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List of Shortlisted candidates for 2019 TSC Teacher Internship vacancies; Kitui County, Kitui Central

List of Shortlisted candidates for 2019 TSC Teacher Internship vacancies; Makueni County, Nzaui

List of Shortlisted candidates for 2019 TSC Teacher Internship vacancies; Makueni County, Nzaui

Important details for teachers who applied for the TSC Internship vacancies in Kitui County. The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the lists of shortlisted candidates for the advertized 10,300 teacher internship posts for Primary and Secondary Schools. According to the Commission, the lists of shortlisted applicants has been dispatched to all counties. “Applicants are advised that interviews shall be conducted at the county TSC offices. A list of applicants have been sent to each county,” reads a memo dated November 7, 2019 from Catherine Lenairoshi; of TSC Corporate Communications Office. According to instructions on the memo, the shortlisted Candidates are required to carry the following to the interviews; whose dates will be announced in due course:
  • i. A valid certificate of Good conduct
  • ii. A valid personal accident cover
  • iii. National ID card
  • iv. Disability card if any
  • v. Two passport size photographs
  • vi. KCSE certificate
  • vii. KCPE certificate
  • viii. Diploma / degree certificate and Transcripts
  • ix. Primary/secondary or college leaving certificate
  • x. Kra pin
  • xi. Bank plate

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Here is the list of Shortlisted Candidates in Kitui Central Subcounty; the list contains the school name, Subject to be filled and number of applicants to be interviewed;
KITUI                                              : MWINGI CENTRAL
CC County SCC SubCounty Inst.ID School Name Subjects TSC.No Name Mobile DoB Gender Grad.Yr Qualification GPA Score%
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103020 Yambyu Girls Secondary School Chem/Phy 847953 ALEX KIPRUTO MAIYO 0796262471 08/09/1993 M 2019 B.Ed 2nd Class Lower 35
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 766301 ESTHER MWIKALI KAMAU 0703839121 06/10/1992 M 2017 B.Ed 2nd Class Upper 50
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 767137 Anna Syokwia Kimanthi 0719434976 16/02/1992 F 2016 Dip.Ed Credit 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 828145 JEREMIAH MUHORO MBURU 0799664538 M 2018 B.Ed 2nd Class Upper 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 784642 Benard Maroko Ombui 0700349701 25/09/1990 M 2017 B.Ed 2nd Class Lower 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 720107 Theophilus Kyalo Kakuli 0718583236 26/11/1991 M 2016 Dip.Ed Credit 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 840999 EMMANUEL  KHAEMBA 0715045680 14/07/1992 M 2018 B.Ed 2nd Class Upper 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 820703 STEPHEN SAITOTI KITHEKA 0796656212 03/01/1993 M 2018 B.Ed 2nd Class Upper 45
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 846504 George Ngotho MUASYA 0725277560 25/03/1992 M 2018 B.Ed 2nd Class Lower 40
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 785720 CALVIN MOSE MIRONGA 0790246238 15/04/1996 M 2017 B.Ed 20
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 839091 RODGERS KENYANYA MOSES 0717175265 20/03/1997 M 2018 B.Ed 15
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 826106 WINFREND MBULA NZUKI 0720082967 F 2018 B.Ed 15
15 KITUI 069 MWINGI CENTRAL 147014103039 Kiio Secondary School Bio/Math 845222 CALEB WAMBUA KIMEU 0711627194 10/06/1996 M 2019 B.Ed 10
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