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Kuccps Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics Courses: Latest details



The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is an agency of the Kenya government established to undertake the placement of students to universities and colleges and develop career guidance programmes for students, among other functions.


  1. Coordinate the placement of Government-sponsored students to universities and colleges;
  2. Disseminate information on available programmes, their costs and areas of study as prioritised by the Government;
  3. Collect and retain data relating to university and college placement;
  4. Develop career guidance programmes for the benefit of students;
  5. Advise the Government on matters relating to university and college student placement; and
  6. Perform any other function assigned to it under the Act

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics, but a far wider range of academic disciplines fall under this description. Here’s a list of some of the other STEM courses you could study:

  • Mathematics
  • Astronomy
  • Computer science
  • Electrical engineering
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Physics
  • Statistics
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering

Why STEM Programmes?

Scientific and technological innovations have become crucial in the 21st century and to succeed in the highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to match today’s advancements.

  1. STEM Education and Gender Roles

STEM Education breaks the traditional gender roles. It helps in bridging the gender gaps that sometimes exist between math and science fields through development of initiatives that are geared towards the increasing the roles of women in STEM related fields.

  1. A priority focus on STEM is key to overcoming limitations that are brought by the gap between the knowledge generated in the education system and the skills demanded by
  2. Future careers rely heavily on 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, cultural awareness, collaboration and problem STEM complements the development of 21st century skills.

STEM Careers

  • STEM careers are in high demand!
  • You get to work on
  • There are more flexible working
  • Your creative instincts and interests will be needed,

–   You actually contribute to the tangible or intangible advancement of society.

  • The pleasure of discovery or of solving a tricky
  • You may work with really sophisticated
  • STEM careers are highly
  • The field is always changing and challenging, you will never be
  • Your career can still morph into a managerial
  • You can always start in a STEM field and later decide to do something else: law, arts, business
  • Salaries tend to be on the higher
  • You learn that it is OK to fail (even repeatedly) if your outlook is

This will build your confidence and resilience!

Preparing for STEM

  • Get good
  • Engage in extra-curricular activities that expose you to
    • Math clubs, Science fairs
  • Holiday programs in STEM will widen your appreciation
  • Talk to family, friends and mentors who are involved in science
  • Work in
    • Even if the subjects are not set up that
    • Seek help from teachers and students ahead of you, this is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of purpose and resourcefulness!

What are some of the offered degree in STEM programmes?


1. Bachelor of Science in industrial Chemistry Bachelor of Technology (Applied Statistics) Bachelor of Technology (Communication and Computer Networks)
2. Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Science (Mathematics With It) Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
3. Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Bachelor of Science (Financial Engineering) Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science & Technology)
4. Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Economics) Bachelor of Technology (Medical Laboratory Science)
5. Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural & Bio-Systems Engineering) Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science With It) Bachelor of Science (industrial Mathematics)



Programmes under TVET are also within the requirements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). STEM knowledge and skills play a key role in sustainable growth and stability of the economy.


1. Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Craft Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) Artisan in Electrical installation
2. Diploma in industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology Craft in Food Processing Technology Nvcet Certificate in information Communication Technology
3. Diploma in information Communication Technology Craft in information Communication Technology Nvcet in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
4. Diploma in Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) Craft in Civil Engineering Trade Test in Leatherwork Technology
5. Diploma in Computer Science Craft in Science Laboratory Technology Artisan in Food and Beverage Production and Service


Challenges Facing Gender Balance in STEM

  • Lack of access to female role models
  • Hazy path to
  • Lack of practical experience
  • Thinking abilities are static and cannot be improved
  • Lack of confidence
  • False stereotypes about STEM

Empowering  Female Students

  • Teach a Growth Mentality
    • Emphasizing that skills change and develop over time, the important thing is to keep
  • Offering Hands-On STEM Exercises
    • Practical experiences in class, can bring STEM subjects to
  • Teach the value of failure
    • Encouraging learners to view setbacks as a part of the learning
  • Confidence building
    • Provide opportunities to succeed such as science fairs and rewards for innovations
    • Creating an enabling environment for struggling
  • Provide Role Models
  • The following are potential areas of putting girls in contact with the role models:
    • Having teachers, preferably female, who mentor and encourage
    • Matching the new students with willing upper class female
    • Career expo/workshops with invited female industry
  • Combating False Stereotypes about Women in STEM
    • Sensitizing girls in high school and the public on the benefits of STEM Such as employability and market preferences.
  • Talk about Successful Women in Industry
    • Aim to show learners that success in the field is achievable by providing practical examples of successful

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