Latest List of Top Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

What is diploma in teacher education?

The Diploma in Education (Arts) is a three academic year programme including a teaching practice and prepares those students who intend to be teachers in secondary schools. The programme is designed to provide access to education and meet the increased demand for teachers nationally and regionally. Programme Objectives.

How do I become a diploma teacher?

  1. Steps with a Bachelor’s Degree. Program Levels. …
  2. Get a High School Diploma or GED. Most colleges and universities require students to obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent prior to being admitted. …
  3. Decide What Type of Teacher You Want to Be. …
  4. Choose the Appropriate Educational Program.

How long is a teacher training course?

Studying for a degree typically takes three to four years to complete, depending on the course. This can take longer if only studying part-time. The exact length of part-time study can vary depending on the course, or the institution you are studying at, but it typically takes around four to six years to complete.

Here are the Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya

Kapenguria West Teachers Training College

Kilimambogo Teachers College

Kenya Technical Teachers College (KTTC)

Teachers College Kenya

Chesta Teachers Training College

Nyandarua Teachers College

Mewa Teachers Training College

Kibwezi Teachers Training College

Ludepe Teachers College

Kerugoya Teachers College

Muhoroni Regional College of Education

The Serenity College

Samburu Teachers Training College

Rongai Teachers Training College

Garrison Teachers Training College

Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College

Baringo County Training College, Kabarnet

Tream Teachers College, Matuu

Wibs Teachers College, Kitengela

Kibabii Diploma Teachers Training College, Kimilili

Valley Teachers Training College, Litein

Mkongani ECD Teachers Training College, Kwale

Mandera Teachers Training College, Mandera

Isiolo ECDE Teachers Training College, Isiolo

Nairobi Zoezi Institute, Nairobi

Tendo Valley Teachers College, Maua

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