1. 18. Name any one officer of municipal council who is appointed by the public service commission.
  • The town clerk
  • The treasurer
  • The engineer
  • The medical officer of health
  • Municipal education officer

(any 1 x 1 =1 mark)

  1. a) Name three types of local authorities in Kenya.
  • City councils
  • Municipal council
  • Town council
  • County council
  • Urban council

Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks

  1. b) Explain the services offered by local authorities.
  • They provide street lighting
  • Ensure safety of residents
  • Provide houses to residents & approves housing plans for individuals and companies
  • Maintain roads within their areas of jurisdiction.
  • Provide education facilities to residents
  • Provide recreational facilities e.g. stadium, social hall
  • Provide health facilities
  • Provide employment opportunities & training to many people.
  • Provide water & sewerage services, collect garbage in towns & provide proper sanitation.
  • Burying unclaimed bodies/offer cemeteries.
  • Link the people with the government of Kenya through elected leaders.
  • Mobilize local resources and energy in carrying projects within their areas.
  • They promote commercial activities by building and maintaining markets .
  • They make by-laws that regulate the activities and behaviour of those living in their areas of jurisdiction.
  • Maintain public areas such as squares and gardens

Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks

ANS 18,25 DIST 1

  1. Mention two senior officers in Local Authority appointed by the minister of Local government in conjunction with the public service commission     (2mks)
  • clerk
  • treasurer
  • engineer
  • medical officer of health. Any 2 = 2mks

2.(a) Identify five types of Local Authorities in Kenya

-City council

-Urban council

-Municipal council

-Town council

-County council

-Area council


(b) Explain the functions of Local Authorities in Kenya

-local authorities construct and maintain transport network in their areas of jurisdiction

-they provide social service to the people in their areas

-provision of recreation facilities e.g social hall, stadium

– facilitate business transaction between people by providing market

– issuing of trade license

– offers employment opportunities

– Provision of water and sewerage services


ANS 15,23 DIST 2


  1. Name one local Authority responsible for the administration of rural areas
    • County Council
    • Area council                                                             1 x 1 = 1 mark



  1. a) – Medical officer of health

– Treasurer

– Municipal engineer

  1. b) – Links people with the central government through their elected leaders, the councilors

– They mobilize local resources and energies in carrying out projects within their areas.

– It helps in national development through provision of education eg building nursery and

primary schools

– They provide building regulations and protection

– They provide day care centres – social clubs and hostels

– They have the responsibility of controlling pollution from industrial commercial and

other premises in their areas.

– They provide housing services. They build residential houses in their local areas.

– They provide and maintain road network within their areas of jurisdiction.

– They promote commercial activities by building and maintaining markets.

(any six 6 x 2 = 12mks)



3.Name the political head of a town council in Kenya                                                         (1mk)

–           Chairman / chair person .                                                                               1 x 1 = 1mk          

   ANS 16 DIST 6


  1. Name two types of local government authorities in Kenya. ( 2 mks)
  2. i) City council
  3. ii) Urban council

iii)       Municipality

  1. iv) Town council
  2. v) Area council                                                   ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mk)




  1. b) Ways on how the central government controls city councils

-The government appoints professionals officers to serve in the council e.g  engineers

-Enact laws under which the council operates

-Approve council by-laws before they become operational

-Approval of loan application before disbursing funds

-Can appoint a commission to investigate the operations and financial mismanagement of the           councils if such arise

-Appointment of nominated councilors to the city council

-Dissolve councils which failed to perform and appoint a committee to run the council                                                                                       (5×2=10mks)

     ANS 26b,DIST 8


24a)     Name three types of local authorities in Kenya                                                      (3mks)

  1. City council
  2. Municipal council
  • Town council
  1. Urban council
  2. County/area       3×1 = 3mks
  3. b) Name three types of local authorities in Kenya             (3mks)
  4. Over employment.
  5. Misappropriation/embezzlement of funds / corruption
  • Inadequate trained personal to provide services.
  1. Inadequate funds/poverty.
  2. Lack of autonomy due to government control.
  3. Political interference.
  • Street families
  • Increased crime rate.
  1. Vandalism/grabbing of public property
  2. Population increase.
  3. Unplanned structures.
  • Varied sizes/too small to generate enough revenue to offer services to the people while other are too large and their population too high.
  • Traffic congestion/air pollution/Noise pollution.
  • Illiterate councilors
  1. Growth of slums
  • Duplication of roles. 6×2= 12mks




  1. i) City council
  2. ii) Municipal  council

iii) County council

  1. iv) Town council
  2. v) Urban council
  3. iv) Area council. (2×1= 2mks)



  1. . a

– City council

– Municipal councils

– Town councils

– Urban councils

– County councils

– Area councils                                                                                                           (5×1=5mks)


  1. b) – Ensures that local authorities conform to the stipulated national policies.

– nominates councilors to local authorities.

– has power to dissolve a local authority.

– approves by laws made by local authorities.

– has power to investigate activities of any local authority.

– has power to overrule some of the decisions of the local authorities.

– has power to withhold grants to local authorities.

– appoints senior officers of the council e.g. clerks.                                                 (any 5×2=10mks)

ANS 21,DIST 12


  1. Name two types of local authorities in Kenya.       (2mks)
  • City councils
  • Municipal councils
  • County councils
  • Town councils
  • Urban and area council

2 x 1 = 2 marks QUES 14,DIST 14


  1. 2 local authorities in Kenya
    • City council
    • municipal council
    • town council
    • urban council
    • area/county council

   ANS 14,DIST 15


1.County councils.      1×1 = 1mk


ANS 17,DIST 16



  1. – City council

– Municipal

– Country

– Urban/ area council

– Town                                                                                                                        (2 x 1=2mks)

ANS 17 DIST 17                               


  1. a) i) Gives or withholds grants to local authorities
  2. ii) Appoints inspectors to audit the books of accounts of the local authorities as well as

scrutinize the expenditure

iii) Approves levies, rates, taxes and rent increase of local authorities

  1. iv) Approves the loans and expenditure by the local authorities
  2. v) Approves the salaries and emoluments of the chief officers.
  3. b) i)   Lack of autonomy e.g being controlled by central government
  4. ii) Financial problems i.e weak financial base

iii) Manpower problems like lack of enough qualified staff.

  1. iv) Population pressure which strains the city council leading to deteroriation of services.
  2. v) Powers of parliament which interferes with the running of the city council
  3. vi) Poor planning

vii)            Poor equipments e.g outdate fire engines

viii) Poor working relationship between councilors and chief officers

  1. ix) Overemployment of workers
  2. x) Misapropriation of funds
  3. xi) Street families

xii)            Inefficient system of tax collection

xiii) Tax evation                                       (Any 12 x 1 = 12mks)

ANS 22,DIST 18


1.Name two ex-official members of local authorities (2mks)

            – Clerks

– District Commissioners                                                        ANS 14,DIST 20

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