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List of transferred, delocalized Primary School Head Teachers in Bungoma County; December 2019

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC- Kenya. Latest transfers, delocalization news.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC-

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has effected the December 2019 delocalization exercise for school heads. A total of eight (8) Primary School head teachers have been moved in Bungoma County. The handing/ taking over exercise for the administrators is expected to be completed before schools open for first term on January 6, 2020.

Those moved are heads and principals and their deputies serving in their home counties and those who have served in the same station for a long period. Also on the move are new administrators who were appointed after the just concluded interviews .

Teachers with medical conditions have been spared from the ongoing delocalization exercise. Also spared are teachers aged above 56 years and those set to retire.

For all the latest TSC news and delocalization lists, visit;

The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a handful administrators were moved.

 For complete information on all schools in Kenya, including best private and public schools, please visit this link:


Here is the list of affected primary school teachers and their schools in Bungoma County:

S/ No Station Sub county Name County From County To
1 Nasimbo SA Primary Bumula Wamalwa David Juma Bungoma Kakamega
2 Mungore Primary Bumula Echessa David Wafula Bungoma Kakamega
3 Baraki FYM Primary Bungoma Central Kitai David Lukhale Bungoma Kakamega
4 Wamangoli Primary Webuye West Wasike Charles Khamala Bungoma Kakamega
5 Lutungu Primary Bungoma South Simiyu Jeremiah Wafula Bungoma Kakamega
6 Khaweli Primary Bungoma South Masinde Augustine Juma Bungoma Kakamega
7 Nasala Primary Bungoma West Mauka Abraham Manyonge Bungoma Kakamega
8 Kimilili DEB Primary Kimilili Bungoma Kituyi Emmanuel Sikuku Bungoma Kakamega


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