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List of the 20 transferred, delocalized, principals in Siaya County

Siranga Mixed Secondary School in Siaya County.

Siranga Mixed Secondary School in Siaya County.

About twenty (20) Principals have been transferred in Siaya County by the Teachers Service Commission. Those moved are principals serving in their home county (Siaya) and those who have served in the same station for a long period.

Spared, though, are teachers with medical conditions. Also spared are teachers aged above 56 years and those set to retire.

The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a handful administrators were moved.

Here is the list of the transferred Principals:

1 Eunice Juma Memba Secondary
2 Nehemiah Ochieng Chianda
3 Geoffrey Owino Kagonya Secondary
4 George Owino Just Secondary
5 Felix Okeyo Ngunya Secondary
6 Michael Otiko Siranga Mixed
7 Mochama oyondi Maliera Secondary
8 Nyadhi Charles Kapiyo Secondary
9 Omondi Mathews Mbaga Mixed
10 Orach Daniel Usenge High School
11 Reginald Oyugi Gagra Mixed
12 Florence Oloo Aluor Mixed
13 Okoth Duncan Rarieda Mixed
14 Onyango Charles Dirk Allison GSM
15 Omwaro Tom Nyangulu Secondary
16 Akinyi Beatrice Mbeka Secondary
17 Owino Moses Bondo Township
18 Odak Elijah Kokise Secondary
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