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Ministry of education releases a revised 2020/2021 school calendar

The Ministry of education has revised the 2020 school calendar for all primary and secondary schools. In the new calendar learners in Grade 4, Class 8 and Form Four will begin their 2020 second term on Monday, 12th October, 2020. The term will last for 11 weeks and the closing date has been set to be December 12, 2020. The term has been shortened from the previous (normal) duration of 14 weeks.

Term 3 will last for 11 weeks; starting on January 4, 2021 to March 19, 2021.

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, examinations are set to start on March 22, 2021 and end on March 24, 2021; lasting for only 3 days. On its part, the Kenya Certificate of Secondary education, KCSE, examinations will commence on March 25, 2021 and end on April 16, 2021; taking 3 weeks and 2 days.

Marking of the 2020 KCSE examinations will kick off on April 19, 2021 and end on May 7, 2021. This will last for three weeks. The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, is expected to release the revised KCSE and KCPE timetables.

Here is the revised 2020 school calendar;

1 TERM 2 Grade 4, Class 8 and Form 4 12/10/2020 23/12/2020 11 weeks
2 TERM 2 HOLIDAY Grade 4, Class 8 and Form 4 24/12/2020 01/01/2021 1 week
3 TERM 3 Grade 4, Class 8 and Form 4 04/01/2021 19/03/2021 11 weeks
4 KCPE EXAMS Class 8 22/03/2021 24/03/2021 3 Days
5 KCSE EXAMS Form 4 25/03/2021 16/04/2021 3 weeks and 2 days
6 EXAM MARKING KCSE 19/04/2021 07/05/2021 3  weeks

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