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Maragua Teachers Training College

Maragua Teachers Training College, TTC Read more…

Maragua Teachers Training College Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, Contacts, portals, location. Read more…

Teachers training colleges-TTC in Kenya offer golden opportunities to KCSE candidates who have scored a minimum grade of C plain to pursue primary teacher education either P1 or diploma.

However, before pursuing a course in diploma education its important to ensure that you satisfy the minimum requirements so that after completion you do not find yourself at crossroads with Teachers Service Commission-TSC a body that is mandated with the registration of teachers in Kenya.

Once you have ensured you meet all the minimum requirements the next puzzle is to look for a good teacher training college that will impart you with appropriate skills and Knowledge.


1. Asumbi Teachers College, ATC Homa Bay
2. Baringo Teachers Training College, BTTC Baringo
3. Bondo Teachers Training College Siaya
4. Bomet Teachers’ Training College Bomet
5. Bungoma Teachers’ Training College Bungoma
6. St. Lawrence Egoji Teachers college Meru
7. Eregi Teachers’ Training College Vihiga
8. Garissa Teachers Training college Garissa
9. Kaimosi Teachers’ Training College Vihiga
10. Meru Teachers’ Training College Meru
11. Mosoriot Teachers’ Training College Nandi
12. Murang’a Teachers College Muranga
13. Machakos Teachers Training College Machakos
14. Maragua Teachers Training College Muranga
15. Migori Teachers Training College Migori
16. Narok Teachers College Narok
17. Shanzu Teachers’ Training College Mombasa
18. Tambach Teachers Training College Elgeyo Marakwet
19. Trans-Nzoia Teachers’ Training College Trans Nzoia
20. Kamwenja Teachers Training College Nyeri
21. Kenya Science Teachers College Nairobi
22. Kericho Teachers College Kericho
23. Thogoto Teachers Training College Kiambu
24. Kagumo Teachers College Nyeri
25. Moi-Baringo Teachers’ College Baringo


1. Kamagambo Adventist College Nyeri
2. Nakuru Teachers’ Training College Nakuru
3. Masai Teachers’ Training College Narok
4. Consolata College Nairobi
5. International Teachers Training College Nairobi
6. Kenya Education Staff Institute
7. Amicus Group of Schools Nairobi
8. Bible College of East Africa Nairobi
9. Blescohouse Teachers Training College Nakuru
10. Bunks Early Childhood Education College Nairobi
11. C.F.K. Teachers Training College Nairobi
12. Carol Teachers Training College Nairobi
13. Christ the Teacher Institute for Education Nairobi
14. Deans E.C.D. College Nairobi
15. Deans Teacher Training College Nairobi
16. Glad Toto Early Childhood Teachers Training Centre Nairobi
17. International Montessori School Nairobi
18. International Teachers Training College Nairobi
19. Islamic Teachers’ Training College -Maragua Muranga
20. Jerusa Teachers Training College, Jttc – Butere Kakamega
21. Jomaken ECD Pre-Primary Teachers Training Programme & Care Centre Nairobi
22. Nyanchwa Teachers Training College Kisii
23. Nyeri Catholic Centre for Early Childhood Education Development Nyeri
24. Nyeri Catholic Early Childhood Development Education Teachers Training College (ECDE TTC) Nyeri
25. Orthodox Teachers Training College of Africa Nairobi
26. Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate Meru
27. Premese Montessori Nairobi
28. Special Education & Professional Studies College Nairobi
29. St. Ann’s ECD Teachers College Kisii
30. St. Austin’s Teachers Training College – Ishiara Embu
31. St. John’s Teachers Training College – Thika Kiambu
32. St. Martin De Porres Teachers College – Kiserian Nairobi
33. St. Paul’s Nyabururu Teachers Training College Kisii
34. Sunrise Teachers College – Athi River Machakos
35. Tec Teachers Training Institute – Nairobi Nairobi
36. Thika E.C.D. Academy – Thika Kiambu
37. Total Care Pre-School Teachers College Nairobi

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teaching courses with d plain
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