprogrammeshall be:

An upper second-class Hons degree in counseling psychology, psychology, guidance and counseling or any other relevant degree ThosewithlowersecondclassHonswillinadditionberequiredto have two years’ experience in a relevant field or the lower second class Hons degree plus a post graduate diploma in counseling or psychology.


Course Duration

Thedurationofthecourseshallbetwoyearsoratotaloffour semesters.

Main Campus NairobiCampus
  ·       Master of Science in Developmentstudies (i)        At least Bachelor’s degree Second Class Honours Lower DivisionfromMoiUniversityorinstitutionsrecognizedby Moi University Senate

(ii)    Holders of Bachelor’s degree in development studies, DevelopmentEconomics,Sociology,orrelateddiscipline from a recognized university

Main Campus NairobiCampus

·       MasterofArts (Religion)


Thefollowing shall beeligible for registration:


i.          AholderofaFirstClassorSecondClass(UpperDivision) honours degree of Moi University. A holder of Second Class(LowerDivisionwithTWOyearsfieldexperiencein the relevant area.

ii.          A candidate who has obtained a first degree from an accredited University and recognized by Moi University Senateasequivalenttoafirstclassorsecondclass(upper division) honours degree of Moi University.






    Twoacademicyears oftwosemesters each.  

·       MasterofArts (Philosophy)


The programme is open to students who satisfy the requirements for School of Arts and Social Sciences M.A. Degree programmes. Candidates must have B.A. or its equivalent in Philosophy with SecondClassUpperbutthosewithSecondClassLowerwithwork experience of 2 to 3 years will be acceptable. In addition to the general requirements, candidates with B.A. degree in a relevant field may also apply.


Duration ofProgramme

TheM.A.ProgrammeinPhilosophyshallnormallytaketwo academic years of two semesters each.


·       MasterofArtsin Kiswahili


A candidate for this program shall have a first degree, preferably FirstClassorSecondClassUpper(Honours)degreeinBachelorof Arts or in any other related discipline.A holder of a bachelor’s degree with second class lower (Honours) degree with relevant working experience in the area of public or/and private sectors shall be considered eligible.


Course Duration

Consists of coursework, examination and thesis; and shall normallyextendtoaperiodoftwoyearsforfulltimestudents.For part students, the program shall normally take a minimum of four years


·       Master of Arts in GenderStudies&Development


A candidate for this program shall have a first degree, preferably FirstClassorSecondClassUpper(Honours)degreeinBachelorof Arts or in any other related discipline.A holder of a bachelor’s degree with a second class lower (Honours) degree with relevant working experience in the area of public or/and private sectors


Main Campus NairobiCampus





Course Duration

The Master of Arts program in Gender Studies and Development (GSD) consists of course work, examination and Thesis, and shall normallyextendtoaperiodoftwoyearsforfulltimestudents.For Part time Students, the program shall normally take a minimum of four years.


·       MasterofPublic Administration (Executive)


HoldersBachelorofArtsdegreeinPoliticalScience,International Relations,PublicAdministrationorrelateddisciplinewith atleast Second Class Honours (Lower Division) from Moi University or institutions recognized by Moi University Senate.

In addition, they should have at least two years’ practical experienceinPublicAdministrationandotherrelatedoccupations. Holders of a pass degree with Postgraduate Diploma or five years of work experience may be considered.


Duration–1 year


Main Campus NairobiCampus


·       MasterofArtsin Statecraft and Devolution (Executive)

Holders of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, International Relations,PublicAdministration,orrelateddisciplinewithatleast Second-Class Honors (Lower Division) from Moi University or institutions recognized by Moi University Senate.


Inaddition,theapplicantsshouldhaveatleasttwoyearspractical experience in public administration or related occupation


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Political Science)


To qualify for admission into a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme,applicantsshallbeholdersofaMasterofArtsdegree inPoliticalScience,ForcedMigration,InternationalRelationsand Public Administration and Public Policy from Moi University or from institutions of higher learning recognized by Moi University








Thisprogramwillbeofferedinaperiodof3academicyears consisting of 2 semesters each.


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Anthropology)


To qualify for admission into the Doctor of philosophy programme,applicantsshallbeholdersofaMasterofphilosophy degree in Anthropology or a related discipline from Moi University or its equivalent from a recognized Moi University Senate.

Durationofthe programme

Theprogrammeshallbecoursework,examination,researchand thesis and shall be offered over a period of three (3) years distributed into six (6) semesters of full attendance


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Geography)


ToqualifyforadmissionintoaPhD.programmeinGeography, applicants shall be: –


1.     HolderofaMasterofPhilosophydegreeinGeographyora related discipline from Moi University

2.     Holder of a Master’s degree or its equivalent in Geography orarelateddisciplinefromanyotherrecognizeduniversity.


Durationand Typeof Registration

Common regulations of the Graduate Studies Programmes of Moi University and of the School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) shall apply. Specifically, however, the Department of Geography shall critically analyse the applicants’ qualification and determine level (either year 1 or year 2) of entrance. A candidate may be registeredasafull-timestudentforthePhDDegreeprogrammefor minimum of three years and a maximum five years. A candidate

mayberegisteredasapart-timestudent forthe PhD degree

MainCampus/Town Campus


TeachingMode:Blended(Physical and virtual)



    programmeforaminimumoffouryearsandamaximumofseven years.

Modeof Delivery:


·       Courseworkfor1styear

·       Datacollectionand analysisand write-upinthe2ndyear

·       Finalcorrection,publicationandsubmissionofthesisfor examination in the 3rd year


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Kiswahili Studies)


i.          HolderofMaster’sDegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University in a related discipline

ii.          HolderofotherqualificationconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate as equivalent of a Master’s degree in the related field.




·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Linguistics & Foreign Languages)


i.          HolderofMaster’sDegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University in a related discipline

ii.          HolderofotherqualificationconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate




·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Literature)


To qualify for admission into the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme, applicants shall be holders of a Master’s degree in LiteraturefromMoiUniversityoritsequivalentfromarecognized university.


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (History)


To qualify for admission into a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme,applicantsshallbeholdersofaMasterofArtsdegree in History from Moi University or from institutions of higher learning recognized by Moi University Senate. Teaching Methodologies /Instructional Strategies Lectures, Class

Presentations,Seminars,FieldResearch,ArchivalResearch, Supervision and e-learning platform





·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Sociology)

i.          HolderofMaster’sDegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University in a related discipline

ii.          HolderofotherqualificationconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate

Main Campus NairobiCampus

·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Philosophy)

i.          HolderofMaster’sDegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University in a related discipline

ii.          HolderofotherqualificationconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate


·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Religion)

i.          HolderofMaster’sDegreeofMoiUniversityoranyother recognized University in a related discipline

ii.          HolderofotherqualificationconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate

  ·       DoctorofPhilosophy (Development studies) (i)       Candidates must hold relevant Master’s Degree of Moi University or from institutions recognized Moi University Senate in Development related fields.

(ii)     Public service experience in related field will be an added advantage.

(iii)   HolderofMaster’sdegreeofanyotherrecognisedUniversity. OR

(iv)    Holder of other qualification considered by Moi University SenateasequivalentofaMaster’sdegreeintherelevantfield.

(v)      Holder of a Bachelor’s degree from Moi University or any other recognized University

Main Campus NairobiCampus
(ModeofTeachingWill beBlended(Physicaland Online))



  BachelorofSciencein Information Sciences (i)      Minimum mean Grade of C +(plus) at KCSE with a C (plain) in Mathematics and English/Kiswahili, OR;

(ii)    Two-yearKNECDiplomaCreditholdersinInformationrelated field, OR;

(iii)  IMISDiplomaholders,OR;

(iv)   AnyotherDiplomarecognized byMoiUniversity Senate

Day Programme

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  BachelorofSciencein Informatics (i)      MinimummeanGradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEwithaC+(Plus) in Mathematics and C (plain) in English/Kiswahili, C plain in Physics OR;

(ii)    Two-year KNEC Diploma pass holders in Information Technology, OR;

(iii)   3 Year KNEC Higher National Diploma in Information Technology related field with distinction or credit, OR;

(iv)   DiplomainInformatics ofMoi University

Day Programme


Venue:MainCampus – Eldoret

  BachelorofSciencein Communication and Journalism (i)      MinimummeanGradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEwithaC(Plain) in English/Kiswahili

(ii)     Two-yearKNECDiplomawithcreditordistinctioninMass Media

(iii)   3YearKNECHigherNationalDiplomainMassMediawith a credit or Distinction

Day Programme

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  Bachelor of Science in CommunicationandPublic Relations i.        HaveaminimumgradeofC+(Plus)withatleast,aC+(Plus) in English/Kiswahili OR

ii.        Candidates with Diploma qualifications in Public relations, Human resource Development, Education and any other relevantareasalsoqualifyforadmission(WithaaDistinction or Credit)


Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza


a)     Library&Information Studies

b)      Publishing

(i)Holders of BSc. in Information Sciences or any related discipline with at least 2nd Class honours lower division from Moi University or a University or institution of higher learning recognized by Moi University Senate.OR Day Programmes

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret



  c)     RecordsandArchives Management.

d)     Journalism&Mass Media

e)     Information Technology

(ii)Applicantswithsecondclasshonoursdegreelowerdivision in an Information related field must have 2 years working experience Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  Master of Science in CommunicationStudies (i)      Applicants should hold at least Undergraduate degree with secondclasshonoursupperdivisioninanyrelevantdegree.

(ii)    Applicantswith2ndclasshonourslowerdivisionwith2years of experience may be considered.

(iii)  PostgraduatediplomainJournalism,PublicRelationsorany other related field

Day Programmes

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  Doctorof Philosophy in:

(a)  Library and InformationStudies

(b) Records and Archives Management

(c)  Publishing

Holders of Master’s degree in Information Sciences of Moi University or a closely related discipline from a recognized University. Day Programmes

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  PhDinCommunication Studies CandidatesmustbeholdersofrelevantMaster’sdegreeofMoi University or from institutions recognised by Moi University senate, in Communication management related fields, Public service experience in related fields will be an added advantage Day Programmes

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza

  PhDinCommunicationand Journalism Candidates must be holders of relevant Master’s degree of Moi University or from institutions recognised by Moi University senate, in Journalism, Media Studies or Communication related fields.Publicserviceexperienceinrelatedfieldswillbeanadded advantage Day Programmes

Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret


Evening programme

Venue:NairobiCampus–Bazaar Plaza



(ModeofTeaching WillbeBlended (Physicaland Online)
  ·       BachelorofTourism Management(BTM)

·       Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management(BHHM)

·       BachelorofTraveland Tour Operations Management (BTTM)

(i)      MeangradeofC + (Plus) atKCSEOR

(ii)    TwoPrincipalpassesat‘A’LevelOR

(iii)  Diploma in a related discipline from a recognized/accredited institution OR

(iv)   HigherNationaldiplomainarelateddisciplinefroma recognized/accredited institution

Day/Evening Programmes



–     AnnexCampus –Eldoret

  ·       MasterofHospitality Management (i)      Be a holder of Bachelor’s degree of Moi University in any of the following disciplines: Hotel and Hospitality Management, TourismManagement,BusinessManagementandHumanities of allied disciplines OR

(ii)    Be a holder of Bachelor’s degree of any other university recognised by Moi University Senate and Commission for UniversityEducationasequivalenttostatusofqualifications in i) above OR

(iii)  BeaholderofanyotherqualificationsconsideredbyMoi University Senate and CUE as equivalent to Bachelor’s degree in the disciplines outlined in i) above

Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes


Venue:    AnnexCampus– Eldoret

  ·       Master of Science in Travel and Transport Services Management(MTT) (i)      A holder of a degree in travel, tourism, business or commerce from a University recognized by Moi University Senate with first class or second upper class honors; or

(ii)    A holder of a degree in travel, tourism, business or commerce from a University recognized by Moi University Senate with second class lower honours and two (2) years working experience; or

(iii)  Aholderofadegreeinanysocialsciencedisciplinefroma


Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes


Venue:Annex CampusEldoret



    University recognized by Moi University Senate with at least second class lower honours with aDiplomaintravel, tourism, business studies validated by Moi University Senate; or

(iv) A holder of a degree in any discipline from a University recognized by Moi University Senate with at least second class lower honours with three (3) years working experience in the transport sector.

  ·       Master of Tourism Management(MTM) (i)       Be a holder of at least second class Bachelors degree of Moi University in any of the following disciplines: Tourism Management, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Travel and Tour Operations Management, Wildlife Management, Business Management, Geography, economics and Humanities of allied disciplines.

(ii)     Beaholderofafirstdegreefromanaccrediteduniversityand recognized by Moi University Senate as equivalent to statusof the qualification in 1.7.1 above.

(iii)   Any other qualification that may be defined by Senate from time to time.

Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes


Venue:Annex CampusEldoret

  ·       Ph.D.inHospitality Management (i)      Be a holder of Master’s degree of Moi University in any of thefollowingdisciplines:HospitalityManagement,Tourism Management,BusinessManagement,FamilyandConsumer Sciences and Humanities of allied disciplines. OR

(ii)    Be a holder of Master’s degree of any other university recognisedbyMoiUniversitySenateandCommissionfor University education as equivalent to status of the qualifications in i) above. OR

(iii)  Be a holder of any other qualifications considered by Moi UniversitySenateandCommissionforUniversityEducation asequivalenttoMasters degreeinthedisciplinesoutlinedin


Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



  ·       Ph.DinTourism Management (i)    HolderofMasterDegreeofMoiUniversity inarelevant field


Day/Evening/Weekend Programmes



    (ii)     HolderofarelevantMastersdegreeofanyotherUniversity recognised by Moi University senate and Commission for University Education OR

(iii)   HolderofotherqualificationsconsideredbyMoiUniversity Senate and Commission of University Education as equivalent to relevant Master’s degree


Venue:AnnexCampus– Eldoret

(Modeof TeachingWillbeBlended(PhysicalandOnline)

·       Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with major in eitherofthefollowing areas


i:Mathematics, Physics, or Chemistry





ii. Botany orZoology

(i)     A minimum mean grade of C + (Plus) at KCSE and a C + (Plus) in major subjects of study any other science subject relevant to area of study,

(ii)   A minimum grade of C(plain) in Maths, those taking a major in mathematics must have a C + (Plus) in Maths, OR

(iii) 2 principals and subsidiary pass at A – level in sciencesubjects OR

(iv)  KNECDiplomainSciences/AppliedSciencesoritsequivalent from an institution recognized by Moi University Senate



i.        AminimummeangradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandaC+ (Plus) in Biology, C plain in Chem and Maths, OR

ii.        2principalsandsubsidiarypassatA–levelinscience subjects OR

KNECDiplomainSciences/AppliedSciencesoritsequivalent fromaninstitutionrecognizedbyMoiUniversitySenate.Moi


Full Time ProgrammesVenue:MainCampus–Eldoret
  ·       BachelorofSciencein Microbiology

·       BachelorofSciencein Biochemistry

i.     A minimum mean grade of C + (Plus) at KCSE and a C + (Plus) in Biology, C plain in Chem and Maths, OR

ii.     2principalsandsubsidiarypassatA–levelinscience subjects OR

Full Time ProgrammesVenue:MainCampus–Eldoret



    iii. KNEC Diploma in Sciences/Applied Sciences or its equivalent from an institution recognized by Moi University Senate. Moi University Senate  
  ·       BachelorofSciencein Computer Science i.   A minimum mean grade of C + (Plus) at KCSE and a C + (Plus)inMathsandPhysicsand,CplaininEng/KiswOR

ii.   2PrincipalsandsubsidiarypassatA–levelinscience subjects OR

iii.   KNEC Diploma in Sciences/Applied Sciences or its equivalentfromaninstitutionrecognizedbyMoiUniversity


Full Time ProgrammesVenue:MainCampus–Eldoret
  ·       BachelorofScience (B.Sc.) in Applied Statistics with Computing (i)   AminimummeangradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandaminimum of grade of C+ (Plus) in Mathematics, C plain in Physics and Eng/Kisw OR

(ii)  KNEC diploma in Applied Statistics or equivalent from a recognised Institution.




Venue:MainCampus –Eldoret

  ·       BachelorofScience (B.Sc.) in Actuarial Science i.     Aminimummeangrade ofC+(plus) at KCSEandatleast C+ Plus in Mathematics. Full Time Programmes Venue:MainCampus-Eldoret
  ·       Master of Science in EnvironmentalBiology

·       MasterofSciencein Plant Pathology

·       MasterofSciencein Microbiology

·       MasterofSciencein Parasitology

·       MasterofSciencein Animal Physiology

·       MasterofSciencein

·          Upper Second Honours degree and above in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by Moi University Senate.OR


·          Applicants with Bachelors degree in relevant field (second class honours lower division) must have at least two (2) years working experience.

FullTimeProgrammes Venue:Main Campus



  Plant Physiology

·       MasterofSciencein Entomology

·       MasterofSciencein Plant Genetics

·       Master of Science in AnalyticalChemistry

·       MasterofSciencein Pure Mathematics

·       MasterofSciencein Biostatistics

·       MasterofSciencein Physics

·       Master of Science in AppliedMathematics

  ·     DoctorofPhilosophyin Environmental Biology

·     DoctorofPhilosophyin Animal physiology

·     DoctorofPhilosophyin Entomology

·     Doctorofphilosophyin plant Pathology

·     Doctorofphilosophyin plant Genetics

·     Doctorofphilosophyin analytical Chemistry

·     Doctorofphilosophyin Biostatistics

·     Doctorofphilosophyin Applied Mathematics

i.     Master of Science in relevant or related discipline from MoiUniversity or its equivalent from recognized universities. FullTimeProgrammes Venue:Main Campus



  ·     Doctorofphilosophyin pure Mathematics

·     Doctorofphilosophyin Parasitology

  ·     Doctorofphilosophyin Biostatistics i.     Master of Science in relevant or related discipline from MoiUniversity or its equivalent from recognized universities. PartTimeProgramme



NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

Forfulldetails visitMoiUniversityWebsite:
  ·     Bachelor of Science in AgriculturalExtension and Education i.        MeanGradeofC+ at K.C.S.E &

o   Biology C+

o   Chemistry/AgricultureC+

o   Mathematics/Physics/GeographyC+

o    English/KiswahiliC (Plain)

ii.        Holders of diploma in agriculture or related disciplineswith distinction/credit from an institution recognized by Moi University




MainCampus,SchoolofAgriculture & Natural Resources

  ·     BachelorofSciencein Agricultural Biotechnology i.        MeanGradeC+ atK.C.S.E &

o   C(Plain) in Mathematics/Physics/Geo,

o   C+(Plus)inBiologyC(Plain)/Agriculture&

o   C(Plain) in Chemistry

ii.        KCE Division II with a pass in Mathematics or Physical Science, a credit in Biology orBiological Science and acredit in English or Kiswahili OR

iii.        KACEorequivalent with(2)principal inrelevantsubjects.




MainCampus,SchoolofAgriculture & Natural Resources



    iv.Holders of diploma in agriculture or related disciplines with distinction/credit from an institution recognized by Moi University may be admitted into second year of study.  
  ·        BachelorofSciencein Animal Science and Management i.        MeanGradeC+ atK.C.S.E &

·         Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry C+

·         Biology C+




MainCampus,SchoolofAgriculture & Natural Resources

ii.    Holders of diploma with Distinction/Credit in animal husbandry,agricultureor relateddisciplinesrecognizedby MoiUniversitymay beadmittedinto secondyear of study.
  ·   BachelorofSciencein Agribusiness Management i. MeanGradeC+ atK.C.S.E &

·       MathematicsC(Plain)

·       BiologyC(Plain)/AgriC+(Plus)/BST C+(Plus)

ii.             DiplomaholderswhohavepassedwithDistinction,Credit or their equivalents in Agricultural economics, Agribusiness Management, Farm Management, Agriculture or other related disciplines from recognized universitiesorcollegesmaybeadmittedintosecondyear of study.




MainCampus,SchoolofAgriculture & Natural Resources

  ·     Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and ResourceManagement i.        MeanGradeC+ atK.C.S.E &

·       MathematicsC(Plain)

·       BiologyC(Plain)/AgricultureC+(Plus)/Business C+(Plus)

ii.        Diploma holders who have passed with Distinction, Credit or their equivalents in Agricultural economics, Agribusiness Management,FarmManagement,Agricultureorotherrelated disciplines from recognized universities or colleges may be admitted into second year of study.




MainCampus,SchoolofAgriculture & Natural Resources



  Master of Science in AgriculturalEconomics& Resource Management HoldersofFirstClassorSecond-ClassHonoursUpperDivision Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics or any other relevant Economics related undergraduate degree of Moi University or an accredited University recognized by Moi University Senate Day/Evening Programmes



–        Annex Campus

–        NairobiCampus(Baazar Plaza)

  Ph.D. in Agricultural EconomicsandResource Management (i)      Holder of Master’s degree of Moi University or any other accreditedUniversityrecognizedbyMoiUniversity Senateas equivalent to a Master’s Degree

(ii)    The Master’s Degree should be from a related field of studyto the Ph.D.Programme

Day/Evening/Weekend Programme


Venue:Annex Campus

(Modeof TeachingWillbeBlended (Physicaland Online)
  All undergraduate engineeringprogrammesin theschoolareaccreditedby the Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)

(AllareFive-Year Programmes)


·       BachelorofEngineering in Civil & Structural Engineering

·       BachelorofEngineering in Mechanical & Production Engineering

(i)       MinimummeangradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandC+(plus)in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English/Kiswahili or Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and English.


(ii)     “A”levelcertificatewithatleast2principalpassesanda subsidiary in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

(iii)   KNECDiplomaintherelevantfieldoritsequivalentfroman institution recognized by Moi University Senate.

(iv)    KNEC Higher National Diploma in the relevant field or its equivalentfromaninstitutionrecognizedbyMoiUniversity Senate.

All programmes in the school of EngineeringareDayProgrammes:





  ·       BachelorofEngineering in Chemical & Process Engineering

·       BachelorofEngineering in Industrial & Textile Engineering

·       BachelorofEngineering in Electrical & ElectronicsEngineering

·       BachelorofEngineering in Electrical &Telecommunications Engineering.

  ·       MScinWater Engineering

·       MScinTextile Engineering

·       MScinMaterials Engineering

·       MScinIndustrial Engineering

·       MScinChemical Engineering

·       MScinEnergy Studies

·       MScinProduction Engineering

·       MScinSustainable Energy & Energy Access

ApplicantsfortheMSc.programmesshouldhaveatleastLower 2nd Class Honours or its equivalent in the relevant disciplines from an institution recognized by Moi University Senate. Day programmes


Venue: Main Campus – Eldoret TownCampus-Rivatex,forMSc. Sustainable Energy & Energy Access(



  ·       Master of Science (MSc)inBiomedical Engineering (2yr) Applicantsmustbeholdersof–aBachelor’sdegreeofMoi University in Electrical and Electronics

Engineering orElectrical and Telecommunications Engineering, Electrical and Communications Engineering or Mechanical and Production Engineering or Production Technology or Computer Engineering or Textile Engineering or Chemical and Process Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering or Industrial and TextileEngineeringorMaterialsEngineering.Bachelor’sdegree in Biomedical Engineering or any other relevant engineering degree from a university accredited/recognised by Commission.

forUniversity Education, Kenya.

  ·       Master of Science (MSc)inElectrical Engineering. Applicantsmustbeholdersof–Abachelor’sdegreeinelectrical and Electronics Engineering or

Bachelor’s degree in electrical and Telecommunications EngineeringofMoiuniversityoranyotheraccrediteduniversity accredited/recognisedbyCommissionforUniversityEducation, Kenya.



  ·       Ph.D.inEnergy Studies

·       Ph.D.inIndustrial Engineering

·       Ph.DinMaterial& TextileEngineering

ApplicantsforthePhDprogrammesmustbeholdersofarelevant Master’s degree of Moi University or from an institution recognized by Moi University Senate. Day programmes


Venue:MainCampus – Eldoret

  ·       Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)in Electrical Engineering. Applicants must be holders of-A master’s degree from Moi UniversityinElectricalEngineeringorrelevantmaster’sdegreeof any other accredited University

recognisedbyKenyan CommissionforUniversity Education.

·       InadditiontoaMaster’sdegree,anapplicantshall normally have a Bachelor’s degree.



Venue:MainCampus – Eldoret

(Modeof TeachingWillbeBlended(PhysicalandOnline)





  10.SCHOOL OF MEDICINE                   Tel:0774248196
  BachelorofMedicine& Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)-Six(6)years i.          MeanGradeofB (Plain) atKCSE: B (plain)in Biology,

Chemistry,Mathsor Physicsand Englishor Kiswahili

ii.          A’Level- Haveprincipal passes in Biology, Chemistry and MathsorPhysics.Additionally,musthavehadacreditpass in English at O’level and at least Division II Pass

iii.          ForInternationalBaccalaureate(IB),aminimumof grade 5 or above in International Baccalaureate.

iv.          HoldersofDiplomas,BSc&Master’sdegreesinrelated subjects if:

a)     KCSEGraduates,haveaMeanGradeofC+(Plus) and B (Plain) in Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics and English or Kiswahili

b)     A’ Level- Have principal passes in Biology, Chemistry and Maths or Physics. Additionally, musthavehadacreditpassinEnglishatO’level and Division II pass

v.          Thosewithotherqualifications:MUSThavetheirresults equated by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).

vi.          Applicantswillberankedandconsideredonthebasis performance.

vii.          Learnersgetanopportunity,onmerit,forinternational electives in their senior years.

viii.          Proficiencyin English

FullTime6years Programme



MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine Eldoret


Commencing:Sept 2023



Ksh.440,500/=per year



  Bachelor of Science (MedicalPsychology) Mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE: C+ (Plus) in Biology, and Maths or Physics

A’ Level– Have principal passes in Biology, Chemistry and Maths or Physics. Additionally, must have had a credit pass in English at O’level.

Holders of Diplomas and other degrees: Candidates with a diploma or other qualification with at least a credit pass in psychology or counselling related fields from institutions recognized by Moi University Senate MUST in addition, meet the minimum university entry requirement as in (a) and (b) above.

a)         Those with other qualifications: MUST have their results equated by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).

b)        Applicantswillberankedandconsideredonthebasis performance.

c)         Learnersgetanopportunity,onmerit,forinternational electives in their senior years.

d)        Proficiencyin English

Fulltime4 years Programme



MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret

Commencing:September2023 The cost for the programme:


  BachelorofScience (PhysicalTherapy) a)       MeanGrade ofC+ (Plus)atKCSE: C+(Plus)

in Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics, and English or Kiswahili.

b)        A’ Level– Have principal passes in Biology, Chemistry and MathsorPhysics.Additionally,musthavehadacreditpassin English at O’level

c)        Holders of Diplomas and degrees in relevant area of study mustmeettheminimumuniversityentryrequirementasin(a) and (b) above.

d)        Thosewithotherqualifications:MUSThavetheirresults equated by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).

e)        Applicantswillberankedand consideredonthebasis of


Fulltime4 years Programme



MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret

Commencing:September2023 The cost for the programme:

Ksh.240,500/:per year



    f)         Learnersgetanopportunity,onmerit,forinternational electives in their senior years.

g)        Proficiencyin English

  BachelorofScienceMedical Laboratory science (BSc MLS) a)     MeanGradeofC+(Plus)atKCSE:C+(plus)inBiology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics, and English or Kiswahili.

b)     A’Level-Haveprincipal passesinBiology,Chemistryand MathsorPhysics.Additionally,musthavehadacreditpass in English at O’level or

c)     Holders of Diplomas and other degrees: Candidates with a diploma or other degrees with at least a credit pass in Health- related fields from institutions recognized by Moi University SenateMUSTinaddition,meettheminimumuniversityentry requirement as in (a) and (b) above.

d)     Thosewithotherqualifications:MUSThavetheirresults equated by the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).

e)     Applicantswillberankedandconsideredonthebasisof performance.

f)      Learnersgetanopportunity,onmerit,forinternational electives in their senior years.

g)     ProficiencycertificateinEnglish

Fulltime4 years Programme



MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret

Commencing:September2023 Cost for the programme:

Ksh.172,250:per year

  NOTE:TheKCSEentryrequirement(all(a)above)appliesonlytothosecandidateswho sattheexamin2022,StudentswhosatKCSE before 2022 will be considered as per the approved requirements for those particular years.


Thedeadlinefor all applications is 31stJuly 2023




·       Admissionison-goingthroughouttheyear.

·       Thoseexpectingtostart classes in SeptembermustapplyforadmissionbyJulyofeach year.

  PhDinMedicalEducation (3 Years) a)   MeetthecommonMoiUniversitysenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Doctor of Philosophy Programmes

b)   Anapplicantmustbeholderof:

(i).   ABachelor’sdegree

(ii). A Master’s degree in Medical Education or a related disciplinefromMoiUniversityorInstitutionsapproved by Moi University Senate.

c)   Anapplicantmusthaveaminimumofthree(3)yearsof teaching experience in health-related discipline.

d)   Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language

e)   Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee.


NB.Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten

Fulltime Venue:

MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




Total Cost:

Ksh. 569,000/=

  PhDinImmunology (3 Years) a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitysenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Doctor of Philosophy Programmes

b)     InadditiontofulfillingthecommonUniversityregulations, an applicant must hold: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree in Immunology or equivalent degree.

c)     In addition,anapplicant willberequiredto

passwrittenandoralentranceexaminationadministered by the Department ofPathology (Immunology).

Internationalstudentsshoulddemonstrateproficiencyin English Language.

d)     Therearecompetitivescholarshipstosupportsuccessful applicants through the European Union Intra Africa

Fulltime Venue:

MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret





Total Cost:

Ksh. 624,500/=




e)    Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Post Graduate Committee.


NB:Interviewswillbeinboth oralandwrittenform

  Clinical Fellowship in GynaecologicOncology- (CFell.Gyn.Onc)

(2 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     MasterofMedicine(MMeddegree)inReproductive HealthofMoiUniversityoritsacademicequivalent.

c)     Specialist recognition in Reproductive Health by the MedicalPractitionersandDentists’Board(MPDB)of Kenya or an equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language.

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




TotalCost:Ksh. 375,100/=

NB.Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten form  
  Clinical Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal (Cfell.Maternal-Fetal Medicine)

( 2Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     MasterofMedicine(MMeddegree)inReproductive HealthofMoiUniversityoritsacademicequivalent.

c)     Specialist recognition in Reproductive Health by the MedicalPractitionersandDentists’Board(MPDB)of Kenya or an equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret


Commencing:September ‘2023


TotalCost:Ksh. 375,100/=

NB.Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten form  



  ClinicalFellowshipin Cardiology (CFell Cardiology)

(2 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     MasterofMedicine(MMeddegree)in(IntMed)ofMoi University or its academic equivalent.

c)     SpecialistrecognitioninInternalMedicinebytheMedical PractitionersandDentists’Board(MPDB)ofKenyaoran equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee


NB.Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten form




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




TotalCost:Ksh. 375,100/=

  ClinicalFellowshipin Medical Oncology

(2 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     MasterofMedicine(MMeddegree)in(IntMed)ofMoi University or its academic equivalent.

c)     SpecialistrecognitioninInternalMedicinebytheMedical PractitionersandDentists’Board(MPDB)ofKenyaoran equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee


NB. Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten form




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




TotalCost:Ksh. 375,100/=

  Clinical Fellowship in Paediatric Oncology and Haematology(C.Fell.PHO)


(2 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     Master of Medicine (MMed degree) in (child health & paediatrics)ofMoiUniversityoritsacademicequivalent.




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine,



    c)     Specialist recognition in Child Health & Paeds by the MedicalPractitionersandDentists’Board(MPDB)of Kenya or an equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language.

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee

NB.AnEntryInterview/examinationshallbe conducted by the Department




  ClinicalFellowshipin Neonatal Medicine

(2 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to Clinical Fellowship programmes.

b)     Master of Medicine (MMed degree) in(Child Health & Paediatrics)ofMoiUniversityoritsacademicequivalent.

c)     SpecialistrecognitioninChildHealth&Paediatricsbythe Medical Practitioners and Dentists’ Board (MPDB) of Kenya or an equivalent regulatory authority.

d)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language.

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbythe Departmental Postgraduate Committee


NB.Interviews will be inbothoral andwritten form




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




TotalCost:Ksh. 375,100/=

  MasterofMedicine (M.Med)

·     InternalMedicine (3 Years)

a)     MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to.

MasterofMedicine Programmes.

b)   Be a holder of the MBChB degree from Moi University or its equivalent from other InstitutionsapprovedbyMoiUniversitySenate

c)       Be registered or registerable as a medical practitionerbytheMedicalPractitionersand Dentists Board (MPDB)

d)    Have workedforatleastone (1)year after




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:187,200/=per year




e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedby the Department Postgraduate Committee.

f)       Iffromforeigncountries,showevidence of proficiency in English language.


NB.Interview will beinbothwritten and oral form

  MasterofMedicine (M.Med)

·     OrthopaedicSurgery (4 Years)

b)MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to

MasterofMedicine Programmes.

b)   Be a holder of the MBChB degree from Moi University or its equivalent from other InstitutionsapprovedbyMoiUniversitySenate

c)       Be registered or registerable as a medical practitionerbytheMedicalPractitionersand Dentists Board (MPDB)

d)    i.Haveworkedforatleastone(1)yearafter internship

ii)2yearspostinternshipforOrthopaedic Surgery.

e)         Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedby the Department Postgraduate Committee.

f)      Iffromforeigncountries,showevidence of proficiency in English language.


NB.Interview will beinbothwrittenand oral form




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:187,200/=per year

  MasterofMedicine (M.Med)

·     GeneralSurgery (4 Years)

a)   MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to.

MasterofMedicine Programmes.

b)   Be a holder of the MBChB degree from Moi University or its equivalent from other.


c)       Be registered or registerable as a medical practitionerbytheMedicalPractitionersand




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret






d)    i.Haveworkedforatleastone(1)yearafter internship

ii)2yearspostinternshipforGeneralSurgery & Orthopaedic Surgery.

e)     Passadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedby the Department Postgraduate Committee.

f)       Iffromforeigncountries,showevidence of proficiency in English language.


NB.Interview will beinbothwrittenand oral form


CourseCost:187,200/=per year

  MasterofMedicine (M.Med)

·         Family     Medicine     (4 Years)

·         ReproductiveHealth (4 Years)

·         Psychiatric(4Years)

·         AnaesthesiaandCritical Care (4 Years)

·         Child Health & Paediatrics(3Years)

·           Radiology&Imaging (3 Years)

a)   MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to.

MasterofMedicine Programmes.

b)       Be a holder of the MBChB degree from Moi University or its equivalent from other InstitutionsapprovedbyMoiUniversitySenate

c)       Be registered or registerable as a medical practitionerbytheMedicalPractitionersand Dentists Board (MPDB)

d)   Have workedforatleastone(1)yearafterinternship

e)   PassadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbytheDepartment Postgraduate Committee.

f)     Iffromforeigncountries,showevidence of proficiency in English language.


NB.Interview will beinbothwrittenand oral form




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:187,200/=per year



  MasterofPharmacyin Clinical Pharmacy (MPharmClin.Pharm) (3 Years) a)   MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to

MasterofMedicine Programmes.

b)        Beregisteredorregisterableasapharmacist by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB).

c)   BeholderofaBachelorofPharmacy(Bpharm)degreeor equivalent recognized by Moi University Senate.

d)   International applicants from non-English speakingcountriesshouldprovideevidence. of proficiency in English.

e)        Passadmissioninterviewadministeredby the departmental admission committee.


NB.Interview will beinbothwrittenand oral form

Fulltime Venue:

MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:189,700/=per year

  MasterofScience(MSc)in Immunology

(2 Years)

a)       MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to


b)      BeaHolderofBachelor’sdegreeintheHealthSciencesfiled from a University recognized by Moi University Senate.

c)       PassadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbytheDepartmental Postgraduate Committee.

d)      Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language.


Fulltime Venue:

MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:177,200/=per year

  MasterofScience(MSc.) (International Health Research Ethics)

(2 Years)

a)       MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to


b)      Be a holder of Bachelor’s Degree from Moi University or its equivalentfromotherinstitutionsapprovedbyMoiUniversity Senate.

c)       Iffromforeigncountries, showevidenceofproficiencyin




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret



    English language.

d)      PassadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbytheDepartmental Postgraduate Committee.

e)       Interested applicants should develop a concept proposal within the area of International Health Research Ethics.The concept should contain the following sections: Background, ResearchQuestions,Objectives,Proposedmethods;shouldbe 1-2 pages only.Mail to: [email protected]


NB.Interview will be inbothwritten and oral form



CourseCost:177,200/=per year

  MasterofScience(MSc.) (Medical Biochemistry) (2 Years) a)        MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySenateapprovedentry requirements as they refer to


b)       Acandidateshouldnormallyhavea1stclassoruppersecond- class honours degree in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology from Moi University or any other recognized University.

c)        Candidates with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Dentistry, or anyotherdegreeinbiomedicalscienceswithatleastacredit in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology will be considered.

d)       Candidateswithlowersecond-classhonourswithatleasta credit in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology will be considered in addition be required to have two years’ experience in relevant field.

e)        Evidenceof proficiency in English will be required.


NB.Interview will beinbothwritten and oral form

Fulltime Venue:

MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret




CourseCost:177,200/= per year

  MasterofScience (MSc.)

Medical Education


a)       Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofSciencesProgrammes.

b)      ABachelorof SciencedegreeintheHealth Professions

c)       Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyin English language.

d)      Passadmissioninterviews asdeterminedbytheDepartmental




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret



    Postgraduate Committee.


NB.Interview will be inbothwritten and oral form




CourseCost: 177,200/= per year

  MasterofScience (MSc)

ClinicalPsychology (2 Years)

a)       Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofSciencesProgrammes.

b)      Thefollowingshallbeeligibletoregisterfor the Master of Science Degree in Clinical Psychology.Holders of first class, upper second honours in any health related or

PsychologydegreeofMoiUniversityoritsequivalentfrom other institutions approved by Moi University Senate.

c)       Holdersoflowersecond-classhonoursinanyhealthrelatedor Psychology degree of Moi University or an equivalent degree from an accredited University recognized by Moi University Senate with 2 years’ experience in a relevant field.




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine , Eldoret





CourseCost:177,200/= per year

NB.Interview will be inbothwritten and oral form  
  MasterofScience (MSc)

MedicalParasitology (2 Years)

a)       Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofSciencesProgrammes.

b)      A candidate with Bachelor’s degree in any of the following: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB). Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm), Bachelor of Dentistry (BDS),BachelorofVeterinaryMedicine(BVM),Bachelorof MedicalLaboratorySciences,BachelorofScienceinNursing (BScN), Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medical (BscCLM) and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health (BScEH).

c)       ACandidatewithBachelor’sdegreeinBiomedical/Biological Sciences with at least a second-class upper division with a credit pass in microbiology from any other university recognized by Moi University Senate and Commission for University Education (CUE)

d)      Acandidatewithlowerclasshonoursdegreein




MoiUniversity,CollegeofHealth Sciences, School of Medicine, Eldoret


CourseCost:177,200/= per year



    biomedical/biologicalscienceswithtwoyears’experience will be considered.

e)    Evidenceof proficiency in English will berequired.


NB.Interview will be inbothwritten and oral form

  MasterofScienceinMedical Microbiology.

(2 Years)

a)      Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofScienceProgrammes.

b)     A candidate with Bachelors degree in any of the following: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm), Bachelor of Dentistry (BDS), Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM), Bachelor of Medical LaboratorySciences(BScMLS),BachelorofScienceinNursing (BScN), Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine (BScCLM) and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health (BScEH).

c)      A candidate with Bachelor’s degree in biomedical/biological scienceswithatleast,asecondclassupperdivisionwithacredit pass in microbiology from any other university recognized by Moi University Senate and Commission for University Education (CUE).

d)     A candidate with alower second-class honours degree in biomedical/biologicalscienceswithtwoyearsofrelevant experience will be considered.

e)      EvidenceofproficiencyinEnglishwillbe required.



Fulltime Venue:

Moi University, College of Health Sciences,SchoolofMedicine,Eldoret







Forfulldetails visitMoiUniversityWebsite:
  BachelorofDentalSurgery (BDS) (i)       For Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) holders, minimum requirement is Grade C+ (Plus) and in addition,B(plain)ineachofthefollowingclustersubjects:

–  Biology

–  Chemistry

FullTime5yearsDayProgramme Monday – Friday




    –  Mathematicsor Physicsand

–  English or Kiswahili

(ii)     ForKenyaAdvancedCertificateofEducation(‘A’level) holders, a minimum of two principal passed in Biology, Chemistry and subsidiary pass in either Mathematics or Physics.

(iii)   For Diploma holders in Medical Science, a minimum “O” level Division II pass or C+ (plus) mean grade and a credit C+(plus)intheclustersubjectsinK.C.S.E.,inadditiontoa three-yearDiplomawithaminimumofacreditpassfroma medical training institution recognized by the Board.

(iv)   For holders of any degree in Biological Sciences orequivalentqualificationsfromarecognizeduniversity,subject to passing Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

(v)     ‘A’levelBritishGCE system:

–    HaveanAorBinBiologyandChemistry,andeither Maths or Physics.

(vi)   ForInternationalBaccalaureate(IB):Aminimumofgrade5 or above in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics, English or Kiswahili subject clusters.

8.00am– 5.00pm



CollegeofHealthSciencesand School of Dentistry.





TeachingMode:Blended(Physical & Virtual)



  1.        MasterofDental Surgery in Oral Pathology

2.        MasterofDental Surgery in Oral Surgery

3.        Master of Dental SurgeryinPediatric Dentistry

(i)      BeaholderoftheBachelorofDentalSurgerydegreeofMoi University or equivalent as recognized by Moi University Senate

(ii)    MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySchoolofDentistry (MUSOD) entry requirements for MDS programmes

(iii)  BeregisteredorberegistrableasadentistbytheMedical Practitioners and Dentists Board of Kenya (MP&DB)

(iv)   Haveworkedforatleastoneyearaftersuccessfulinternship training.

(v)     Candidateswillbesubjectedtoanentryexaminationto ascertain their suitability to undertake the training



Monday-FridayTime8.00am-5.00 pm


Venue:CollegeofHealthSciences and School of Dentistry.



  4.     Master of Dental Surgery in Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery (i)      BeaholderoftheBachelorofDentalSurgerydegreeofMoi University or equivalent as recognized by Moi University Senate

(ii)    MeetthecommonMoiUniversitySchoolofDentistry (MUSOD) entry requirements for MDS programmes

(iii)  BeregisteredorberegistrableasadentistbytheMedical Practitioners and Dentists Board of Kenya (MP&DB)

(iv)   HaveworkedforatleasttwoyearsaftersuccessfulInternship training.

(v)     Candidateswillbesubjectedtoanentryexaminationto ascertain their suitability to undertake the training.


Formoreinformation,contacttheDean,SchoolofDentistry, College of Health Sciences, Moi University.

P.O.Box4606-30100,EldoretKenya Tel:053-2030965,Fax: 053-2030966

e-mail:[email protected]



Monday-FridayTime8.00am-5.00 pm.


Venue:CollegeofHealthSciences and School of Dentistry.

(Modeof TeachingWillbeBlended(Physical and Online)
  Bachelor of Science (EnvironmentalHealth) (i)       MinimummeangradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandC+(Plus)in Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics and English or Kiswahili.

(ii)     “A”level:3PrinciplepassesinBiology,Chemistryand either Physics and Mathematics. OR

(iii)   ADiplomainEnvironmentalHealthoranyotherrelated field recognized by Moi University

(iv)    AhigherNationalDiplomainEnvironmentalHealthorany other related field recognized by Moi University.

FullTime4yearsDayProgramme Mon-Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Someofthemoduleswillbetaught online.


Venue:MoiUniversity,Collegeof Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Eldoret




  BachelorofSciencein Health Informatics 1.     MinimummeangradeofC+(Plus)atKCSEandC+(Plus)in Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics and English or Kiswahili.

2.     “A”level:3PrinciplepassesinBiology,Chemistryandeither Physics and Mathematics. OR

3.     ADiplomainHealthInformaticsoranyotherrelatedfield recognized by Moi University

4.     AhigherNationalDiplomainEnvironmentalHealthorany other related field recognized by Moi University.

FullTime4yearsDayProgramme Mon-Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Some of the modules will be taught online.

Venue:MoiUniversity,Collegeof Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Eldoret



  (i) MasterofPublicHealth (MPH)

Two-yearprograminthe following specializations:

·       Epidemiologyand Disease Control

·       HealthServices Management

·       HealthPromotion

·       DisasterRisk Management

·       HumanNutrition



Forfurtherinformation contact the following:


Email: [email protected]


Phone:+254 770071740

(Moi University)

(i)      Adegreeinahealthrelevant discipline

(ii)   Upper Second-class honours and above in a health relevant discipline from Moi University or its equivalent from other recognized Universities.

(iii)  AtleastONEyearworking Experience.

(iv)  Candidates with lower second-class honours will be considered if in addition they have two years’ workexperience in a health field.



Applicationisonline.KindlyvisitMoiUniversity this process





Mon–Fri: 8.00a.mto 5.00pm


Someofthemoduleswillbetaught online.


Venue:MoiUniversity,Collegeof Health Science, School of Public Health, Eldoret




Evening Programs

Mon– Fri:5.00p.m to 8.00pm


Someofthemoduleswillbetaught online.


Venue:MoiUniversityNairobi Campus Bazaar Plaza





  (ii).MasterofSciencein Field Epidemiology

(2-yearfull-timein-service programme)






Forfurtherinformation contact the following:


Email:[email protected] Phone: +254 745020918

(i)       A holder of an upper second-class honours Degree in BiologicalandHealthSciencesfroman institutionrecognized by Moi University Senate and the Commission for University Education

(ii)     Minimumtwo(2)years working experienceinpublicsector.

(iii)   Beregisteredwiththerelevantprofessionalbody.

(iv)    Bewillingandavailabletobepotentiallydeployedoutside their current duty station and to travel nationally and internationally at short notice.

(v)      Successful candidates will be determined by a two-tier interviewprocessundertheMinistryofHealthbeforefull admission by Moi University


Application details:

Potential applicants should await the Ministry of Health advert in the daily papers.


Applicants should download and fill the biodata form on or and attach full CV, personal statement of 500 words, 3 referees and contact details. County employees must apply through their respective County Directors and/or County Executives in charge of Health and Veterinary services. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. All applications must be received before 5:00 pm on 31st August 2023 and addressed to: The Principal Secretary, Attn. Director Human Resource Management and Development, Ministry of Health, Box 30016, Nairobi

Only candidates shortlisted by the Ministry of Health will fill the online           application                 on                 


Visit the following link to start your Online Application

Modeof Study


Afull-timedayprogrammeoffered by Moi University in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Someofthemoduleswillbetaught online.





Mon-Fri:8:00A.M –5:00 P.M

Fullscholarshipsareavailabletothe successful candidates.


ClassescommenceinSeptember 2023



  (iii)MasterofScience (Health Informatics) Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofSciencesProgrammes.


ABachelor’sDegreeintheHealthSciencesfromMoiUniversity or its equivalent from other institutions approved by Moi University Senate


ABachelor’s Degreein ComputingorInformationSciencefrom MoiUniversityoritsequivalentfromotherinstitutionsapproved by Moi University Senate.


ABachelor’sDegreeinanyotherfieldfromInstitutionsapproved by Moi University Senate plus a Diploma from Kenya Medical Training College (and experience practicing in the Health field)

Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyinEnglish language.

PassadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbytheInstituteof Biomedical Informatics Post-Graduate Committee




–        CollegeofHealthSciences- Eldoret

–        NairobiCampus(Bazaar Plaza)

–        (Mode of Teaching Will be Blended(PhysicalandOnline)

  (iv)MasterofSciencein Infectious Disease and Global Health Meet the common Moi University Senate approved entry requirementsastheyrefertoMasterofSciencesProgrammes.


ABachelor’sDegreeintheHealthSciencesfromMoiUniversity or its equivalent from other institutions approved by Moi University Senate


ABachelor’s Degreein ComputingorInformationSciencefrom MoiUniversityoritsequivalentfromotherinstitutionsapproved by Moi University Senate.


ABachelor’sDegreeinanyotherfieldfromInstitutionsapproved by Moi University Senate plus a Diploma from Kenya Medical Training College (and experience practicing in the Health field)




    Iffromforeigncountries,showevidenceofproficiencyinEnglish language.

PassadmissioninterviewsasdeterminedbytheInstituteof Biomedical Informatics Post-Graduate Committee

  BachelorofSciencein Nursing (i)       Mean Gradeof C +(Plus)and above at KCSE; C+(Plus)in Biology,Chemistry;inMathematicsorPhysicsandineither English or Kiswahili

(ii)    ‘A’ Level – 3 principal passes in Biology and chemistry and either Mathematics or Physics.

(iii)  Holders of Diplomas in relevant area of study from Kenya Medical College must have the following grades.

(a)   Mean grade of C(Plain) and a C(Plain) in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics and anyothersubject or

(b)  Mean grade of C+ and a C+ in Biological Sciences, PhysicalSciencesandMathematicsandeitherEnglishor Kiswahili.

(iv)   O’ & A’ level British GCE system applicants must have an A or B in Biology and Chemistry; and either Mathematics or Physics.

(v)     Diploma in International Baccalaureate (IB) System,with relevant subjects as Biology and Chemistry; and either Mathematics or Physics.

Fulltime4-yearDayProgramme (Trimester System)





Moi University, College of Health Sciences,SchoolofNursingEldoret


TeachingMode:Blended(Physical & Virtual)





  BachelorofSciencein Community Health Education (i)      Mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE; C (Plain) in Biology, Chemistry; Mathematics or Physics and either English or Kiswahili.

(ii)    Holders of qualifications equivalent to the above from institutions recognized by Moi University Senate may be considered.

(iii)  Candidates with relevant diplomas or University degrees who fulfill all other University entry requirements may be considered.

Fulltime4-yearDayProgramme (Semester System)





Moi University, College of Health Sciences,SchoolofNursingEldoret


TeachingMode:Blended(Physical & Virtual)



  MasterofSciencein Midwifery (i)       Be a holder of BSc. Nursing or Midwifery degree or its equivalent from a University recognized by Moi University senate.

(ii)     Shouldhaveatleastone(1)yearofrelevantexperienceafter internship.

(iii)   Beregisteredoreligibleforregistrationasanurse/midwife by the nursing and midwifery council of Kenya.

Modeof Study:Blended Learning


Venue:MoiUniversity,Collegeof HealthSciences,SchoolofNursing Eldoret




Duration:Thisisatwo(2)year programme

(Modeof TeachingWillbeBlended(PhysicalandOnline)


(i)              Toberegistered, astudentmust paythefull Feesforat leastone semester.

(ii)            Foreignstudentstopay 20%abovePSSP rates.

(iii)          AllapplicationshouldbeaccompaniedbyaNon–Refundablefeeof Ksh.500forDiploma,Ksh.1000forUndergraduate programmes and Ksh. 2000 for Postgraduate programmes. Payment details are available at application’s portal-


Forfurtherenquiries emailor callthefollowing:


Academic,Research,Extension&StudentAffairs,   CollegeofHealthSciences   BazaarPlaza(JunctiononBiasharastreet)
P.O.Box3900-30100,ELDORET,Kenya   P.OBox4606-30100,ELDORET   P.O.Box63056-00200,NAIROBI,Kenya






Email:[email protected]   Email:[email protected]   Email:[email protected], [email protected]
P.O.Box3900-30100,ELDORET,Kenya   P.O.Box1948-30100,ELDORET,Kenya  
Tel:+254 790940508





Undergraduate:[email protected]

Postgraduate:[email protected]



Apply now via

NB:Studentsshouldarrangeto payfortheirownaccommodation,livingexpenses,transport,textbooksand stationery.

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