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Machakos Teachers Training College

Machakos Teachers College (MATECO)

Machakos Teachers College is a Public institution which was established by the Colonial government in 1958. The Institution was established to train female teachers and had 64 students in four classes offering T3, T2, T1 and T1 up-grader Teacher Training courses.

In 1965, some male students were transferred from Tumutumu Teachers College making it co-educational. The first Principal was Miss A. C. Shrubsole. In 1968 the first African Principal, Mr. P. G. King’ori was posted to the College. By then the student population had risen to 240. The College continued to train P1 and P2 teachers up to 1982. From then on the College continued training P1 teachers up to December 2020. As from 2021 the College has been offering Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) training.
Machakos Teachers College is unique in that it also trains students with hearing, visual and physical impairments in an inclusive setting.

Currently, Machakos Teachers College has a teaching staff of 40 lecturers, 46 Non-teaching staff and students population capacity of 1080.

Machakos Teachers Training College Courses, Fees …Read More.

TTCs offer training for both Science (Diploma in Education Science) and Arts (Diploma in Education Arts) teachers. The diploma course lasts for 3 academic years ……Read More.
Download Admission Letter.


Courses offered at Machakos TTC

Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)

The Trainees are required to cover the recommended hours for coursework, required hours for practicum and pass the assessments as directed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).

The Teacher Trainee also undertakes a three months micro-teaching course which is a prerequisite for teaching practice. Candidates are required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behaviour such a School leaving certificate.

Course Requirements

The following are the minimum admission requirements for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education in Kenya.

KCSE Mean Grade of C (Plain) with a C (Plain) in the following subjects.

Humanities (Any one subject);
Sciences (Any one subject) in pure or technical and applied Sciences.

For candidates with disabilities the minimum entry grade is C- (Minus) and a C- (Minus) in the cluster of the subjects stated above.

The duration of the course shall be three (3) years in accordance with the approved Curriculum designs.

The Trainees shall be required to cover the recommended hours for coursework, practicum and pass the assessments as directed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).
The Teacher Trainee shall undertake three months micro-teaching course which is a pre-requisite for teaching practicum.

The trainees shall be required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behaviour such as School Leaving Certificate.


The duration of the course is three (3) years in accordance with the approved Curriculum designs.

Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)

DECTE seeks to develop an effective facilitator of the learning process and who considers the different abilities, learning styles and Special learning needs of individual learners. DECTE curriculum has been designed with an emphasis on experiential and reflective learning to develop appropriate pedagogical skills and Content. This is to ensure that the teacher trainee is adequately prepared to facilitate the learning of all the strands in all the learning areas as prescribed in the curriculum designs.

Course Requirements

The academic entry requirements for the Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) are as follows:

  • C Plain Mean Grade in KCSE or its equivalent (as equated by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
  • Candidates with disabilities are admitted with C Minus (-) grade in KCSE or its equivalent.
  • Candidates are required to produce evidence of adherence to positive moral values and good behaviour such a School leaving certificate.


The duration for the Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) is three (3) years.

The trainees also undertake a Micro Teaching course of three (3 months) which is a pre-requisite for the Teaching Practicum of two school terms.

To be awarded the Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE), the candidate must complete the required hours for coursework and pass the stipulated assessment as directed by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).

How To Join Machakos TTC

Courses offered.

Diploma programs in :-

  1. Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE)
  2. Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE)
  3. Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (UP PTE)
An applicant selected to join Machakos Teachers’ College becomes a bona fide students through the process of registration.
The requirements for registration are as follows:-
  • Letter  of invitation (not a photocopy)
  • Original National Identity Card
  • Original academic certificates

A student who for any reason, fails to register at the college for admission on the officially specified date will not be readmitted but will be made to apply afresh through  Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

A student selected to join a particular public Teacher Training College cannot transfer to another without the authority of the Ministry of Education. A student who is found with forged certificates will not be registered but will be handed over to the  police.

The Application Process

1 Register Online

Join our exciting community by creating an account with our online platform. Your email address, Mobile contacts and ID/Passport Number are needed for this process. Click here to Join Us!

2 Update Your Profile

After successfully creating your account, you will be prompted to login into your profile account. You need to update your personal and educational details accordingly

3 Select Course

After submitting correct data about yourself and academic details, you can now select the appropriate course interested from our list of courses offered.

If your application is complete and you meet the admission requirements, you will be contacted within 48Hrs upon submission!


Postal Address: P.O. Box 124 90100 MACHAKOS, KENYA

Phone: +254 700 393590


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