Longhorn Publisher's Digital Content.

Longhorn publishers offering free Online Learning materials for students and teachers- Details

Giant Pan-African publishing house for educational materials, Longhorn, is offering free unlimited access to its digital content by all learners. This is in an effort to promote Home Schooling as a result of the ongoing shutdown of all learning institutions. This is good news to millions of learners who are at home as a measure to curb the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID19).

“We are offering Free access to our eLearning Platform to help all learners access content for both Primary and Secondary school,” says the company. It is good news for Mobile phone subscribers since the Company has partnered with Airtel Kenya to provide free data access to the platform.

“Grade One to Form Four learners will access learning materials on Longhorn’s online portal, elearning.longhornpublishers.com. The materials provided cover both the new Competency Based Curriculum and also 8-4-4 system,” said Longhorn chief executive Maxwell Wahome via a presser.

Get free data access to the Longhorn Publisher's E-learning platform by using Airtel.

Get free data access to the Longhorn Publisher’s E-learning platform by using Airtel.

Available Electronic materials include: interactive Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) materials, comprehensive notes, questions and examination guides for all classes and forms. Interested individuals can create and log into a free Longhorn account by following the link; https://elearning.longhornpublishers.com/

The key features of the Longhorn's E-learning Platform.

The key features of the Longhorn’s E-learning Platform.

You can at the same tiome download the Longhorn eLearning App from the Google PlayStore to enjoy FREE eLearning materials. The Company runs a Youtube platform that offers a wide range of Elearning services. Subscribe to our Youtube channel via bit.ly/3dh1KQu.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, in collaboration with the kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) and EduChannel is also offering enhanced lessons to learners across the country. 

Universities haven’t been left behind, either. Read details here; University students continue with studies via online platforms: CoronaVirus Pandemic


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