List of all Public Colleges in Kenya, Courses List and Fees
December 13, 2024 | Teachers' Resources |
| List of all Public Colleges in Kenya, Courses List and Fees
Public Colleges
- Ahmed Shahame Mwidani Technical Training Institute
- Aldai Technical Training Institute
- Alupe University TVET Institute
- Asumbi Teachers Training College
- Bahati Institute of Business and Administration
- Belgut Technical and Vocational College
- Bandari Maritime Academy
- Baringo Technical College
- Bishop Mahon Teachers Training College
- Bomet Central Technical Vocational College
- Bondo Technical Training Institute
- Borabu Technical Training Institute
- Bukura Agricultural College
- Bumbe Technical Training Institute
- Bunyala Technical Training Institute
- Bunyore Teachers Training College
- Bureti Technical Training Institute
- Bushiangala Technical Training Institute
- Butere Technical and Vocational College
- Centre for Tourism Training and Research
- Chanzeywe Technical Vocational College
- Chuka Technical and Vocational College
- Cherengany Technical & Vocational College
- Chepsirei Technical And Vocational College
- The CUK Nairobi CBD Training Institute
- Seme Technical And Vocational College
- Kimasian Technical And Vocational College
- Elwak Technical and Vocational College
- Emsos Technical And Vocational College
- Gatundu South Technical And Vocational College
- Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College
- Mabera Technical And Vocational College
- Kendege Technical And Vocational College
- Webuye West Technical And Vocational College
- Lari Technical And Vocational College
- Kaelo Technical Training Institute
- Chamasiri Technical And Vocational College
- Chepalungu Technical Training Institute
- Coast Institute Of Technology
- David N Wambuli Technical and Vocational College
- East Africa Institute of Certified Studies
- East Africa School of Aviation
- Ebukanga Technical and Vocational College
- Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute
- Emining Technical Training Institute
- Emsos Technical and Vocational College
- Endebess Technical Training Institute
- Fayya Texchnical & Vocational College
- Friends College Kaimosi
- Galana Teacher Training College
- Garissa Teachers Training College
- Gatanga Technical and Vocational College
- Gitwebe Technical Training Institute
- Godoma Technical Training Institute
- Ijara Technical & Vocational College
- Ikutha Technical Training Institute
- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology TVET Institute
- Kabarak University TVET Institute
- Kaiboi Technical Training Institute
- Kaimosi Teachers Training College
- Kajiado West Technical and Vocational College
- Kakrao Technical & Vocational College
- Kamukunji Technical and Vocational College
- Kapchepkor Technical Training Institute
- Kapcherop Technical and Vocational College
- Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf
- Kericho Teachers’ College
- Kericho Township Technical and Vocational College
- Karumo Technical Training Institute
- Kasarani Technical and Vocational College
- Katine Technical Training Institute
- Kenya Forestry College
- Kenya Industrial Training Institute
- Kenya Institute of Highways & Building Technology
- Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
- Kenya School of Monetary Studies
- Kenya School of Revenue Administration
- Kenya Institute of Surveying and Mapping
- Kenya Water Institute
- Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute
- Kericho Township Technical and Vocational College
- Keroka Technical Training Institute
- Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
- Kibwezi West TVC
- Kieni Technical And Vocational College
- Kigumo Technical Training Institute
- Kiirua Technical Training Institute
- Kimasian Technical And Vocational College
- Kiminini Technical And Vocational College
- Kinango Technical And Vocational College
- Kinangop Technical And Vocational College
- Kinoo Vocational Training Centre
- Kipipiri Technical and Vocational College
- Kipkabus Technical and Vocational College
- Kipsinende Technical and Vocational College
- Kipsoen Technical And Vocational College
- Kiptaragon Technical And Vocational College
- Kisiwa Technical Training Institute
- Kisii University TVET Institute
- Kitelakapel Technical and Vocational College
- Kongoni Technical And Vocational College
- Konoin Technical Training Institute
- Koshin Technical Training Institute
- Kwale Teachers Training College
- Laikipia East Technical and Vocational College
- Laikipia North Technical and Vocational College
- Laikipia University TVET Institute
- Laisamis Technical and Vocational College
- Limuru Technical Vocational College
- Lodwar Technical And Vocational College
- Lungalunga Technical Vocational College
- Maasai Mara Technical and Vocational Training College
- Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind
- Mama Ngina University College
- Manyatta Technical Vocational College
- Marist Technical Vocational College
- Masai Technical Training Institute
- Masinga Technical and Vocational College
- Mathenge Technical Training Institute
- Mathioya Technical and Vocational College
- Mathira Technical and Vocational College
- Matili Technical Training Institute
- Mawego Technical Training Institute
- Mbeere North Technical And Vocational College
- Merti Technical Training Institute
- Meru Teachers Training College
- Michuki Technical Training Institute
- Mitunguu Technical Training Institute
- Mochoi Technical and Vocational College
- Mochongoi Technical and Vocational College
- Moiben Technical and Vocational College
- Molo Technical Vocational College
- Morendat Institute of Oil & Gas
- Msambweni Technical and Vocational College
- Mukiria Technical Training Institute
- Mukurwe-ini Technical Training Institute
- Mulango Technical & Vocational College
- Mumias West Technical and Vocational College
- Mungatsi Technical and Vocational College
- Murang’a Technical Training Institute
- Murang’a University of Technology TVET Institute
- Musakasa Technical Training Institute
- Mwala Technical Vocational College
- Mwea Technical & Vocational College
- Nachu Technical and Vocational College
- Nairobi Technical Training Institute
- Naivasha Technical and Vocational College
- Narock Teachers Training College
- Ndaragwa Technical and Vocational College
- Ndia Technical and Vocational College
- Ngong Technical And Vocational College
- Njoro Technical Training Institute
- Nkabune Technical Training Institute
- North Horr Technical & Vocational College
- Nuu Technical and Vocational College
- Nyaga Vocational Training Centre
- Nyakach Technical And Vocational College
- Nyandarua Institute of Science & Technology
- Okame Technical Training Institute
- Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute
- Omuga Technical And Vocational College
- P.C Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute
- Rachuonyo Technical Vocational College
- Railway Training Institute
- Ramogi Institute Of Advanced Techology
- Rangwe Technical And Vocational College
- Riamo technical Vocational College
- Riatirimba Technical Vocational College
- Rift Valley Institute of Science & Technology
- Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
- Rongo University Technical & Vocational Training Institute
- Ruiru Technical And Vocational College
- Runyenjes Technical and Vocational College
- Rwika Technical Institute
- Sabatia Technical and Vocational College
- Sang’alo Insitute of Science & Technology
- Seme Teachers College
- Shamberere Technical Training Institute
- Samburu Technical And Vocational College
- SEKU Directorate Of TVET Wote Campus
- Siala Technical Training Institute
- Siaya Institute of Technology
- Sirisia Technical Vocational College
- Siruti Technical & Vocational College
- Sot Technical Training Institute
- Sotik Technical Training Institute
- St. Augustine Teacher’s Training College – Eregi
- St. Joseph’s Technical Institute for the Deaf Nyang’oma
- Tambach Teachers College
- Technology Development Centre – Athi River
- Tetu Technical and Vocational College
- Tharaka Technical and Vocational College
- Tharaka University TVET Institute
- The University of Embu TVET Institute
- Thika Technical Training Institute
- Thogoto Vocational Training Centre
- Tom Mboya Labour College
- Turkana East Technical And Vocational College
- Ugenya Technical and Vocational College
- Ugunja Technical And Vocational College
- Uriri Technical And Vocational College
- Wajir East Technical & Vocational College
- Weru Technical And Vocational College
- Wote Technical Training Institute
- Wumingu Technical & Vocational College
- Ziwa Technical Training Institute