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kuccps second revision of courses 2021

Kuccps 2021/2022 online applications

Kuccps online course applications and revision news.

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) wishes to announce that the online application system for the 2021/2022 Second Revision of degree, diploma and certificate choices is now open. If your name appears in the list of KCSE 2020 students who are supposed to revise their courses, then this is the final  chance to revise your choices.

The Second Revision has been opened for all the applicants who, on competitive selection after the First Revision of Choices, have not secured any of their choices for placement to universities and colleges.

The KCSE index numbers of these applicants are listed HERE. Principals of the secondary schools whose former students’ index numbers are listed on the website kindly inform the affected applicants to revise their choices.

In addition, students who did not apply through their schools and missed the First Revision of Choices may use this opportunity to submit their applications.

You will be required to select new choices from the degree, diploma and craft/artisan certificate courses with unfilled capacities, which are also listed on the website, and submit afresh.

Applicants whose index numbers are not in the list have already provisionally secured one of their choices, hence are not required to reapply. 

Application Guidelines

  1. Applications must be submitted through the KUCCPS Student’s Portal.
  2. Applications may also be submitted through the Placement Service App, KUCCPS STUDENTSwhich is available for download on Play Store.
  3. More information including detailed application guidelines, institutions, available programmes, minimum subject requirements and previous cut-off points are available on the Portal.

See the procedure for Kuccps courses application and revision.

Payment of the Placement Processing Fee

  1. Applicants who did the First Revision of Choices but failed to secure any of their choices are not required to pay the placement processing fee during the Second Revision. Instead, they should submit the MPesa transaction code they used during the First Revision.
  2. Those who applied through their schools but missed the First Revision should pay the amount indicated in their accounts in the Student’s Portal.
    Note: They should not make any payment until they have logged in to the Student’s Portal and completed all the application steps. Please follow the payment instructions on the portal carefully.
  3. Candidates who neither applied through their schools nor during the First Revision and are selecting courses for the first time will be required to pay a placement processing fee of Ksh1,500.
    Note: They should not make any payment until they have logged in to the Student’s Portal and completed all the application steps. Please follow the payment instructions on the portal carefully.

The placement application process is automated and applications can be submitted online from any location through mobile phones, tablets and computers connected to the Internet.

Applicants are advised to observe the deadline as late applications will not be accepted.


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