The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has effected the December 2019 delocalization exercise for school heads. A total of forty two (42) teachers have been moved in Bungoma County. The handing/ taking over exercise for the administrators is expected to be completed before schools open for first tern on January 6, 2020.
Those moved are heads and principals and their deputies serving in their home counties and those who have served in the same station for a long period. Also on the move are new administrators who were appointed after the just concluded interviews .
Teachers with medical conditions have been spared from the ongoing delocalization exercise. Also spared are teachers aged above 56 years and those set to retire.
The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a handful administrators were moved.
For complete information on all schools in Kenya, including best private and public schools, please visit this link:
Here is the list of affected schools in Bungoma County:
Bishop Atundo Kimaeti Boys Secondary | Peter Maina Hugo | St Peters Ndalu Secondary | Bungoma | Odebero Stephen Nangeri | Kibuon Mixed Secondary School | Migori |
Khasoko Boys Secondary School | Nicholas Kiboi | Usenge Boys Secondary School | Siaya | Daniel Orach Wasambo | Usenge Boys Secondary School | Siaya |
Masielo Secondary School | Andrew Aduda Agwange | Mungakha Mixed Secondary School | Kakamega | Joseph O. Ywaya | Digula Secondary | Vihiga |
St Jude Maunda Secondary School | Jane Wekesa Frances | Malinya Girls Secondary School | Kakamega | Philip Wafula | Sikhendu Mixed Secondary | Bungoma |
St Judes Napara Girls Secondary | Jacinta Malala | St Elizabeth Chepkunyuk Secondary School | Nandi | Florence Okware | St Elizabeth Chepkunyuk Secondary | Nandi |
St Kizito Mayanja Secondary School | Ignatius Mabonga Kong’ani | Cheptantan Mixed Secondary School | Trans Nzoia | Jackson M. Twaem | Cheptantana Mixed Secondary | Trans Nzoia |
St Marys Madgaline Kimatuni Secondary School | Agnetta Makhoha Nafula | Gagra Mixed Secondary School | Siaya | Reginald oyugi | Gagra Mixed Secondary | Siaya |
St Marys Mukhuma Secondary School | Jeridah Nasilwa | Mundere Girls Secondary School | Busia | Anne Khasenye | Mundere Girls Secondary | Busia |
St Paul’s Miluki Girsl Secondary School | Margery Waluchio Sitawa | St Peters Kajulu Secondary School | Kisumu | Catherine Sewe Akinyi | Namisi Secondary School | Bungoma |
St Peters Mwiruti Secondary School | Joyce Namasaka Musanga | Ngetmoi Girls Secondary School | Baringo | Mildred Onyura | Ngetmoi Girls School | Baringo |
Namilama Secondary School | Rosemary Ongalo Achayo | Ratta Mixed Secondary School | Kisumu | Hellen K. Simwa | Mukumu Boys Secondary | Kakamega |
St Charles Lwanga School | Gordon Muga | Kameji Secondary School | Migori | Abuga Barnabas | St Ignatius Secondary School | Trans Nzoia |
Friends Mixed Secondary Nabuyole | Peter Wamalwa Barasa | St John Cheptech Secondary | Vihiga | Ndumwa Nelson | Kitumba PAG Secondary | Vihiga |
Masindu Friends Secondary | Herbert Sunguri Khisa | Mbaga Mixed Secondary | Siaya | Hundson Lunani | Friends Bonde School | Trans Nzoia |
Misimo Mixed Secondary | Eric Temba Wekesa | Digula Secondary School | Vihiga | Charles Watende | Mungakha Mixed Secondary | Kakamega |
St Bridgits Siumbwa | Isabella Simiyu | Friends School Naitiri Secondary | Bungoma | Caroline Mutoro | St Peters Ndalu School | Bungoma |
Mabuuai Secondary | Petronillah Khaemba Nanjala | Chavavo Secondary School | Vihiga | Vitalis Kangayia | Kaptanai Secondary School | Bungoma |
Nzoia Industrial Boys Secondary | Wycliffe Masinde | Milima Secondary School | Trans Nzoia | Jacob Wawire | Muroki Friends Secondary School | Trans Nzoia |
Geoff Brown Secondary | Nelson Wesonga | ACK Kimogoch Secondary School | Nandi | Rosemary Mutai | ACK Kimogoch School | Nandi |
Kaptanai Secondary School | Vitalis Kangayia | Mabuusi Secondary School | Bungoma | Doris Onyango Akinyi | St Thomas Amagoro Girls Secondary | Busia |
Kipsis Secondary School | Josephine Chebonya | Imusutsu Mixed Secondary | Vihiga | Vulimu Jane | Imusutsu Mixed Secondary | Vihiga |
St Augustine Girls Lukhuna Secondary | Hellen Awuor | Myanga Secondary | Bungoma | Joan Owiye | Cardinal Otunga Girls Secondary | Bungoma |
St Peters Ndalu Secondary | Carolyne Mutoro | St Brigits Siumbwa Secondary | Bungoma | Peter Maina Hugo | Bishop Atundo Kimaeti Boys | Bungoma |
Friends School Bokoli Secondary | Conrad Wanjala | Nambale Boys Secondary School | Busia | Musonye Namusendo | Mwihila Boys Secondary | Kakamega |
Friends Secondary Kuywa School | Ann Oloo Okoth | Gidea Girls Secondary | Trans Nzoia | Edward Gisemba | St Lukes Kanunda | Kisii |
Namawanga Girls Secondary | Rose P. Achieng Ochieng | Kitale Secondary School | Trans Nzoia | Jane Karugu | Kasagam Secondary | Kisumu |
St Andrews Matulo Secondary | Peter Asmani Wafula | St Alberts Angira Secondary | Kisumu | Juliana Bukelembe | Shododo Girls | Kakamega |
Chiliba Secondary School | Vacant | . | . | John Kipkorir | Cheptongei Secondary | Elgeyo Marakwet |
AC Butonge Secondary | Vacant | . | . | John Gathaitha | DEB Mutwot Secondary | Uasin Gishu |
St Michaels Ingusi Secondary | Andeto A. Isabella | Kipiyo Secondary | . | . | . | . |
St Theresa’s Kimilili Secondary | Ann Nafula | Kapkartwa Secondary | Trans Nzoia | . | . | . |
Nang’eni girls Secondary | Hellen Mulindi | Biketi Seconadry | Trans Nzoia | .. | . | . |
Teremi High School | Mayu Vincent | St Stephene Aluor Secondary | Siaya | . | . | . |
Namisi Secondary School | Catherine Sewe Akinyi | Miluki Girls Secondary | Bungoma | Aggrey Wafula | . | . |
Nzoia Sugar Girls Secondary | Nato Isabella Nandako | Goibei Girls | Vihiga | Rebbeca Kurgat | . | . |
Matumbutu Baptist Girls | . | . | . | Orikodi Fredrick | St Elizabeth Okatekok Secondary | Busia |
St Elizabeth Lunao School | . | . | . | Musi Ferdinand | Bakhakunga Secondary | Kakamega |
St Kizito Sirende Secondary | Everline Bukhuni | Ngunya Seciondary | Siaya | Felix Okeyo | Nguya Secondary | Siaya |
Friends School Yalusi | Flora Runaku Ligwilu | Kapcheplanget Secondary | Trans Nzoia | Julia Mwangi Nyaguthi | Drs Girls Secondary | Uasin Gishu |
Friends School Yalusi | Flora Runaku Ligwilu | Mbeka Girls Secondary | Siaya | Beatrice Akinyi Isiya | Mbeka Girls Secondary | Siaya |
Pwani Secondary | Sisela Opicho | Trans Nzoia Mixed | Trans Nzoia | Beldinah Adisa | Chavavo Secondary | Vihiga |
Pwani Secondary | Sisela Opicho | Davanga Muslim Secondary | Vihiga | Tabitha E. Okama | Buchenya Girls Secondary | Kakamega |