List of Education Reforms Rejected by TSC


The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has rejected a number of reforms proposed by the Presidential working committee on Education reforms.

Some of the proposed reforms will see the TSC lose mandate over control of the teachers.

These includes;

1.Principles reporting to the ministry rather than tsc

2. The merge of quality assurance, instead of being controlled by tsc, to be ran by the ministry

3. Teacher promotion to be done by the ministry not tsc

4. Formation of comprehensive school under one management.( PP1- grade 9 ) . TSC opposes this on the ground that it will increase institutional administrators, ecd education as per the constitution should be under county control & can only be transferred to tsc if county government passes legal framework to do the same.
There is no parliament legal frame work developed to guide on establishment & implementation of comprehensive schools.

5. Internship to be mandatory to all teachers before being considered for pnp. Tsc considers this as unfair & discriminative.

6. Ministry to have power to set teacher training qualifications. That involves raising or lowering college entry grades. Tsc this as an asurpation to the commissions constitutional mandate plus interferes with already set tsc codes of qualifications, policy framework and doesn’t consider the legal agencies already set to deal with the same matter.
Additionaly the task force entry directives were not aligned with CBC framework.

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